is Batman vs Superman worth watching? I know the critics hated it, but is it kino?
Is Batman vs Superman worth watching? I know the critics hated it, but is it kino?
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It's the best movie ever made and redditors will never, ever understand it
its pretty meh
6/10 at most
No, it's bad. There's a Sup Forums meme of people calling it kino and telling you that every single thing in the movie has a deeper meaning, don't fall for it. It's drivel.
These are false gods.
These. If you get drunk it's passable.
you should watch it just to be part of the zeitgeist
all wrong, it's garbage
Best blockbuster in a decade
It is a pretty bad movie, but it has its moments visually. Batman solo scenes aren't too bad. I bet a pretty decent cut could be made if you removed the Lex Luthor/Doomsday/Wonder Woman shit.
"Homme d'acier contre Homme chauve-souris: Aube de Justice" is fantastic user
it's ok, the storm of ultrashilling from disney and countershilling by memesters is GOAT tho
>reposting shit that was refuted the first time
i want redditors like you gone
Greetings fellow Kino lover.
I just watched this film on the train today.
It's a great bit of kino actually. I really enjoyed it. I don't think wonder woman was needed and she made the film seem a bit busy.
I was watching a 3 hour version which suggests I was watching the directors cut.
The motives of the character seemed clear, it was well paced and I'd probably watch a sequel.
I give it 8/10
I liked it (both the theatrical and ultimate cuts). But it's neither the masterpiece nor the steaming pile of shit its fans and critics say it is. Polarizing is really the best way to describe it.
It was never refuted.
>lying on Sup Forums
Watched it a couple of days ago. I don't know if it's "kino", but it's definitely better and more intelligent than the Marvel films with their constant jokes. The last battle is pretty shitty CGI fest stuff, though, unfortunately.
Rest of the film is great, and the BvS fight itself was brutal. Really intrigued by Batman as a character for the first time in awhile.
its real garbage, random scenes thrown together with shit cgi
t. pleb
It was never refuted.
it's kino.
one of the best capefilms ever made IMO.
it's shit
It's meh
Went to go see it with my girlfriend, expected the worst thanks to Sup Forums.
But wow, the whole cinema was on the edge of their seats.
Perfect characters. Perfect script. Perfect delivery.
The moment the film ended I was clapping and I had tears in my eyes as I uttered "le nouveau film de Batman vs Superman est un kino dans sa forme la plus pure"
It's the best kino of 2016, no doubt about it.
you have to go back
nobody's going to read all that shit autist
you have to go back
figure it out
not an answer triggered Sup Forums pleb
Worth it.
The theater version is shit. The Ultimate Edition is so much better. I saw it in theatres on opening night and I felt like it dragged on. But when I watched the Ultimate Edition I didn't feel bored at all and it actually felt like it moved along quicker even though it is about 30 min longer. Some executive producer probably decided that he/she didn't like the idea of a 3 hr movie and made Snyder trim it down. But the extra 30 min really does make a huge difference. There were just so many random plot holes that were explained perfectly with that extra time.
Pretty bad for me.
It has outright plot holes because of a flawed script and editting which is a shame since some action and cinematography is quite good.
Other problem is that superman is really shat on and made uncharismatic as fuck. Wonderwoman and cameos are shoed in and Lex feels hollow because they cut so much away.
Good bits and bad bits even out to being average 5/10. Would made rewatch for background when friends are over.
It didn't deserve all the hate it got but it shouldn't be regarded as a masterpiece either.
I love it personally.
It's so bad that redditors had to make up another classification for it (capekino)
Snyder didn't earn it.
only cucks hate it
see image for cuck that hates superman
This is a good meme
>blonde attractive girls love superman
>cuck numales hate him
this director knew what he was doing
>still advertising your shitty video
Civil War was so much better it's actually pathetic.
It came close but all the quipping during the airport fight ruined it.
>fedora tip
>when only Sup Forums virgins liked this disaster
>participates in company wars
I thought BVS was a total disaster too but if you're going to criticize a movie at least tell us why it was so bad, instead of saying ''oh it was awful it was so bad so cringe''
it's self evident from minute 1 why it's bad
why is that?
