I'm a millenial. AMA

I'm a millenial. AMA

yru a fag

How do you feel about being referred to as the pussy generation?

It's been 4 minutes since I last recieved an award for doing something

So is everyone else on this website.

How often do you masturbate?

Once per day

Feels bad to be lumped in with the SJW's and people like that but it's whatever. If America had a draft I would go to war.

What the fuck does AMA mean ?

Ask me anything

How does it feel to live in one of the most endebted, lowest earning, least work secure, least capable of owning a home etc. Generations in history

Pretty bad. It makes me wish for a crisis like war or alien invasion.

American Medical Association.

Op's a proctologist.

Yessir I'm a proctologist AMA

why do you millennial fucks want to take the guns away?

So what's your future look like?

because only police should be trusted to operate machinery such as guns and other weapons like tasers and high velocity batons

I actually think that people having more guns would be the best way to do gun control.

Well I got into two colleges and am awaiting a letter from the other four. I'm too stupid for STEM in my opinion so I'm going to try to do something technical with TV/Radio.

>only police should have
>millennials bitch about police using them all the time

I'd say you've got a step up on most of your peers. Am I right?

What's your political leanings?

I don't think so. Some of my friends are going to schools that are harder to get into than I am, so I think they might get better jobs, but it's all about what you do with your degree that counts so that's not a given.

I voted for Trump. I thought about voting for Hillary until the second debate. I'm liberal on social issues like abortion and gay marriage. I think gun laws should be less strict and everyone should have a gun. We need to deport illegals and marijuana should be legalized for recreational use everywhere.