I'm a vegan because I think it's wrong to hurt animals for unnecessary reasons. Why aren't you a vegan?

I'm a vegan because I think it's wrong to hurt animals for unnecessary reasons. Why aren't you a vegan?

And yes, the reasons are unnecessary, otherwise I wouldn't be alive.

Other urls found in this thread:


Humans are animals.

I like meat, and I don't like vegetables very much.

being a vegan doesn't mean hurting humans as a substitute for hurting animals

I'm not a vegan for multiple reasons.
-steak is delicious
-there has never in the history of world been an apex predator that was a herbivore and I live by that creed.
-I'd rather not take protein pills to meet my daily requirement.
-most "vegans" don't realize that a majority of the shit they use has had some sort of animal by products in it and they ignorantly turn a blind eye to it since it satisfies their own needs; for instance, shaving cream. the only difference is you aren't eating it in one situation.
-and lastly, humans are still animals, and animals have been hurting, killing and eating other animals since forever, and I'm not going to try to be above the natural order of shit.

u'r not gonna get anything but troll replies (and stupid replies from people who are desperately trying to justify their murderous practice), but i applaud you for trying user.


Im eating a 2 pound steak i personally carved off a bull this morning. I raised that bull, AND I FEEL GREAT EATING IT.

stop taking the food out of my foods mouth you filthy vegan


>Lmao plants are okay to eat rather than animals even though it's been proven they are sentient, communal, and respond to harm
You have incisors for a reason, all of life is predicated on feeding on death.

Enjoy your leafs and shit while in no way improving the lives of these animals you choose not to consume you heighty cunt.

yep, all the standard bullshit reasons. like i expected.

no no you dumbass. they aren't just sentient, they are sapient. get it right.

A cheese burger for like $2.50 or a vegan meal for like 15 bucks.

Im gonna stick with a cheeseburger.


You might as well eat meat, those animals are going to die and be eaten regardless you dumbass.

I think it isn't necessary for you to kill plants when you could be killing the things that kill them.

poor yanks who can't afford decent food spotted


Thank me later

>give good reasons
>get called bullshit

I really hope you someday accidentally eat bacon and choke on it.

I agree with veganism in every aspect. I was vegan for ~9 mo. and then got extremely depressed and just stopped caring about morals. Now I'm back to vegetarian, honestly don't really remember how many years I haven't consumed meat in. Not sure if I will ever go back to veganism, still pretty depressed.



Vegans are racist against poor people, you say?

I can afford decent food, id rather just not waste $15 when i can get the same or more amount of calories for $2.50

But that same argument can be used to denigrate your reasons for being vegan, everybody uses the bullshit reason of "muh animals" nature is nature we are apex predators so we're gonna eat like them

Well I can understand your motivations, but you fail to get the whole picture.
First of all, cows (as most of our animal meals) are an artificial breed which couldn't survive on their own. If we didn't eat them or drink their milk, they would go extinct. That's probably worse than killing a part of the population.
Second, cultivating vegetables also kills animals. We need to take their habitat to cultivate, and second we kill the unfortunate ones who enter the fields. Or course I'm aware that crops to feed animals also do this, but it invalidates the idea of vegetables preventing "murder". And if you go the efficiency route, you're on a slippery slope already.

eat a fucking hamburger, you should perk right back up.

>What is supply and demand?
You're wrong, but veganfag isn't helping the cause because the parading around has caused me to want to eat more meat, nullifying any 'good' they think they've done.

> Pretending like 2% of the population being vegan is gonna hinder any supply and demand the meat indrustry

I respect your reasons for becoming vegan - and will defend your right to eat whatever you choose.

Will you do the same for me, you preachy little cunt?
No, will you fuck - because your reasons for becoming vegan have nothing to do with animal welfare, and everything with being a contrarian little prick. If vegetables were found to be intelligent and animals found to enjoy being eaten, you would live off burgers and hotdogs just to be a fucking objectionable fucker.

I don't have a problem with vegans, I have a problem with people like you.
It's not about eating meat or vegetables, it's about eating shit, and you have something stuck in your teeth, asshole.

Actually no the legal definition of an animal in my state is.

>the word “animal” shall be held to include every living dumb creature;

so if you're dumb, you're an animal basically.

