Are they right, Sup Forums?
Maybe old franchises should have a new feminine look to them. It's only fair
Are they right, Sup Forums?
Maybe old franchises should have a new feminine look to them. It's only fair
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Social media was a mistake.
Good point
I'm thinking they could do a new twelve angry men, except this time it's twelve angry women, and they're not actually angry, they're happy
all the links that are against this flick i've seen posted here and with comments clearly from people here it seems to be kids mate
i don't think any of them would be able to have facial hair
i mean unless Sup Forums and armond white were actually right and there is a huge generation of man children
About spergs overreacting to this, acting like retards and giving SJWs another strawman? Yes.
About how we should do feminist reboots of shit? No.
>hates that men take to social media to complain about a movie
>takes to social media to complain about it
What other movies could they ruin with feminism Sup Forums?
Wasn't it just a decade ago these SJWs and Feminists were fighting AGAINST corporate greed and hollywood CEOs?
Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to pan their shitty movies... and the liberals have no self awareness that they're being used.
I don't think the medium was their issue, bro.
also by his profile picture, he is a man, he does have a beard and he is fat like his strawman.
>Now liberals are being used by Hollywood to pan their shitty movies...
It's good comedy these women actually think they're helping "feminism"
If you fight the SJWs, they win. So don't complain about bad movies ever again.
>muh monolith
Theoretically Sup Forums is anti-establishment too, but are rabid consumers of shallow distraction media and have now abandoned Based Ron Paul.
> 2016
> Feminists are crying on their blogs and trying to get people to see ghost busters just so some fat white male Studio Exec gets a bigger paycheck
top fucking kek
you couldn't even make this shit up...
Complain about bad movies like a mature adult, and more importantly, succeed in the realm of actual influence and filmmaking, which we've grossly failed at.
The fan reviews on RT many negative and detailed from actual females.
Bad idea. If you make your own movies, you just give the SJWs another strawman to attack. You need to make sure they can never attack you by praising their movies and buying tickets to Ghostbusters.
>be male
>have an opinion
>fit the age range of males that could have theoretically enjoyed GB as a child
O-ok. Have fun with your psychosis.
The over the top, triggered reaction to men's apathy towards a random movie is weird...
I've heard women can start to time their 'cycles' together once they groupthink enough
is this kinda like that?
>Studio exec
Oy vey
>you just give the SJWs another strawman to attack.
Only if you behave like the strawman they expect.
>complain that a movie "ruins" a set of movies that go on existing as they are and can be watched at any time
>get called an autist
The Matriarchy is oppressing me!
It's a small part of a bigger picture really. All the SJW bullshit that's been building for the past few years is the final culmination of the far-left insanity that's been growing like a tumour in the west since the 60s. And so far, 2016 is shaping up to be the year where the bubble finally pops and the pendulum starts swinging the other way. What we're seeing here, and in a million other places that seem unrelated if you're not looking for the connection, is the growing desperation of a movement that knows its on the brink of losing the war after winning every battle for the past 50 years.
On a Sup Forums related note, what did everyone think of Ghostbusters 2? I've heard a lot of hate for it, but I thought it was decent.
It really fucking was.
Nobody likes when a beloved IP is taken advantage of for the purpose of making a quick buck.
Yeah fucking right we barely complained about that shitty new RoboCop cash grab.
Exactly. They say that everyone who doesn't like Ghostbusters is a misogynist, so if we act like we don't like Ghostbusters it'll prove to them that we're misogynists. We need to praise Ghostbusters, embrace feminism, and vote for Hillary Clinton. That'll prove the SJWs wrong. It's the only way to defeat them.
>identity politics
Sulky, defeatist, ineffectual little turds like you are exactly why they're winning.
Man you're really struggling with this.
No, they're winning because we keep telling them they're wrong, and that only proves they're right. If we just agree with them on everything, then we can win.
You never had a chance at winning
I knew this movie wasn't going to flop.
They are liking it to be contrarian, ghostbusters has literally become another liberal cause for them to latch on to, ghostbusters and women are the "victim".
Say you are having dinner in a fancy restaurant, and some guy comes in and accidentally spills your sex on the beach cocktail on your new gucci handbag and apologizes, sits down close to you, gets his meal and starts screaming and shouting about how the food is shit, the chef comes out and they begin to argue very loudly and then the chef "defends" his food by starting a physical altercation, they are tumbling around and your new sex on the beach gets spilled on your bag again the man leaves and apologizes to you again.
But then you are still sitting there eating your meal with your friends and then the chef comes over and apologizes and asks how your meal is, your going to say yes yummy it was delicious and call the guy who left an "asshole" even if it tasted like dog shit.
It's too late. GamerGate and the Rabid Puppies set too much precedent. The odd bit of good behaviour won't break it.
>we barely complained
How to spot a newfag.
Well then, I'm more than willing to just fucking embrace it.
Alright, so the movie is getting fairly mixed reviews, but why do they keep insulting the paying audience?
Who wants to go pay to see a movie where the director essentially called its viewers whiny morons?
