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that's low, even before all the critics have even gone to put in their rating at RT.

Fuck you.

I'm so, so sorry ;(


Wait I thought the movie was still under a review embargo?



wow, 74%. that's really good. That's a really high number, isn't it? That's an impressive score.

Top Critic Tomato-Meter
>7 rotten
>5 fresh

is this the highest rated film staring a gorilla ever?

This is a Drive thread now.
>Driver: ...hundred thousand streets in this city, you don't need to know the route. You give me a time and place, I give you a five minute window. Those five minutes I'm yours. Whatever goes down I'm yours. Minute either side you're on your own...
>...One last thing. You won't be able to reach me at this number again...

The ones who hated it didn't give it a 0 and the ones who liked it probably gave it a 80-90%

The original King Kong is rated higher

That's not how the tomatometer works

It's not?

Well sheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeit

...how can it have a 74% when the movie isn't even out yet?

It's 46%. That's how.

The percentage is simply fresh divided by rotten
The average score counts ratings

Critics see films before they're released to the public. How do you not know that?

this is whats showing on mine, but clicking on top critics and counting for each shows 7 rotten and 6 fresh which clearly isn't adding up.

maybe theres something wrong with my browser

I thought the review embargo was pushed to release?

Or maybe there's something screwing with the big obvious numbers people actually read because this movie turned into an ideological battleground instead just another case of nerds calling a reboot shit

What happened to the embargo?

How can we trust reviews if there is such a chasm.

I feel like the reviews don't review the movie. Just the zeitgeist of Men vs. Women instead of Us vs. a movie.

Hoo boy...

>7 of those rotten reviews are from top critics

>using all critics instead of top

So, almost every "GOOD" review says that it's still not as good as the original. Makes you think.

You're replying to a top critics screenshot, dummy.

Reminder that Sup Forumsedditors are trying to pretend they like boyhood now that they've been blown out by fembusters

And every negative is not that negative. Makes you think.

Reminder that your agenda is pretty transparent.

Just wait
Like episode 7 I'll be doing it for Rogue One too if the scores are high

Shannon: Plain Jane cheap like you asked for but with a hundred and sixty horsepower inside. You get any sleep?
Driver: Not this week.
Shannon: I can offer you some Halcyon.
Driver: Won't work.
Shannon: There she is. Silver Impala. Most popular car in the state of California...

So how many of these critics were bought off from Sony?

Depends on how insecure and Sup Forums you are

I want /cgl/ to leave

What's your point? If you don't like boyhood, you will agree that the Top Critics fucked up too.

They didn't on Ghostbuster though, since they don't have a political stake in it like bloggers.


Sup Forums here

If a AAA videogame got that score we'd be shitting all over it like crazy.

>a decent 46
its BvS all over again

That's nice. Go back to Sup Forums now please

I'm sorry please don't eat me mccarthy you disgusting fat whale

No, I think I'll stay for a while.

The score will only go down. Plebs, kids and feminist will see it at the begining...but the word will spread quick. Its trash and we all know it. Your propaganda won't change that fact.

Also Sup Forums here. Movie and game scores are not close to the same. Game ''''''journalists'''''' give 7s to games that deserve 5s. Just look at Metacritic.

Meanwhile IGN gave Ghostbusters 2016 a 6.9.


>If a AAA videogame got that score we'd be shitting all over it like crazy.

A game could get 10/10s everywhere and it would still get shat on on Sup Forums

>tfw I guess I was a misogynist all along

Good thing you drove off all the ebil cis male womyn haters 2 years ago amirite?

Any big release that falls under 90/100 is in for a bad time


lol all the tumblr bloggers on rotten tomatoes always brigade like this when theres a political aspect to a movie. do people really trust that site?

If you carefully read through the critics, you can easily understand, why such a score has occured. Obviously, every retard can now review anything. Neither RT or IMDB have a value in criticism. This movie cannot be above 4/10.

So let me get this straight, a movie with a racist stereotype is getting good reviews for how good and progressive it is? You crackers never cease to amaze me.

