Pussy juice in my eye

Pussy juice in my eye.

Last night i fingered my gf and didn't wash my hands afterwards.

This morning i rubbed my eye with the same hand. The dried pussy juice must have gotten in my eye, because it has been tearing up all day since.

Fuck that pussy juice.

poor bastard

is that a ten pack of busch?

Hey man, that cat looks pretty chill. What's his/her name?


what kind of sick fuck doesn't wash up after messing around with a filthy whore? you'll prob get a yeast infection in your eye dummy

Yeah dude, that really is a cool cat. Tell us his name!

no such thing as a 10 pack you bebe unless its bottles
box clearly says 24 cans

quit over feeding that beast. animals can develop all the same health problems humans do due to being a fatass

idiot theres a case of bush behind the lite and cat

leave him alone man the guy might have mental problems and he's just asking so he can learn

>mental problems

i'm drunk you dick and just hovered over the image at first. I can see now it's a thirty pack.

Woah buddy, can you calm down a little.. We're just trying to find out more about this fucking sick cat here.

how do you guys drink lite beer. What's the point....

It clearly says 24 you dumb sacks of shit

She probably had herpes man, you might go blind in that eye.



This is why we need mandatory abortions for poverty stricken families.

chill out man i was only sticking up for you

no need for such rude ness on the internet there might be some children

we posting cats now?

i bet you still havent washed your hands, you nasty honkies