Times you've acted like the joker

Times you've acted like the joker.

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i said nigger when i was angry when i died to 1887 shotguns from 200 feet away in mw2

i felt extremely bad for it too.

I wrote 'damaged' on my forehead in biro but I did it in the mirror so it was backwards

One time years ago I went to a porn site and clicked to see the tour and jerked off to the pics without ever joining.

I crippled a woman

normies, better watch out


I toilet papered my neighbors house.

When I shave I put cream all over my face and leave the water running, woahahahah.

I told someone baneposting was a bad meme

I played russian roulette with a friend

I took a shit once , there was no toilet paper so I used my hands xD

I ate my cereal without milk i used water instead

I tore the tag off the mattress...and didn't flog myself as penance

>be me
>not you
>earn lots of money
>like a whole lot
>especially for my age
>decide to start lifting
>6 weeks into ICF 5x5 (thank you based jason)
>finish up and decide to go to grocery store still in my tank top
>got that juicy pump going on
>get chicken, eggs, veggies, and rice, and some whey protein
>qt3.14 at register
>obviously mirin
>she asks if I found everything I need today
>I say yes even though I couldn't find bugspray
>im thinking of asking her to be my gf and make sex with me but im too much of a spaghetti spillin' sperg autismo
Anyone else have any joker stories like this?

dude...what the fuck?

Killed a guard in Half Life because he was blocking the door.
Didn't say sorry.

>realize too late that I forgot my poop scissors
>take a risk and flush the thick Red Bull can turd and his friends as they are
>the water in the bowl is clear enough to look like it flushed fine, but a courtesy flush confirms it's clogged
>decide my waste was adequately disposed of and the clog is the next guy's problem
>he'll probably think he's the one who clogged it anyway

I completely trashed this dude's bathroom at a party last night after he just kept running his mouth during beer pong. Like completely destroyed.
>ripped out every drawer and caninet door.
>put dark colored towels in toilet and flushed while ripping out the toilet water knob so he can't turn it off
>took a dump in the shower and used white towels to wipe and left them on the floor
>jammed poop scissors in sink
>smashed the mirror
>took all of his toiletries and put them in the shower with my shit
>wrote on the unsmashed part of the mirror in permanent marker "YOU DID THIS"
Lol haven't seen him since but I showed my bro and we couldn't stop laughing. Had to leave like right after fucking lmao.

>poop scissors
Is this a European thing?

Turdlet detected.

I started a thread and never posted anything on it.

>start an argument with someone
>another person jumps in and defends your position
>just stop posting and let everyone else settle it

I ate an entire thing of my roomate's ben and jerry's ice cream.

and I fucking loved it

I took a piss and didn't flush


I took a pencil from my schools honor system supply closet and didn't pay for it

That time I died and didn't experience the entire world collectively sucking my dead dick

I used to suck on my sisters tampongs as a kid

Are you me?

I tried to kill Batman once.

I too have been foiled by the batman.

>called someone reddit because I disagreed with them
>left the thread permanently
Now the newfag will never know I was from reddit, just like the rest of my Sup Forumsbros