Thank God this dirty fucking whore isn't in any new rlm videos fat fucking cunt I hope she dies

Thank God this dirty fucking whore isn't in any new rlm videos fat fucking cunt I hope she dies

You take that back you fucking troglodyte.

Oh, is this a Youtube thing?

I think she's hot

For a female eceleb she was remarkably inoffensive, but that could have been mostly just thanks to the editing

she's been 'behind the scenes' for quite a while now

i find it more interesting that 'Previously Recorded' appears to have been dropped.

pls no bully

what do you mean dropped?

>muh friend simulator


Pre-rec made me hate Rich so I'm glad if it's gone

Jessi a cute. Deal with it nerds.

Jack will no longer be appear in future videos due to a massive falling out with Mike Stoklasa.

>Pre-rec made me hate Rich

me too. But I still find him funny when he's directed by Mike...or bullied by him.

Also Pre-rec made me hate Jack even more. And it's was the person i hated more in the world.

Jack adores Mike. The two are great buddies.

Jack is a cunt but this is about as those Josh getting fired rumors.

Pre Rec fell into a boring ass pattern where they did the same shit every episode or made uninteresting observations.

They should have mixed it up some. But too late now.

This is literally just a list of everything that is currently popular with no arguments to why it's bad.

>i find it more interesting that 'Previously Recorded' appears to have been dropped.

They have their own channel and stream that constantly produced content.

Thats why its bad though.

So whats the story behind SJWbeard? Why did he get fired?
I heard he was talking shit about mike cause he didnt like eraserhead. It got pretty personal

They fired him so hard he made a cameo in their latest video, dipshit.

She hasn't been in a video in two years and you're still here on Sup Forums making threads like this. How much of a worthless fucking loser are you? Jesus Christ, kill yourself.

>What's the deal with this e-celeb drama that I just made up just now?

She's like the younger version of a frumpy, piss smelling cat lady. If you find her attractive the world is your oyster, you should be out banging 10 different ogres a night.