How the fuck do neets get their money?

How the fuck do neets get their money?

Parents or trust fund or internet job

Please respond


Autism bux

Social Security Disability.

selling oxy

If my sister is anything to go by from my father because "she's actually an angel going through a hard time" and by stealing my shit then selling it.

Worked till I left that shit behind first chance I got and she is now about 50k in debt while I'm over here like "lulz"

Oh to add to that disability etc etc. She reamed the system but living wage doesn't pay for ciggies/meth.

here in Ireland welfare is very generous. Between social welfare payment, rent allowance and other entitlements, a single person can get an average of about €280-300 a week for doing absolutely nothing. If you live anywhere outside the capital, rent is only about €300 a month so you can live pretty comfortably.

I fix phones for cash. Fix phones and sell ritalin knockoffs to highschool fags

Yeah, but the downside is that you are still irish.

upside - at least not black

s-so they don't mind bitcoins

I make 300 a week with a full time job and i want to die

Most neets live off there parents. Theres always disability. For a while i made money by going to yardsales and reselling on ebay

government gives me equivalent of ~$600 a month as well as paying my rent for me


this list didn't touch on faggy Sup Forums neckbeards

Buy packs off the darkweb. Resell to local market. Profit. Play Vidya all day everyday. Sex whokeers.

Which government

Didnt you know that the irish are europes niggers?

You lot were taken from Ireland to the new world countries where you would fetch half the price of a black slave, on account of how fucking useless you were.

You are shitter than niggers, and now you are being wiped out by the polish because they are way more useful than you.

The irish.. Worse than niggers.

See I have a head injury that prevents me from working but disability denied me, shit sucks fam, just need money to not feel like a mooch, but oh well this is life I guess, and lifes not all that bad

You just need a new job. I recently got hired on at 23 with an HVAC company making about 700 a week

You can type. Get a typing job you lazy fuck. Stop making excuses.

You can always tell when someone is faking the impact of a disability when they use it as an excus not to do something.

Even people with the most challanging disabilities refuse to let it stop them doing what they want to.

You are just using yours as a shitty excuse to sit on your arse.

I also can't drive my options are pretty limited please coddle me

This isn't a list

Disability bux

I do do small jobs for people around me to make some money so Im not completely just doing nothing, I more or less want help for rent because I don't make enough currently to pay at least half. I try to not just sit and do nothing, I do help an old lady who lives in the same building as me, kinda like an aid so she doesnt have to go to a home, just as an example. I have tried actual work and it's too much for my brain rn, but once I am able to, I would love a decent job. I was working at a highway dept before this and that was dope. PS what do you mean a typing job? Like typing what people say or...?

> internet job
NEET = Not in Employment, Education or Training. So no.

All depends on what they want to do. If they don't mind a bit of labor, craigslist/newspaper ad for lawncare tends to work, If you own a mower.

shut up idiot i take the bus to work every day, smfh

What the fuck is this picture supposed to represent

Imagine how awful that would smell.