In the Land of the Rising Sun, a conservative Shinto cult dating back to the 1970s...

> In the Land of the Rising Sun, a conservative Shinto cult dating back to the 1970s, which includes Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and many of his cabinet among its adherents, finally has been dragged out of the shadows.
>The group is called Nippon Kaigi (Japan Conference) and is ostensibly run by Tadae Takubo, a former journalist turned political scientist. It only has 38,000 members, but like many an exclusive club, or sect, it wields tremendous political influence.
>The current cult’s goals: gut Japan’s post-war pacifist constitution, end sexual equality, get rid of foreigners, void pesky “human rights” laws, and return Japan to its Imperial Glory.

What game lets me secretly control Japan?

around Japs never relapse


does that japanese death cult that carried out the subway nerve gas attacks still exist?

>tfw keeping Japan safe from kikes and Mudslimes.

All the power to them. I hope they succeed.

So they are like the Anti-Jews

They don't want their country taken over and corrupted by leftist social engineering and immigrant savages.

I can't blame them.

So this is why Japan hasn't crumbled yet

I bet CIA is keeping a watchful eye on them. if they get out of line CIA will righteously take them out.

fucking axis sympathizers

im jealous tbqh

Hmm really makes you think

Where do I donate?

>What game lets me secretly control Japan?
You could at least slightly alter it if you're going to post it on multiple boards.

But Japan is crumbling and it has nothing to do with Muslims or feminists or leftist and everything to do with their warped culture that has put them on a path of voluntary extinction

>gut Japan’s post-war pacifist constitution, end sexual equality, get rid of foreigners, void pesky “human rights” laws, and return Japan to its Imperial Glory.


Can't wait for the nips to get uppity again.



The cult is like a reverse kikery

>end sexual equality, get rid of foreigners, void pesky “human rights” laws, and return Japan to its Imperial Glory.

Based Japan.

How can The West even compete?

Based nips

I'm not surprised that this might be true. Japs were just as bad as Nazi in WW2 but managed to get off easy and never really even apologize so I guess I'd expect them to still be pretty evil instead of eternally cucked like Germany.

>have a secret society conspiracy ensuring Japan gets more nationalist
>still can't get all it's young people to get fucking laid and have kids

Actually it's overstated. For one thing, the population is too high right now. Once they get rid of pacifism they'll be fine.

WTF i hate USA now.

>Le Japan is le dying out meme

Whatever. Better to go out on their own terms than go the way of Europe.

So basically another not third world shit hole leader who isn't a retarded/evil lefty who wants to destroy their country that western media is trying to paint as a demon?

Pretty standard.

I'm okay with this
Nippon deserves more than the cucktry they are now

>The Daily Beast
Yeah okay

I highly doubt that. Japan and South Korea have some of the best tech in our World and some of the best hackers.

And that's scary

ITT filthy kikes

>muh hoomin rites


Good for them

It is overpopulated but that's not mutually exclusive to what I said. Their population is aging and soon there will be too many old fucks for the people actually working to support.

Even I agree there. The Eurocucks really shot themselves in the foot.

Living in Burgerland doesn't seem so bad nowadays.

Literally an invention by (((Adelstein)))'s to inspire lefty outrage in Japan over something that doesn't exist or really has barely any influence.

The U.S. MIC supports Japan revising their pacifism constitutional clauses.
Once that happens, they can finally form Coalition Of The Willing 2.0 and preemptively invade The Democratic People's Republic of Korea.

>mfw that nigress Miss Japan's screaming for "GIBS ME DAT DIVERSITY" is cut short by a mysterious """"""""""""""""""accident""""""""""""""""""

can we get a credible source

>best hackers

They're still using fax machines and shit senpai lmfao. Japan is trash at computers.

