How many of you anons smoke?

How many of you anons smoke?
I usually enjoy Marlboro reds but on ocassion i'd smoke Gudangs, altho they're a bit too strong for my taste, can't smoke two without feeling sick from the ammount of nicotinne in that.

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quit 5 months ago

i know you want to

just do it user

be strong for once

anyone smoke through a waterpipe?

a la

im trying to quit now but its the hardest thing Ive ever done

I decided to quit 2 weeks ago, haven't touched a cigarette since.

i'm cutting down, not use going cold turkey, now i'm down to just a pack a week, making progress. also thinking of getting one of those vape things, but i don't want to look like a major ass in public.

JPS Superkings (Silver)

i roll lucky's tabaco

Successfully quit smoking in America. Moved to Europe and everybody smokes. The temptation is strong.

Newport 100's is my usual. I've been smoking for like 10 years,can't quit

been smoking marlboro red
recently changed to touch 6

I smome a pack a day, varies what type i buy, generally go with cheapest but treated myself this week

Amber leaf rolling is so much cheaper new tobacco law fucks us tho, (uk) load of wank

pack a day

Don't use it in public then. The enormous stigma discourages that anyway. I use mine primarily at home, or in my car. If I do use it in public, it's small stealth hits that, this time of year, look like you're just exhaling anyway.

I also smoke Gudangs OP, are you brazillian?

I forgot to add that even with the mouth fedora stigma, it's worth it to feel infinitely better and spend significantly less. Usually in these winter months I'd be up all night coughing and have perpetual sinus infections. I don't get winded going up flights of stairs anymore. It's been three years since I've moved on, I'm happy with my decision to quit and stay off.

I dont smoke because im not an Idiot.


Acho que os brasileiros que mantém a fábrica da Surya. Sou De niterói RJ e aqui é o que a maioria da galera fuma.

I've been smoking 2 packs a day since I was nine. I won't wait till I shit a lung. Maybe.

sou de poa/rs, se fumo gudang é apenas um ou dois, essa desgraça é enjoativa demais..

I do smoke but only when I'm drinking and when I really feel like I need to. I used to smoke a pack every two or three days so yeah, I'm cool now