I ain't afraid of no men
how will Sup Forums ever recover?
Well it's 73 percent
Sup Forums is still blown the fuck out
the real critics will come in full force and drop it down to 38%, watch by Friday this movie will have a rotten score.
Only if this does well at the box office. If it bombs, it'll be even more hilarious that it got mediocre ratings.
When did getting the equivalent of a C- count as BTFO status?
Ghostkino is too deep for Sup Forums.
Oh shit it is.
I really have no incentive to see this movie, but I'm happy anytime Sup Forums gets triggered.
>it'll get 90+ and btfo of Sup Forums
>its now at 74%
>and 48% top critics
How did Sup Forums get btfo except in your head?
t. misogynists
Probably because Sup Forums expected much less. I doubt it will keep that high of score for long though. When July 14th comes around it will probably go down.
pls let's not ruin a nice story with facts
>ghost busters is a great movie
>bernie will be a fantastic president
pick both
kek wills it
Will it bomb? It's surely gotta make at least $400m to break even. How often do films with female centered casts do that? Most chick flicks are low budget.
Guess what kids? This is the hit of the summer, Amy Pascal will have lifetime employment, and it's all your fault for saying girls have cooties. How does this make you feel?
The quick denial seems a good indication.
>the movie is heavily influenced by Sup Forums
the top critic RT is a lot closer to reality, as there's a lot less 'its an all woman cast who aren't offensively attractive to my feminist sensibilities therefore it's 8/10, despite all flaws."
Why did Sup Forums expect critics to score this movie low after all the media shilling for it over the past year?
is it worth noticing how whenever a movie gets middling (or heaven forbid,good) reviews, RT instantly posts a consensus, but when the reviews are overwhelmingly negative, RT will wait weeks/months before posting a negative consensus?
Or how in top critics view, the consensus is completely at odds with the actual reviews?
Or am I just thinking too much into this?
the only thing that matters is the Top Critic
nice inspect element->edit of the webpage, OP
Maybe not Sup Forums but certainly Sup Forums. The movie only exists because GG happened.
>the movie only exists because of a movement built around more objectivity from video game "journalists."
yea I'd love to hear your mental gymnastics on this particular subject.
don't trust the media, they are lying their ass off.
all positive reviews are ideology based.
We didn't. Male feminists are just on a rampage right now, losing their shit over a 74% fresh rating because they expected it to be much worse. Let them have this little victory, they only have 5 days until the box office numbers come in.
>being blind
Movie studios are trend hoppers
The rise of identity politics, in particular feminism was noticed and this is the main reason gb was remade this way.
GG definitely helped feed into the rise of that. And it's not like the movie industry is clueless about games - they actually pay close attention.
Although now with blm we get a glut of black castings. Ultimately this is what will kill girl power movies, besides the inevitable box office bombs.
Do you not remember what 2014 was like? Every left-of-center media source had daily rants about angry nerds and their misogynistic terrorist movement. And into the middle of this rides Sony, with a film announcement seemingly fine-tuned to piss Sup Forums off. The timing was too good to be coincidental.
This wouldn't have happened if you didn't throw such an autistic fit over the trailer.
Sup Forums is truly the WORST board.
>reddit hates Ghostbusters (2016)
>Sup Forums hates Ghostbusters (2016)
if you don't watch Ghostbusters (2016) you are reddit. and you don't want to be reddit, do you?
t. metafilter
why was it too good to be coincidental? GG mutated into that because video game publications (of all fucking things) were starting to force that narrative of feminism mattering to any escapist entertainment medium despite the fact women don't play any video games where there's sufficient space for feminist sentiments. Unless you want to start claiming candy crush is feminist. All of which was clearly a move by the entities that owned all video game journalism (video game publishers) in desperate hope of pulling women to video games other than candy crush.
Which, of course, was misconstrued by marketing executives as evidence there was demand for feminist media.
Yes, they're trendhoppers, but GG wasn't the trend. The dog-wag trend GG was against was the trend sony was hopping onto. Also since they've ran most of their IPs into the ground, they did need to diversify a bit.
Post the tip critics for the firs one too LOL