Hey b/ can't sleep. Divorced last year. Started great relationship with friend of 10 years...

Hey b/ can't sleep. Divorced last year. Started great relationship with friend of 10 years. I loved her she didn't feel same. She now is banging another "friend" of mine. Should kill mysef? Only reason why not is 2 year old daughter, only see her 3 times a week, no over night

kill yourself


This is why I don't mix chicks and my social life. Also this is why I don't want kids or a wife.

i kek'd

Don't do it. Recently went thru my own problems. Might not seem great now but it will get better. Keep ur head up and don't be selfish

Go on for your daughter. Love her with everything you have. I just lost my little brother to suicide.

Dubs, checked.
>2 year old daughter

Solution OP: kill daughter, then kill self. Problem solved

>on /b
>claims social life

Pick one, faggit.

Better than having her raised by a single mom. She'll just become a copy of her cunt of a mother.

But kids are annoying

Boohoo fuck OP man up. Killing yourself over a woman. Pathetic. Be a fucking role model for your kid.

Because your daughter could see what is a great man and father from your examples. It can and will be difficult but enjoy the small good moments. It will be a slow grind and it begins with you getting back up after being knocked out.

You're too focused on women, and women don't like that. Get some real goals, find your life purpose and have some fucking ambition. People like to see someone with more drive than they have themselves.

Happiness is a choice. Try to find it and enlarge your perspective.

If someone IN THIS THREAD rolls trips you will kill yourself and live stream it

This OP.
Never let go.

you want to kill yourself over a woman ? are you mental ?

maybe you should


No, don't kill yourself. Turn your life around and find a reason to live.

1. Find yourself a hobby other than mouth breathing and eating doritos in front of a computer.
2. Get fit
3. Make ex and "friend" jealous
4. Bang crazy hot bitches
5. Profit
