Maybe women are funny after all
Maybe women are funny after all
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Why is there such as vast difference between All Critics and Top Critics?
That critics consensus is retarded
Who writes that shit?
check again
If it's 69 now, it will definitely fall below 30 when all the reviews are out.
Still not available. I wonder why?
Not that big difference in rating : 6,4 and 6
I bet feminists are fuming seeing Chris Hemsworth on the marketing and getting top billing in some places (so he should be)
I've heard a lot of reviews say he's the highlight of the movie
>Maybe women are funny after all
>Implying Hemsworth isnĀ“t the only this is getting positive reviews.
A feminist.
RT is so cancerous.
wtf i love women now
he is just an eyecandy for women, though. Or could you name a movie he is good in? thor is shit. he is shit.
Average rating: 6.4/10
Average rating: 6.5/10
in the heart of the sea
trigger warning black hat
>the movie has a good cast, 3/5 stars
critics are scared of the backlash if they give a negative review
probably not watch it and see it flop in the box office. Hate to admit but thats all that seems to matter in films lately
You're very new to this medium
>buzzfeed news
>top critic
why is this allowed?
last few years I mean by lately.
Sup Forums BTFO
Huh, I don't hate women anymore
Why do you guys keep mentioning Sup Forums? Sup Forums is like the most feminist board on all of Sup Forums.
top critics are usually from print publications or online outlets of print publications. it follows that they would on average be older, spend less time on the internet, etc.
the younger, online-only critics on the other hand are aware of the backlash, and that's 100% skewing their reviews. this movie is a political battle for them.
>the feminist message matters more than it being a shit movie
>positive review
Holy fuck.
>last few years
Keep trying
Nailed it.
Fuck that shit, not seeing it just on the girl power shit. If they left that out of be more in to it
wewewew ladadadads
Redditor shills are autistic
So in the end it can't hold a candle to the original, destined to be forgotten by the end of the year just like 99% of all remakes. No redemptions, no suicide watches.
>6/13 top reviewers are positive
>rotten calls it 56% positive for top reviewers
What a bunch of hacks
Did anyone really think reviewers would be willing to be negative about this movie? We all know what the reaction would have been if they had.
forgotten until the sequel :^)
>top critics review already plummeting
>can't blackmail the murray back for another cameo this time
>thinks a sequel is ever going to happen
o im laffin
>already plummeting
>went from 29% to 46%
sure thing bro!
Nice defense buddy, I'm sure you only listen to the top critics before you go see a movie. God look at what the top critics say about Ghostbusters 2
It was up to fifty something at one point, not that it really matters
Like all things having to do with feminists, Ghostbusters is being graded on a curve.
It's the Women's Studies of summer blockbusters.
>i-it was 50 bro!
it was 29% and retards on this board made multiple threads about it
but go ahead and say
>it's plummeting
I love the new Ghostbusters, not because I'll see it, but to watch everyone damage control online!
I'm not actually the guy you replied to - nice rage tho
It's become a feminist issue. Same shitty movie, now a critical darling. Wholly expected.
Imagine those cunts sitting in the dark theater, forced smiles and laughter trying to convince themselves they're enjoying this turd.
>scores go up
>threads die
>facts are rage
Sup Forums = Gamergate = Harrassment of (innocent) female games developers = Misogyny
Therefore: Misogyny = Sup Forums
Ghostbusters 2 was pretty bad from what I remember
>tfw you realize that no matter how shit the movie is it'll make a ton of money regardless
I hope you're ready for more progressive and thought provoking reboots and sequels such as this one
How is this even possible?
Sup Forums BTFO
Did you miss the words 'not that it really matters' out of my first post? You're trying to argue with someone who agrees with you.
>The owners of Tumblr are shitting on feminist Ghostbusters
Wow. Awkward.
>only one woman gave this a negative review
Gimme more butthurt user! Yum yum yum!
The reviews are a fun range - usually a middle of the road movie has middle of the road reviews. This seems to have a real collection of 'best film evar' and 'what is this shit' reviews.
Only if it gets to 98%.
Very Problematic.
Who said it's best film ever? making a collection.
Welcome to the culture war.
Why is the audience not allowed to review it yet. Anyone know?
>it'll make a ton of money
I don't think it will. Did you see the threads where Anons showed screencaps of their local theatres booking sites? The places were all about 95% empty.
Next to other recent franchise movies (Fury Road, Star Wars, Star Trek, Capeshit: Dawn of Justice, Capeshit: Apocalypse etc) this will bomb so fucking hard.
Questions will be asked, Feig will never be trusted with a budget again, and the cast members will never live down the humiliation of having been involved.
China doesn't allow ghosts so no it'll bomb pretty hard
Because it's not out yet.
>look mom I'm trolling on the internet!
The other trick is that it's up against some pretty hefty films next weekend. Still, good reviews mean a bad opening weekend could be followed by a slow burning stretch where it gradually builds up cash.
I hope it wrecks the career of that fat one. Jesus, that woman makes Paul Blart seem brilliant.
She wanted to be in this movie because she's a huge fan of the CARTOON series. That awful fucking cartoon.
These threads are so creative man
Because actual critics are being fair and everyone else are just manbabies who haven't even seen the movie but want to see it fail to stick it to feminism or something.
>alvin and the chipmunks will do well because they'll get the tickets from families who couldn't get a ticket to star wars
good one
It literally has no competition. Pick related is what's coming out on the 15th. Everything besides Ghostbusters is low budget, limited release stuff that the general public doesn't care about. Combine this with the well known names in the movie, the fact that it's been advertised to hell and back (literally every movie I've went to see since the original Ghostbusters trailer came out, even fucking Finding Dory, had a Ghostbusters trailer played before it) and the online "backlash" over the original trailer that was blamed on sexism and spread like wildfire through the media, and you've got a recipe for massive success.
Ghostbusters going to clean up.
Top Critics are the manbabies? That don't make sense...
>star trek the next weekend
>jason bourne after that
>suicide squad after that
this movie is finished
>Don't have fun at my expense REEEEEE