This was unironically Sup Forums's waifu

>this was unironically Sup Forums's waifu


you don't need to shop it, it was bad enough

>Implying she isn't already in a happy relationship

puberty did her no favors

Chloe Moretz is big and white

Just like a fridge

Chloe Moretz makes a humming noise

Just like a fridge

Chloe Moretz contains a lot of junk food

Just like a fridge

Chloe Moretz is very rectangular

Just like a fridge

Chloe Moretz can hold a lot of sausage

Just like a fridge

Would make white babies with tbqh

Would make caramel babies with tbqh

Wtf no way that kid is old enough to be working valet



Back the Fuck Off?

*teleports behind you*

That mexican manlet is like
>No thanks

She really lost out on the genetic lottery.



meanwhile krautchan was already Elleposting back in 2010

just confirms Sup Forums has the worst fucking taste in everything

>Sarah "Fridge Mode Hips" Silverman

Based Juan

I know it's the CURRENT YEAR someone call the government he should be on the streets, not working.

Like half of those have the same body shape. You do realize her fucking waste isn't that high, right? She just wears her pants up way paste her waist.

Dude this is shopped

Every one here is getting trolled

puberty, not even once.

>Like half of those have the same body shape

That's the point, retardo.
Top row are women with shit tier fridge genetics, the lower half have good hip to waist ratios.

>ywn live in the universe where chloe has enji tier hips

>pierced nips

>bottom right
who dat

Can someone explain this "fridge" meme?

Girls that don't have curves and their hips and shoulders line up. They look like a rectangle/ fridge

>baby's first meme

Fridgemode is when a women has a bad hip to waist ratio.

Pic related for example has a nice hourglass figure while Chloemo looks like a dude.

Does she have some kind of disorder? She's looking a bit quasimodo there.


This is feminism's fault for stopping girls from using these.

She's built like a linebacker. God she's horrible. Quasimodo.

Are white actresses not allowed to have hips? Someone please post a compilation of evidence to the contrary. Pls.

Do you think Chloe secretly browses Sup Forums and cries herself to sleep every night?

This is what happens to women when they look like an adult when they're actually a child.

By the time they hit 18 they come out all weird lookin'.

Take RyRy. She looked like a 20 year old when she was 14. But her face kept on maturing and now she looks like a cartoon.

Still hot tho.


But is she the Reverse Flash?

At least she had her time of princessdom.

can't forget pic related

I spend day after day shitting on her on here, I sure hope it's not in vain.

Rose Byrne.

Such an underrated post

The anti-fridge.

the saddest of the waifus

Chloe bennet ain't a fridge at all


She cant get any more perfect

Why don't white girls have any shape?

If your waifu is in the top row you need to kill yourself

The Perfect Trio

they have tons of shape


Oh fuck

>american porn

jonah hooked her up good!

She was kind of cute as a kid. She's a goblin now.

Objectively, the best fridgefu.

I agree.

Same with the Stark girls on Game of Thrones.



>all those pears on the bottom


>reminder that a guy on Sup Forums literally said hips were bad

Those are all jews

Isn't she starring in Baywatch with Daddario?


Jewish women are known for being high test, these girls clearly have European ancestry.


>hating on jewfus

>body shaming


>you will never greet her at the door after a long day of filming

Why live?

Chloe pls go.



But she supports Trump, so that counts for something.

less ass than taylor swift


oh it shows

>No Ass
>No Tits
>Taken from the side as to hide her man shoulders and lack of hips
>Hiding her piggy face

Nothing to apologize about, senpai.

I thought she supported Clinton?

I had to unfollow her on Instagram because of it

Literally THE perfect body shape for a woman

Would still bang tbqh

She's really grown up to be a lovely young woman.

>she wanted a butt reduction

its a shoop


That's a terrible photoshop

Youre really pulling on unshaven stubbles, old man.


Well thank fuck for that


Literally who

almost, needs some up top as well


Chloe has a cute face.

Charlotte MicKinney made Kate Upton obsolete.
That girl is literally retarded, find one of her posts, her spelling is on the level of a 5-year old.

>Ass and boobs

Fuckin disgusting

Are fridges the new thing in Hollywood?

Hispanic girls be having some ridiculous bodies, goddamn.

Krager, plz

literally my body right now

at least daisy has SOME hips
better figure than that thing on the left