>still can't think of something constructive to say
I'd set the mark at minute 5:30 when the Waynecorp staff are too stupid to realize they have to evacuate the building and instead wait for Bruce to tell them to evacuate
>defending bvs
It tried to set up a universe of characters backwards from the way Marvel did avengers, it had no plotline, no contrasting ideal or personality between the 2 leads, predictable comic book plot when it wasn't just random disconnected subplot scenes that went on for too long, ugly dour cinematography, etc etc etc
this, that's where everything fall apart and you realize it's a Zack Snyder movie
really makes you think
yea that's closer, nothing was pure awfulness until that lapse in logic. superman and batman dealing with the collateral damage could've been interesting, but it was just a bunch of scenes of them looking stoic. civil war was fucking Nuremberg Trials by comparison
>another thread proving only literal retards actually hate this film
very impressive.
>liking bvs
I mean you can avoid that issue simply by changing the scenario to involve staff stuck on the upper floors with Bruce on the way there to rescue them, but instead they put that shit there for the cheap 9/11 reference
yeah pretty much. It also contradicts just pure logic which is insulting to our intelligence. the people in 9/11 thought it was a freak accident, the people in BvS see a giant alien weapon in the sky going full Independence Day and they say "should we leave?"
Imagine being a DCuck watching BvS and having to be all like "damn, Zack Snyder, you fuckin' patrician, all mature with your film student symbolism and drab colour filters. I would totally enjoy a four hour cut of your movie, both my online persona and the real me" when all you really want to do is watch another fun Marvel adventure while pretending to hate it on Sup Forums. Like seriously imagine having to be a DCuck and not only sit in the cinema while a pointless Lois Lane subplot about African warlords and bullets drags on, the MTV editing barely concealing the turgid, disconnected storyline, and just sit there, scene after scene, hour after hour, while she establishes the bullet proves Lexcorp’s involvement in a plan to discredit Superman, which has no bearing on the film’s actual plot whatsover. Not only having to tolerate the movies bloated running time, but its pretentious attitude as shot after shot tells you THIS MOVIE IS PROFOUND and DAMN, SUPERMAN IS JESUS?? because the producers of this movie aren’t the ones who have to go online and watch Marvel fans post Chris Evans gifs you didn't even know existed before.
Worth watching the ultimate edition, if you've never seen the theatrical cut you might actually like it, because its far better paced and the plot makes more sense. still has issues but worth seeing.
>16 year olds try to discuss a film
This critic brings up a good point.
You've been idolising nothing but Batman: TDK and Cavill’s morose “Superman” ever since Man of Steel was released to lukewarm reviews a few years ago. You've never even seen anything this fucking disgusting before, and now you swear you can taste the sweat breaking out on Warner executives foreheads as they read the reviews and get the first sales figures through, smugly assured by Deborah Snyder that “this one’ll crack $2bn”, the blockbuster she spent so much time hyping up to board members in the previous months. And then the movie cuts to Wonder Woman opening an email which has mpegs of crummy Justice League superheroes, each with their own fucking LOGO, and you know you could kill every single person in the cinema before the security guards took you down, but you sit there and endure, because you're a fucking DCuck. You're not going to walk out of the cinema while the staff can still see the tears running down your face. Just bear it. Hide your face and bear it.
>postings gifs is an argument
why would i want to argue with a 16 year old?
>I win
how campy is it?
It honestly sounds like you haven't watched the movie. Nothing what you said makes any sense.
the people who defend this movie are fucking retarded.
From what I've seen it's usually the people who endlessly whine about the movie that have the most inane arguments about it
defending this movie is a meme.
this movie is garbage and if you make a thread about it, it will be shit upon by people because it was bad.
Cringed. Kys
See what I mean, the shit you retards say.
Yeah it's great.
Only people with small brain hate it
You can't even come up with a reason for why it was bad.
Just reinforcing my point.
It is pure kinõgräphy and my favorite Superhero flick (tied with Man of Steel) amongst the shit heap that used to be DC and all those polished Marvel turds.
yeah, when there's a fire fight outside, the first thing i do is go outside. You're a genius.