I didn't know Japan had it's own retarded tinfoil conspiracies

*launches suprise attack*
*bayonets women and children*
*slices gut open*

>Mari Yamamoto and Jake Adelstein, writing for The Daily Beast, described Nippon Kaigi as the "Religious Cult Secretly Running Japan", saying the "small cult with some of the country’s most powerful people, aims to return Japan to pre-WWII imperial "glory"."[5]
>Mari Yamamoto and Jake Adelstein, writing for The Daily Beast,
>Jake Adelstein

Oh boy.

Aum Shinriko?

I think they nuked themselves in the Australian desert.

sounds like the cult from IQ84

Japan's economy and population have shrunk while the rest of the worlds' has grown. They're going to need to open up their borders to immigrants just to survive let alone for ethical reasons.

They probably are, as are the George Soros types constantly pushing Japan to let in more Africans and Muslims

Nah, they'll adjust fine. If they gut the constitution enough they can semi-colonise.

Japan is a future superpower along with Turkey and Poland.

>a conservative
We're safe

This tinfoil conspiracy was actually made up by a Jew though.

The Daily Beast is full of shit


Doesn't happen. Once the population shrinks to the point that vital services collapse, the stability and wealth that cause low birth rates disappears and you go back to women having an average of seven kids over their lifetime, most of which survive.

It's self-correcting. Nothing new under the Sun. The Roman senatorial class struggled with low birth rates, as have countless other successful human civilisations.

>Forgetting India

>Japan's economy and population have shrunk
Yeah, their economy has shrunk so hard that they're 3rd in the world now. How terrifying. A tiny island nation with a huge population sure fling open its borders and let Muslims pour in because their population is leveling off. Yes, this makes perfect sense.


>its a Sup Forumsfag doesn't even hide his shitposting episode

what a (((coincidence)))


>translation: I'm a retard

Enjoy watching Japan collapse when seniors make up 2/3 of the population leaving a minority working base to run the economy an generate enough revenue to maintain the government and care for the senior population

I don't see what's wrong with the Japs trying to make Japan great again
we're making America great again

this time we might actually finish what we start and blow them off the face of the earth

If they open up to Muslims, there'd be so much rape it wouldn't even be funny.

>end sexual equality, get rid of foreigners, void pesky “human rights” laws, and return Japan to its Imperial Glory.

lol you white people are fucking ignorant as shit

> get rid of foreiners
Japan still doesn't let migrant visas pass, much less immigrants. A working visa is ridiculously hard to obtain compared to america.

>sexual equality
lol Japanese women are some of the most oppressed on earth. The only women with less rights are fucking muslims.

> Imperial Glory
lol round eye.
We want to return to our ECONOMIC glory of the '80s. Nobody wants to go back to feudal states when we were easily defeated by the brit navy.

This article is written by some random white guy isn't it?

>believing this leftist lie

Global over-population is NOT a good thing. The Japanese are being responsible and aren't out to kill a fucking planet by over-breeding like the Africans, hispanics, and Muslims are.

I am sick of leftists pushing the narrative that over-population is a good thing therefore more countries need to take in the shitskins who did nothing but cause poverty with their over-population. The rest of the planet needs to lose around 2 billion people if natural resources are to be preserved for future generations and the 3rd-worlders who did nothing but cause poverty in their home countries in turn triggering global poverty and collapse.

>Ahmed this assblasted

Japan is already overpopulated. They're not dying out, there's over a hundred million of them.

You guys don't know shit about japanese culture.
The clan mentality wasn't abandoned, it simply evolved after WWII.

>muh massive workforce meme
People are waking up to your lies, Schlomo.

Good for them


Once that older population starts dying off, the economy will self-correct. Post-WWII booms allowed for population growth that exceeded current sustainability levels.

Dude all the hidden cult in western countries are leftist and are planing the extermination of the white race.
Since the race mixing isn't going as fast as USA in Europe they want to start a big war between Western Europe and Russia to wipe out the whiteys

>Japanese women are some of the most oppressed on earth
Now this is some exaggeration


So what cult is running the US then?

How come the US doesn't do this? I mean I can see they're trying but they're not subtle enough to encourage people to move back to their own countries or limit breeding with certain races.