You can't be on good behavior when your worldview is literally uninhibited systemic racism/fascism
>All evidence is gone so I can call people newfags with impunity
There were a few threads about how it sucked but it didn't become a meme like this.
the age of the white male is over. we're transitioning to a matriarchy and you whiny little man babies are helping :)
soon every capeshit, classic, and new IP will feature a strong, smart, sassy female lead
>Its viewers
We aren't the target audeince any more.
We never were.
RoboCop remake was actually decent
It's almost like everyone agreed with the complaints instead of calling the complainers sexist manbabies
>liberals and feminists
>new IPs and ideas
Not even memeing, pick one.
These folks are the most un-creative people in existence.
Nice to see Molly Holly still got it.
don't worry they'll just wait for a white man to come up with something new and steal it.
But SJW doesn't pay to see movies, do they not realize this?
They made a movie for people that think they're too good to sit down to watch them.
This shit is exactly why we need to pay to see Ghostbusters. If it bombs, the SJWs will say it's our fault, and then they'll be able to complain about misogynists all they want.
>they'll be able to complain about misogynists all they want.
They'll win.
This is the biggest Jew marketing post ever posted.
>yes, pay to see the movie to prove them wrong!
>give them your money, that'll show them
>*rubs hands*
they complain all they want regardless. people on the left believe them anyway, and people on the right don't care. is this satire?
What will they win? If it's successful they'll crow about how misogynists were blown the fuck out even more. If the reviews ended up being bad they'd talk about how the entire review process is misogynist.
They're going to bitch regardless. Why give this film money when you don't like it?
It's either celebrity worship, or deep seated narcissism.
>Implying its us versus sjws
In the vast swathes of humanity inbetween those two groups are the target audience. Normies. People who don't see a culture war between the enlightened nerds and the mean nasty feminazis, they see nerds arguing on the internet about bullshit.
Win what?
They'll complain either way because they don't give a shit even when they have the facts in front of them. It's about the narrative.
You're really implying the jooberjabbers are the enlightened ones here?
Lol that picture you faggots do cry about everything.
Both sides are seen as retards by the Normie hordes who are the target market.
That's what I'm saying.
Fair enough
Its actually shocking that people defend this movie when you learn of how it actually came around to being made. best I could find for a highlighter;
>Black men
>white dudes
But white dudes are the majority of who are making the movie, even the director. This is a pretty silly thing to say if you really thing about it.
>black men aren't sexist
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen
It's getting an all female reboot, im not joking
>Black men are afriad of getting murdered in front of their babies by cops
>Implying black men ever stick around to raise their babies
>a man drew that image
Truly we are living in the age of the Omega Male.
I wonder how much granola he got on his keyboard while drawing it.
ocean's 11 is getting made with jennifer lawrence and a bunch of other cunts i think cat blanchet and helena bonham carter are also signed on. Its gonna be called like "oceans ocho" or something retarded. i wish i was kidding
>we barely complained about that shitty new RoboCop cash grab
ITT revisionist history.
ITT: fa/tv/irgins btfo
>There were a few threads about how it sucked but it didn't become a meme like this.
Because nobody called us "sexist" for saying the Robocop reboot looked like shit.
We didn't, particularly compared to this shitstorm.
>accusing anyone else of baby-murder
Sup Forums seems unusually retarded today, and that's saying something
>particularly compared to this shitstorm.
Maybe because Sony doubled-down and started calling critics "sexist"?
That sort of behavior tends to increase hatred towards a movie.
But whatever you have to tell yourself, Tumblr. Keep labeling anyone not sucking this movie's dick "sexist".
if the robocop remake was the exact same movie but robocop was a woman instead the exact same thing that's happening now would've happened
>was never really big on the Ghostbusters
>hate lazy black jokes and Melissa McCarthy falling down go boom
>both sides look retarded
Sweet bananaphone bro
All the subhuman Sup Forums posters are here crying about feminist busters
Fucking Sup Forums I should have guessed
Why are you offended at being called sexist against women? Are you not? I am.
Right, because Sup Forums would have gone apeshit the same way they did with this movie.
>black men
>being with their babies
I guess they're safe.
Oh god my sides
it hilarious
some of them are getting so upset they call the flick a game in their tunnel visioned posts and then have the gall to say Sup Forums is just a boogeyman
Angry that video game neckbeards have more balls than any other entertainment consumers? Everyone else sucks the SJW strap-on and begs for more, but gamers fought back. Of course, the liberal media and other mindless SJW faggots don't like it because it's the current year.
why do they have to ruin the franchise, why cant they just make their own shit?.
>because Sup Forums would have gone apeshit the same way they did with this movie
>implying this shit did'nt only get big because of the bullshit misogyny conspiracy pertaining to whats probably a not very good film that just happens to have women as the leads and that no one would've cared if they just made it with men
uh yeah, because tumblr and whatever company did the robocop remake would be giving us "manbabies" the same schtick for saying literally anything negative about the movie because how could anyone ever hate something that has a woman as the main lead in it
Gotta ride on the coat tails of the popularity, bruv
sorry your communist revolution was ruined by trannies while feminists were too busy being spitroasted by milionaires and black thugs
all this is white guys going "i'm not insecure to recognize black men went through harder shit, ok?They're harder and manlier than i am. Ha-ha i'm so secure i'll just flaunt they deserve more than me"
What was the intended result?
Of that webm, not social media.