Well look who just came out of his cave!

>Well look who just came out of his cave!

I really hate it when they say that.

Fuck you martha you fucking slut, wheres your nigger husband now slut

I don't like this therad

tell us more about Martha

She's a fucking idiot who works some faggoty job at walmart,m. She also maried some nigger who left ( who would guessed)

I encourage a large familywhen everyone is responsible, and not a cancerous blemish on society, but I certainly wouldn't practice it--not like anyone would care, nor does it matter.

Carry on.

does she drive a Toyota?

>So what you been up to?
Nothing, same old

>Have you found a job yet?
No, but I'm looking

>You know the new starbucks down the street is hiring
That's cool

>Weren't you just 3 credit hours away from a Associates degree?

That's usually how the conversation goes. I know I'm a lazy piece of shit, but you don't have to remind me the 2 times a year I see you.


Yeah a shitty one

yes I do cousin.

Who are you people? How did you get into my house?

Yeah me too man and each time they say it like if it's never been done before

"And this is my son's room..."

ahhhhhh HA HAAAA

made me laugh.

I think the dogs dead. On the plus side my boners gone down.

>Oh cool, you've got a computer. Can I borrow it for a minute? Also, what's that smell?

>so what do you do now?

any luck with the ladies, user? :)


"Hah yeah. Nice to see everyone."
"Yeah same old, you know how it is"
"No not yet but they said I'd get a call for a second interview soon."
"I'm not worried. I forgot something in my room I'll be right back."

I am ok with my family being full of normies.
I just wish I knew how to talk to normies

just talk to them like you do on Sup Forums. who cares if you seem awkward as fuck, they're the autists... r-right?


>when your cousin is more acceptable to society than you are

>when you're black and invited to your friend's frat party