Where would be the safest place to smuggle 1kg weed in a car?

Where would be the safest place to smuggle 1kg weed in a car?

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In your ass.

inside the tyres

Probably Venezuela, I don't think they actually police it there.

Might've failed with the question - Plan is to go to Germany, fetch 1kg weed and back to Sweden

Oh no I knew what you meant user, I was just shit posting. How much does 1kg of weed even weigh? That must be so much.

Thats multiple tolls and checkpoints, i wouldnt recommend a trip like this. Dogs smell weed the best cause its the smelliest drug along with uncut chemicals

Double vacuum pack it!

put bag of weed in bag of water, water wont let smell trough. you and your friends probably look like idiot college stoners so do something about that. let the most clever man drive he has to answer the questions. cut hole under backseat and put it in there, close it and sew it thight. get over the different checkpoints and choose the one that looks the most easy

a kilo is going to need more than a double bag, also dip the bag in alcohol everytime you add another layer


Since i might get 1kg for 1300€, i want ro resell it for higher profit

came here to say this but i see i am superfluous.

You can drive there without getting checked. They might ask your ID to verify your citizen of the European Union and that's it.

the only way i would consider smuggling that quantity of weed would be in the fuel tank.

You want one brand new unused tank, you cut that down to size just big enough for the product and weld it back together so it's air tight and you place it inside the original tank on the car. Do not even think of trying to cut a used tank as no amount of flushing will get the vapour out and you will blow the tank up and possibly yourself.

Is this for personal or you planning to sell, either way if your going to risk it think long and hard before you attempt this about what your getting out of it versus what your risking.

good for transporting coke heroin and other powders, dogs are still going to smell weed inside the tyre.

kill yourself

Car fag here, use nitrogen purge to weld on used gas tank

You fill the tank with water before you cut it mate.

underrated reply. its really fucking easy assuming OP is a faggot (which is always true)

You gotta keister that shit homes

the best advice for smuggling I can give you is to vacuum seal the shit out of it (3-4 times over), adding water in between the layers, then store it inside of one of your car's seats. Be sure to look over the checkpoints and choose the one that will give you the least amount fo trouble. good luck

And by vaccum sealing he means: in a fucking THICK plastic bag.
Then smuggle it in your fuel tank, attached by fishing strings.
Close your your cap over the strings, cut at +- 1cm ( enough to get them back, not long enough to be noticed.

Just before this fuel up you tank with enough gasoline to make it home without refill.

Take an extensive shower, dress clean, don't smoke.

Last but not least: manage the deal without them seeing your car, because that's how you get caught: they gives you to the police.

Everyone is pleb tier

Here is the surefire way to smuggle drugs on planes and cars

You need condoms, biggest shampoo bottle (with shampoo, head and shoulders works best) and some time.

Take the big ass bottle of h&s and open it. Dont cut it. Double condom wrap as much weed as you want. Next squirt some shampoo into a cup. Insert weed into bottle. Replace lost shampoo. Put cap on. Bam, smell dog proof shampoo. They can even squirt that shit out and see its fine.

Works best in a car if you need to transpo alot. Have 6 big bottles in your trunk in a bag, a flea market bag. Put other legal flea market shit in there too, likr generic shoes or some other shit.

1. buy hollow buttplug, 5L capacity
2. fill with whatever you want
3. screw lid back on very tightly
4. insert buttplug into loose anus without lube like you're used to
5. duct tape ass shut

Kiddo you're insane:
1- how do you manage to pull out your tires?
2- You'll drive home 500+ km, so that's not a grinder what's wanted.


>You need condoms, biggest shampoo bottle (with shampoo, head and shoulders works best) and some time.
Either troll or prepare to get fucked. These prices are hilarious. Especially for as little as 1kg.
Germanfag that knows his shit.

sorry, meant this post.



>how much does 1kg of weed weigh

about the same as a kilogram of feathers


I was about to say head and shoulders aint that fucking expensive

vacuum seal it and wrap it in birthday wrapping, include a card and all, put it in plain site.

you're welcome

Holy shit that's cheap. Here in 'Murica weed is twice that, easy. But then again our weed actually gets you high.

this is assuming not crossing a boarder. if dogs are involved you're fuked no mater what, you can not mask the smell from a dog. they will smell it through 15 layers even inside of a fuel tank, don't even bother.

Do all the vacuum shit in multiple layers. Then place in cardboard box. Put addresses and postage in it.
It's illegal to open official post/mail even for police in lots of countries.

Not worth it, m8. Too many borders and very little profit. If you got 10 kg you'd be starting to do business.

Someone already told OP to kys

ground coffee helps. a lot. friend used to ride fucklots of weed from the netherlands to germany, always had a layer of ground coffee in his packets.
Dont know how effective that really is but he never got caught.

What dates do you plan to do this and what is you car registration number? This is not Interpol. We do not browse Sup Forums. We will now take a special interest in your fuel tank.

>Paying 2600usd for 2.2 pounds of weed
Let me guess, you are white, your dealer is black, and he scares you

I get a pound of fucking weed for 300 dollars every time i visit my boy on the east coast

Wow, that's some shitty weed you buy. It's 300 an ounce for decent shit in the Midwest. Although I won't touch weed unless I know it's lineage and info anymore so I only hit up shops now that I'm not a kid.

he got lucky. dogs smell in layers. they will hit on the weed even if many other strong odors are being emitted. not to mention permeation .

like i said, dogs = your fuked

lol, you nigger. a pound in not the same as an ounce

Yea mate, im the idiot. You pay 300usd for an ounce of weed and live in the midwest

You do realize if you do simple things lime befriend your weed dealer, and buy in bulk, you can get better prices right?

