Will this affect my ability to use soulseek or megaupload?

will this affect my ability to use soulseek or megaupload? money.cnn.com/2017/03/28/technology/house-internet-privacy-repeal/index.html

Isn't the point of it just to sell off your internet history to advertisers. So you will get targeted ads based on your shitty meme album downloads. You haven't had internet privacy for years.


Also if you're really that worried you can buy a VPN or use Tor

>that fucking clickbait headline
*proposed internet privacy guidelines

yes goyim vote trump

Yeah, pretty much. Google has already been doing this for years.

Fuck republicans

Yeah, fucking Rethuglican nazis. It's just like 2000-2008 all over again, a literal fucking fascist dictator in power getting us into Middle Eastern wars while the media sucks his cock!

I just learned this today despite my reading many articles on the subject already. Your ISP is already selling your data. This is killing a future protection that hasn't gone into effect yet. Still, fuck them.

>So you will get targeted ads based on your shitty meme album downloads.
you can easily discourage that by just blocking ads and deleting your cookies/cache once in a while, or doing something that filters one or the other

what's more frightening is that the government can just snoop through your emails and social networks, which is more scary because an extremely small portion of people will take steps to avoid that, in which the only way around it is to straight up delete your FB account.

>buy a VPN
>paying twice for internet

this, but unironically

>Your ISP is already selling your data.
I doubt it, I don't think things are that fucked that they have to stoop to do that. Unless you have a really shit ISP, everything should be in the contract.

on the other hand I think it's generally well-known that a lot of ISPs are limp dicks when it comes to protecting the rights of the consumers, especially if the government wants to know what your history too.

if the ISP was selling my data i'm like 80% sure AFP would have been at my door a while ago.

oh nooooo the gubberment can watch in real time as i drunkenly stumble onto facebook messenger at 3 AM and proposition old coworkers whom I havent even spoken to in over a year and want nothing to do with me

oh noooooooo muh privacy

Right, even though they can sell your data for gobs of money, they're probably not, because....

because no advertising would want to pay for my information.

It's aggregate data, homes

If you have a google account, your browsing data is being collected and used to tailor the type of advertisements that are shown to you. This has been the case for years and no one seemed to give a fuck.

It bothers me, but my data isn't being given out specifically
Companies buy google ads and those ads are distributed within the google system based on data that isn't released
I'd still rather it not be collected at all, but I also have Tor and a VPN

that is if you are constantly logged on the Google account if you're browsing.

but besides that, a lot of sites use third-party scripts from Google for personal onsite analystics, like Sup Forums uses Google Analytics

Yes, the government can do those things, but probably won't unless they have a reason and the legal grounds to do so.

Install noscript if it bothers you

Google is free?

Is this a rhetorical question or are you actually asking if Google is free?

Use your context clues and try to figure it out

I had to give Google my # to open a new gmail account and now I receive 4-5 automated calls everyday. This shit was already happening. This is just making it legal.

Just behave yourselves on the internet for the next 4 years children. Don't even save anything on your devices anymore. Keep it all on separate external drives which you can dispose of more quickly in a pinch. Also vpn's are your friend.

I already do, friend :)

have done it for years. OCD is a potent thing

It's a violation of your privacy you fucking idiot, you should be concerned about this. It's another step closer to nobody having any privacy at all.