>I'm a massive vagina who got beat up in school so I don't want to hurt animals
>I'm still a massive vagina with hurt feelfeels so I'm going to give my opinions as facts to try to make myself feel better

this thread is 100% about OP trying to make herself feel she's "doing the right thing" and deserves no extra time no discussion since she'll just shoot down any other input.


>Actually no the legal definition of an animal in my state is.
>of an animal in my state is.
>animal in my state is.
>in my state is.
>my state is.
>my state

fuck you and your state.

>the efficiency route
You better eat only potatoes and corn, which produce the most calories per square meter, and use led lights, because traditional bulbs ARE MURDER!

no youre vegan cuz ur a faggot

I like you.

>Eating meat is unnecessary, we can get the entirety of nutrients from plants, no protein pills required, unless you're an idiot and live off instant ramen.
>"The majority of vegans" Don't be one of them.
>"Because other things do it, it must be fine." Fucking idiot.

this guy has the right idea

That's why you grow it and make it yourself faggot

Just because it's vegan doesn't make it decent food. It just makes it overpriced garbage that trendy people buy. Can't wait till the vegan shit dies out just like no MSG and gluten free.

At one point, we required incisors. Now we don't, and we're killing animals needlessly.

Not eating meat decreases pollution, decreases water usage, and decreases the amount of grain used by the meat industry.

chicken breast is one of the best things you can eat, a plant that has equal or greater nutritional value.

and also "don't be one of them" you're proving that you are with this whole thread.

>Muh boigas
>Go to a farmers market once, and you'll walk out with a giant bag of vegetables for $2.50

>At one point, we required incisors, now we don't

Yeah, because all those herbivores we see in nature have NO FUCKING INCISORS...

Biology is definitely something you should read about, you fuck-knuckle.


Why mass produce plant eaters, that need to eat plants in order to get fat enough to eat? 13 to 7 kg of grain is fed to a cow to produce 1kg of beef. It's much more economical to eat the grain instead, and it saves more plant lives. #plantlivesmatter

>organic costs less
Tell me about that bridge you want to sell me, while you're at it.

did you ironically forget about the leather that cow might make or the milk through-out its life that it would bring in?

Funny thing with vegans - great at cherry-picking.

The people that give your lifestyle stability eat meat.

Vegetarian trying to go vegan here and faggots ITT have bought into all the propaganda manufactured to make having a mostly meat diet justifiable even though the things companies do to enable this wreck our bodies and our planet.
No going vegan doesn't fix everything, but it's part of the answer as well as it being the moral thing to do

Why aren't I a vegan?

There's a few reasons off of the top of my head.

1. I just don't care what happens to livestock. The world is an inhumane place, what happens in animals natural habitats is far worse than what happens to the creatures I eat.

2. It's cheaper to eat meat.

3. Meat tastes good, and I find it far more filling than vegetables.

4. What's it really matter, anyway?

Luckily, grain is also 10 times more surface efficient than fruits or other sugary vegetables, so you better eat grain only or you're killing more plants and animals anyway.

You know, now that you mention it, if I became a vegan, I could shitpost bait threads like this one and get a ton of (You)'s. I'm going to seriously consider this.

But then on the other hand, pork isn't a vegetable.

>Cows can be managed without killing them, just like many endangered species that we have kept alive.
>Cultivating vegetables kills far less animals, and invading animals can be re-located, not killed.
>80% of deforestation is due to animal agriculture. To add to this, in terms of space, the area required to produce 1kg of beef can be used to produce 160kg of potatoes.

>moral thing to do

teach us your ways, we must learn from you, did you cut out meat from your diet so you can live entirely on leaves and dicks? we must know!


potatoes dont produce complete proteins

Your short sightedness allows for the 1% to keep control. You have responsibility for the actions that you pay companies to do. Do you have pets user?

Doesn't detract from what I said faggot

slow down captain, you don't get to call someone short sighted and THEN ask them a question.

Ain't my thread. There's more vegans than you think. And no, I don't use any animal products at all. Including Insect products, and the E numbers that include animal products, bi-products etc.

>I'm a vegan
Strictly speaking you can't claim this when you swallow cum.

It doesn't matter that we still have incisors. We can use them in situations that we 'need' to. But for the time being, we can get all nutrients from plants, nuts etc.