As a liquid.

best idea in thread so far.

Not in a compartment. Tires, maybe, or inside some panels. You need to seal that shit, and then seal that, and then seal that and decontaminate like a motherfucker.
Vilken stad ska du till? Min snubbe blev haffad för några månader sedan, gått torr sen dess.

why from germany?
so you go to a country where its illegal to buy/sell weed only to smuggle it to a country where its illegal to buy/sell weed...duh

why not the netherlands to get it?

it doesn't work like that.

Vacuum pack. A bag of weed, add more bags, (smack nebby in the bag)
Put in oil tank

It's at least illegal in Sweden. You can always deny that you know anything about the package if you get caught too.

Plan to meet up with the guy close to the border between Germany and Netherlands, like Rheine

What doesn't work?
Yeah, sure, it will need a fuckton of securing that shit so it will just get centrifuged instead of ripped, but it still would need to be vacuum packed and stuff.

ProTip: Address it to yourself.

Records of being in the Netherlands will bump you up the suspicion list.

do you dont have any dealers in sweden.. dafuq?
How is this even worth all the troubles?

>learn to read
OP clearly IS the dealer.


never seen so much bullshit in one post


>1kg weed

choose one fgt

Kilo lmfao

Obviously a small time faggot that doesn't know how to reap the benefits, but he's clearly stated that his intention is to sell.
>definition of dealer
Come on, gayboy

you certainly could use that defense, you have no control over what someone sends you in the post after all, but your name will be going on databases and in little black books and you will get a lot of interest when crossing borders etc for quite some time.

Shit Op. Never had to drive through customs. Just kansas. I cannot help you.

window washer department. Feel it with sunscreen and put it in there. 100% get away with it. I got court with drugs and had sniffer dogs going through my car. I sprinkled weed through my car so the dogs went crazy but couldn't find anything. Got let go with like 2000$ of stuff in the car.

while i couldnt believe it (the 1kg dealer thing - just topkek),
you have successfully prooven your reading skills are superior to mine.

live the shitpost normie, don't just joke around with a fedora on
you're like every fucking chick who plays games

fake and retarded

OP i use to smuggle weed in australia in Bagged water its like 10lt of bag water similar to a goon bag i would open the top of the bag and then put weed in a water tight bag. then get fill it back up with some tap water then use a double heat seal device. I only did this a few times use to get a few free ounces off my aunty and put in 2 water bags of water. travel around 2,000km. would take it out of one box and store it for long term in the 2nd bag

but if you already go through the whole troubled expirience of getting some cheap ass drug in a small amount from anoother country, why wouldnt you go full out and take the fucking plane?

because everyone carries around 6 massive bottles of shampoo, you fucking kidding me? fleamarket or not

hah just read my post and it barely mates sense. Im frunk yo

use the same machine they use to put tires on (if you have money to be moving quantity 5k

this is what the bag looks like but twice as big. i would put like camping shit in my boot with 2 of the pureau and a esky with some sandwiches

1kg isnt worth the risk you retarted edgelord.

>selling water in bags
dafuq is wrong with your society?

>But then again our weed actually gets you high.
I don't think you ever left your state, if you believe shit like there's no good weed outside of US. You can buy good stuff everywhere in the world (except russia), why wouldn't there be any in financial center of EU?

I don't know, 1kg is plenty. I would go for it.

1kg for that would be a good priece.
but depends on the quality.. chances are he got it from the ntherlands anyway.
just hope it isnt some shittier outdoor grow

yes and no.
but to make the huge profit you sell it in small doses over how long? months?

or you find someone who is willing to pay full price even if he takes "plenty"

Don't be so sure of yourself, the ability to smell in layers is insignificant to the power of the force.

So far the tip with posting the weed sounds best, might actually go for it

You can try goon bags but there laws here that limit amounts of alcohol you can buy in some parts of the country. because the natives get fucked up on the shit and have dry community where they can't have alcohol.

The whole bag thing is just a random company way to sell water.

up your ass fag

Lol WTF are you talking about you just get on a ferry. It's not like they stop you at the borders in Europe. You just drive on the boat and drive off.

OP just throw it in the trunk, clean car, dress nicely, don't smoke even cigs in the car, if you get pulled over don't freak out or fail to comply. You will be fine. If asked what you are doing just make up some shit about a wedding in Austria.

Has anyone tried to put its behind there head unit ecu or steering wheel column

This is exactly what came to my mind as I was opening this threat. OP is faggot pic related.

door panels maybe

Lmao dude best I can think of is your tire or brake light

If your package gets pulled they're calling you out to the Zoll to open that bitch in front of them and if you aren't an iron will aspire they're going to pop you. They don't even use dogs, they just randomly pull x% of intl packages.

i was just tryin to be funny...
i wasnt, now i feel bad for making a silly "joke" about fluids sold in bags.

but the story about the natives made me giggle lol

the picture is one of the probably dead.

lined under your hood heat shield maybe good depends on model of car

not op but.. europe has free traffic. as far as i know they don't do security checks anymore at the borders.

and weed is a lot more expensive in sweden than in germany because the swedish are rather slowminded and don't understand the concept of growing something

now that you say that, probably the worst time to smuggle on the road since the checks became more often and rigorous.

>the picture is one of the probably dead.
why do you want to make me feel miserable?

I wanna smuggle seeds out of Amsterdam any idea guys other than butt because that is the first place they look these days

wtf is wrong with people?
seeds... fucking SEEDS?!

its not like the are football-sized ya know.
they also dont smell and could be any seed

you can even order them via web