>even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original.

They paid for shills
They paid for articles

I think they can pay for a few bloggers opinions

Majority of film critics are retarded and think Judd Apatow movies are good.

There's only one critic whose voice matters.

He won't give this man bashing shit a pass.

Interesting post and sensibility

What are you top 10 films of all time?

Why would that cause the critic score to go down?

Hurrr der every fucking role has to be brown or a woman.

Fuck this gay earth. You know that movie sucks, and everyone is such a PC cuck these days they would upvote a turd in the microwave.

Where were you when RT's credibility died?


>They paid for shills
>They paid for articles

Mfw DCucks were actually right all along

OG Ghostbusters had a black guy in it.

it died a long time ago. they do this every time theres a politically charged movie. im surprised Sup Forums hasnt noticed it yet.

>He won't give this man bashing shit a pass.
But he has to be as contrarian as possible, so he'll love it

actual good movies will start off with like 90+% on RT. The fact that after all the embargo and paid off nonsense this only achieves a 70+ % is indicative of the future negative reviews to come


It should take you this long considering what you're implying with your post

not really

it reaching 6/10 and Fresh is all that matters, it's not like 90% equates to it being a 9/1-

Wait until the ticket sales are in. Do we have confirmation that China won't be showing it, or was that just speculation?

some shrewd businessman saw that blaming the bad trailer reception on misogyny would work wonders. It was brought up in every interview.

Virtue-signalling nerds defended the movie for free. Guys who were too cowardly to pursue their passion for filmaking and settled for being critics, the same guys who resented women for rejecting them in highschool, felt guilty, blamed their hate on the patriarchy and now project their inner misogyny onto all men.

Patton Oswalt, reeling from the death of his wife (who worked on the movie) lead the charge of personal attacks and zealous defence.

They didn't need to pay anyone.

Damn nigga, you can't always be at the top of the progressive stack

Wasn't Man of Steel around 90% for an entire evening before the paid shills got overtaken?


I think it has been confirmed that this piece of shit has been banned in china thank fucking god.

It started at 96%


What did he mean by this?

I’m really really sorry, I apologize unreservedly.
I offer a complete and utter retraction. The imputation was totally without basis in fact, and was in no way fair comment, and was motivated purely by malice, and I deeply regret any distress that my comments may have caused you, or your family, and I hereby undertake not to repeat any such slander at any time in the future

This user gets it. Feminazi's are cultists and will do anything you ask them too as long as they can push their ideals on you.

Why are you posting like your gamegatey crusade is Sup Forumscore?

having like 96% off 3 reviews in the 1st hour doesnt count, you need to wait for the day to be over

Yes, and he was articulate, funny, and surprise, a normal human rather than some Tyler Perry caricature.

Sony would never do such a thing.

Jesus fucking christ pleb are you going to answer or just keep posting in this thread like a pleb coward?

5 years ago if someone told me a female ghostbusters reboot was on it's way to becoming certified fresh on rt I would have laughed. The world just doesn't care anymore.

The end times are upon us, user. Buckle up and enjoy the ride.

Game reviews are somewhat of a good indicator of a game's quality.

Movie reviews are fucking awful, the most pretentious or "progressive" garbage gets the best reviews


I believe in the social, political and economic liberation of ham beasts.

After Hillary wins, it is going to be 8 more years of feminists, BLM and other retards fucking your shit up.

Enjoy America :^)

When this movie bombs they will blame sexism now "but it had good reviews!!!"

>Top Critics: 46%

Absolutely. They're covering their fucking ass so they don't lose their access to Sony.

How do you want your country? Just fuck my shit up senpai.

literally never happened

Armond gets off on being a contrarian but there are certain directors that he'll pan no matter what. He HATES Paul Feig so I have no doubt he'll pan this garbage.

Pretty sure it did.

It was originally meant to be Eddie Murphy.

Would have been perfect it is was.

So you've given up on pretending that you don't hate this movie just because it has women in it?