itt actresses who were a part of MK ULTRA
What went wrong?
more like she knows exactly how to play contemporary audiences
>He fell for the memes
>Hey guys she is sticking out her tongue!
>isn't she so cuhrazy
Apart from the tats, miley has never entered the JUST zone and always looks hotter and hotter every time I see her.
>Massive pupils despite the flash
What's she on here?
she's a whore for fame
>he fell for the memes
>reddit told me to hate her!
what exactly do you *like* about her
do you have a fetish for sluts?
Meh, Madonna 3.0.
Katy Perry would be Madonna 2.0 I think.
Could stand to be a little more crazy sexy like Gaga instead of absurdist
>she's a slut because she's naked!
>he fell for the memes
>I was told to hate her!
>implying Miley isn't a living commentary on contemporary pop stars and idols
But MKULTRA ended before she was born OP, you aren't some nutjob conspiracy theorist are you?
>she's a slut because she's naked!
well yes, actually
>sexy like Gaga
i really like this picture of her she looks super cute here
>I hate women
>being so triggered that ghostbusters is okay
>I need a woman to attack that Sup Forums will join fighting me with so I can let out my rage!
>I know! Miley Cyrus!
she's not a slut!
>prove she's a slut
you just hate women!
yes well done slitherin well done slitherin HOWEVER
just a regular generic pop whore, singing songs made by child workers in chinese factories, promoting casual sex and drug use to kids worldwide, hedonism disguised as progressiveness, bright colors and very loud electronic beats, the machine can't be stopped so don't try to stop it
Talentless hack that makes shit music for sale to retards
>I don't know what a slut is
>hey guise she's naked and has a blow up doll
>totally a slut
>works with the flaming lips
>generic pop whore
You know those kids these days loving the flaming lips!
>for sales
>released 100% free album on soundcloud
>released 100% free album on soundcloud
>to promote a tour where musicians make most of their money
>implying you wouldn't
I always suspected Lohan was.
all my hnng
Beta-Kitten programming. Like the movie Sucker Punch :^)
is anybody actually going to fall for this?
>small venues tour with 2000 seats that was done for the flaming lips to get them money
you just did
The Black Goddess Kali has awoken the depravity within humanity. We are being ushered into an age of filth
>ghostbusters is okay
Wew that bar's getting pretty low isn't it?
Naw dude, not everyone here is a virgin. So she's shown nog a bit of skin, who cares, the amount of clothing she's wearing or not wearing doesn't automatically make her attractive, she has one of the derpiest faces I've ever seen, she's average at best. I could walk through a mall and point out 10 random chicks who are hotter on any given day. If you consider her to be one of top tier hottest celebrities in Hollywood then you have shit taste.
>Lady Gaga
that's a 10/10 right there
Miley's pretty hot. Music is shit though
>thinking MK ultra actually ended instead of going underground as a much more secretive sadistic operation
>Naw dude, not everyone here is a virgin.
Projecting much?
You're adorable, kid.
I don't know what this thread is about but I'd fuck her.
>he doesn't know about Project MONARCH
Same thing Winona's on here.
>noni will never look at you like this while pilled up to the rafters
>Nothing to see here, see it's just the ideas of a Hollywood movie!
Life imitates art
>Not realizing the real Miley got buried out in the desert
>le ebin faceblind meme that said she died in 2010 but the proof is her haircut in 2012
was waiting for this
>asks what went wrong
>has the answer in their post
Why did you make this thread?