I hope at least the European Countries learn to do this too. The only people with brains to do it was the United Kingdom.

Next thing they'll say that Putin run by dinos and should invite all of immigrants, but evil dinos don't let him...

>We want to return to our ECONOMIC glory of the '80s. Nobody wants to go back to feudal states when we were easily defeated by the brit navy.

Yeah. The "imperial glory" part was a huge red herring when I read that.

The last thing the Japanese want is to return to a time where they were so weak, militarily, compared to the world.

Ima come to your country and fuck your women m8

((((White Protestants))))

Same shit anyway

>Japan is a future superpower along with Turkey and Poland.

I think I'd prefer a peaceful march to extinction

>A tiny island nation with a huge population sure fling open its borders and let Muslims pour in because their population is leveling off. Yes, this makes perfect sense.
Don't be a retard, no is mentioning Muslims but you cucks.

There are plenty of Chinese people who would fill that role exponentially better. In fact China has millions of men who will never be able to find a Chinese wife, perfect for the scores of Japanese women who are completely turned off by the beta Jap males

>there is literally a Right-Wing cabal in Japan
That's it. I'm moving there ASAP. Be my witness, Sup Forums.

>They're going to need to open up their borders to immigrants just to survive

I hate this fucking meme

You know what we used to do back in the days? We would incite people to make babies.

Natalism was a thing, but now government would rather go the "easy" way and import a shitload of muslims. I wonder how things will turn out in the next few years for Germany.

>some of the most oppressed on earth

Lol get real. The Japanese just realize the truth that they are second to men. Really it's the perfect happy medium between Mudslimes who place them below cattle and Westerncucks who desperately try to put them on the same level as men with disasterous results.

t. Ahmed

Who are these """""""Foreigners""""""" that this alleged sect wants out of Japan? Because barely any foreigner lived there permanently.

If their goal is to get rid of the USAF bases in Japanese soil, well, good luck not getting raped by the chinese without our protection.

Try 5.5 Billion.
And nobody in the left is pro over population.

Enjoy rising wages as the shrinking population increases the value of labor, allowing the average Japanese to live better and better

Enjoy lower cost of rent/housing as the strain on demand lessens, allowing more and more Japanese to afford apartments/homes larger than a shoebox

You're a fucking retard. Look at America where the value of labor is falling every day as immigration floods labor markets, making the American worker earn less and less. And look at how this same immigration has driven up the cost of rent, cars, food, and everything else due to that increase in demand.

We're getting poorer while the cost of everything keeps rising.

So fuck you and your George Soros/democrat lie that we need immigration to preserve our economy when all they're doing is making us poorer.

>This article is written by some random white guy isn't it?

adelstein has lived in japan for many years

Japans problems are not solved by suicidal leftist social engineering

These foreigners in the west will ALWAYS be foreigners, the mixing between whites & shitskins produces more foreigners.

What do you think happens to a country once its basic fucking identity is gone?

By imperial glory i think they mean just before pear harbour not the pre meji era.

>good luck not getting raped by the chinese without our protection.
Mother fucker do you even read what you type? Our fucking USAF troops already rape and destroy Japanese lives. They're just going to replace one evil with another, maybe lesser evil.

>pushing miscegenation this hard


>We would incite people to make babies.

Except now you can't. You "master race" fuckers didn't reproduce at sufficient levels while the "lesser" races did.

Now you reap what you have sowed. Learn Spanish while you have the chance, amigo.


>A country being ruled by a cabal/cult is okay as long as it supports my political leanings
uh huh

adelstein huh

I'm sure hundreds of thousands of foreigners live in japan
It's not like the west where we have normalized millions of shitskins
It's not like the US where a non-white majority is a normal condition

When will chinks gooks and Japs finally kiss and make up? It's up to East Asians to inherit the Earth after whitecucks die out.

I don't want it to happen, I wish Japanese people would just fuck and have kids so that my grandchildren can watch and fap to anime just like I do.