Using the word "can" is so misleading. Of course it is possible, but it won't ever be done. We don't do it with any species right now. Having 100 pandas on zoos doesn't save the specie, just makes it a cruel oddity. Cows would go extinct apart from that few zoo ones.
Same with relocation. Not done anywhere ever, and "somewhere" is a place that doesn't exist. There is only that much useful space. We're already killing gorillas to have chocolate, man.
And your final point is the efficiency route, which makes eating fruit or using an old car morally the same as eating meat. You better go out of your way to conserve energy or you're killing animals too.

pic related is how OP supplements his protein consumption

>I don't use any animal products at all
>using the internet

>Captcha: select all signs (signs are PC and laptop repair)

I do infact have pets.

Before you pull the "Whats the difference between a chicken and your cat then" line, I'll also have you know i have owned both chickens and other livestock.

The simple fact is the intelligence of a chicken, and much other livestock, is so poor that they cannot hold the same value as other more refined domesticated animals.

you still suck dick and are actively making this world a FAR worse place with your bullshit.

so if you are a true vegan that "cares about the world", you should correct the problem and save the world and any potential animals and just eat a bullet and heads up there were no animal by products in that FMJ.

I can say the truth and ask a question user. Not realizing these things I what keeps us in a cycle of shit and the 1% in a cycle of power. Controlling how and what we eat is part of that. Not caring about what happens and only being worked about the present is shortsighted

Because being a vegan means you're a piece of shit who doesn't actually give a shit about animals, you just want to feel better about yourself. If you actually gave a shit about animals you'd be studying animal rights so that you could actually do something to help protect animals and improve humane treatment of animals in the food industry. Instead you flock around PETA, an organization that mistreats animals despite its supposed purpose, and sit on your high horse berating any who aren't vegan. Veganism disgusts me.

There are alternatives to leather, and 3/4 of the population are lactose intolerant. The rate at which humans produce lactase decreases after breast feeding finishes. In asia, more than 80% of people are lactose intolerant. It's not sustainable.

Lol okay edgelord. Refuted nothing and made yourself look like a faggot

it's not clover, but eat that sheep.

yes, eating is unnecessary

I said farmers market. As in a vegetable market. I guess you've never been to one?

don't cry, it makes the dick harder sweetheart.



Humans can't entirely stop killing and damaging the earth. Even with taking a step onto the grass, can kill insects, and damage plants. It's about reducing the impact. Compare throwing a grain of sand against a rock, compared to a brick.

Nice way to shift the goalposts... Oh, you're a vegan, of COURSE you moved the goalposts.

>There are alternatives to leather
Yeah, petrochemical alternatives.

Check fucking mate.

Soy beans then? 50% of the currently produced soy beans are consumed by the meat industry.

There's one in my town every Saturday.

Overconsumption of soy leads to allergic reactions in observed humans. Soy allergies tend to prove fatal.

The ol "if you're killing one, you may as well kill them all" attitude. Ignorance is bliss isn't it, little grasshopper.

Animals eat other animals. Humans are animals. Why shouldn't humans eat other animals?


so you're saying... i should eat... humans? well, if you say so. actually, i have a delicious humanburger right here. i wasn't going to eat it or anything, but if you say i have to eat it... i guess i have to. i could totally not do it, but since you already said i should... i mean i wouldn't want to be difficult or anything.

I was going to say about a cow and a dog. Most mammals are emotional creatures. For example, similarly to how a dog wags it's tail when it's excited a pig will do the same. If you look into it you will see more cross-species analogs and it painted a picture to me that we are all pretty similar. We all feel user. And i know that sounds like some gay hippy bullshit, but framing animals as these dumb creatures that just eat and shit along with a couple instincts are the efforts of the trillion dollar industries thats profit relies on us not caring about the wellbeing of these not-so-different animals


I'm a vegetarian not because I love animals, but because I hate plants, and want to kill them all.

so, you condone the killing of animals for food, but treating animals poorly is bad? Get off your high horse.

Suck a cock, you fag.

If pigs were Earth's dominant species, they'd eat the fuck out of you. They aren't Earth's dominant species, and they'd still eat the fuck out of you if given the opportunity.

Think about that.

>purposefully acting how he thinks someone on b would act


Nice recycled joke you got there, 9gag.


That joke is a shitload older than 9gag, you tremendous fruit.

>framing animals as these dumb creatures that just eat and shit along with a couple instincts are the efforts of the trillion dollar industries
What tools do pigs use?
What art have pigs created?
What is the average IQ of a pig compared to say a dolphin or a monkey?