Are there any films that portray Nazi Germany in an unbiased light?

Are there any films that portray Nazi Germany in an unbiased light?

not any made outside of WWII-era Germany

Come and See

Schindler's List

The Black notebook


Triumph des Willens

The Greatest Story Never Told

Cry some more.

Also Syberbergs "Hitler, A Film from Germany"

Really good old piece of surrealist totalkunst that shows you the mentality of Nazism.

>Waahhh why are there no pro-Nazi movies
Because nobody likes Nazis. Not conservatives because they're against Socialism, and not liberals because they're against racism. It's unprofitable.

No one said pro-Nazi

>Schindler's List

How is it biased?

Fighting to preserve your country and your people from the hands of international rivals vying for regional/global hegemony isn't destroying Europe.

Importing millions of "refugees" and actively undermining your citizens is though.



That's a joke. Or at least I hope it is.

The entire movie is propaganda focused on personifying the Nazi's as soulless murders.

Sure Jews were inhumanely detained, but the Nazi's didn't exterminate them. Hear me out. During the later part of the war when Germany was continuously losing resources were becoming rarer and rarer as infrastructure crumbled because of Allied bombings. The majority of supplies that were intact were re-routed to the front line or to starving German citizens. The Jews held in the camps were thus left without food or water.

It was either starving Jews or starving Germans/soldiers. Any country would've picked their own over detainees. The atrocity and mass death wasn't an immoral decision of the Germans, rather it was just the best they could've done during an extremely bleak situation.

However, either way horribly the Jews were starved, and also due to the lack of clean water there was then a huge typhus epidemic (in 1942-1943). This killed a lot of prisoners as the winter drove the majority of inmates into small confined spaces, the lack of proper hygiene made nearly everyone susceptible to disease, and the starvation greatly weakened their immune systems. This then led the guards to dig some mass graves and burn bodies. It was all in order to prevent the spread of disease. If you don't believe that burning bodies or mass graves are ample ways of preventing disease then read some history about the Plague.


>how can 6 million people die from disease

There was never 6 million. Red Cross reported at least 500,000 or more. 6 million is a fabricated figure.

>why would they lie?

The holocaust survivors aren't lying, they legitimately believe they were being purposely starved and burned. The guards barely communicated anything to the inmates and this led the majority of survivors to believe all of the death was completely intentional. However there are some survivors that lie like Elie Wiesel in order to make interesting stories/books.

I think the entire holocaust however was tragic and a huge waste of human life. However it is pitiful to see such a huge part of human history falsified in order to incriminate the post-war members of the Nazi party. The real cause for the mass death was simply the brutal reality of war itself.



That still doesn't explain the vitriol flinged at the Jews in the pre-war years by Hitler and his cabal.

Also what about the Einsatzgruppen.

How long until we start to deny slavery?

I find it extremely creepy that the only people who think Hitler didn't have a Jew extermination program are the ones who agree with Hitler that the Jews are enemies of humanity.

user, what evidence (if any) would convince you that the Nazis had a program to intentionally exterminate Jews and other undesirables from their society, and that they were carrying out this program even before the beginning of the war?

More people need to learn about the hoax of holocaust.

how about any films or series about the eastern front?

i'd agree with you if you said germany had the right to preserve itself
but denying the preserving itself invariably results in harm to greater europe makes you look stupid at best and a liar at worst


>That still doesn't explain the vitriol flinged at the Jews in the pre-war years by Hitler and his cabal.
Why does that need a special explanation?

Does anyone have the video of that Nazi loli talking about how great the Nazis and Hitler were?

>the holocaust didn't happen!
>but gee it sure would've been awesome if it did!

So what happened to the millions of Jews living in the Pale of Settlement?

>>but gee it sure would've been awesome if it did!
Nice straw man faggot

The issue is, western media focuses on America/Britain vs Germany. However, there are tons of Russian and Soviet films made on war from their perspective. Mostly older and/or lower budget, so you're going to have trouble finding something as visually and narratively captivating as, say, Band of Brothers, but there are plenty of movies.

>There are no mass-graves today anywhere near the number of bodies are claimed were systematically executed
>The stories about Jew-soap and Jew-bookbindings, Jew-lampshades, which were officially promoted by governments, repeated in textbooks, believed in by millions, and testified to by various 'survivors' are now commonly admitted to be complete fabrications. Notice that these were widely believed aspects of the Holocaust story
>The claims about gas and how the gas was administered varied widely, and today are entirely inconsistent - we're supposed to believe this was a systematic, nation\empire-wide extermination program, but the stories not only change from camp to camp, but the stories per camp have changed over time... "gas came out of shower heads", one of the definitive claims is now commonly agreed to be preposterous. In some places "carbon monoxide" some places "carbon dioxide' were pumped into chambers, in others zyklon B others zyklon B pellets. You can still find hundreds of videos of people claiming they personally knew of zyklon B being administered via showerheads, despite official historians now agreeing that didn't happen.
>All the powers involved had good reason to promoted the Holocaust myth. Political zionists, the US, Russia, etc all had reason to maintain outrage and atrocity stories re Germany.
>The numbers have continually been revised down. All the major death camps have independently had their numbers revised down from millions, to hundreds of thousands, to tens of thousands, in some cases to thousands.
>Many of the most famous documentaries on the Holocaust clearly use manipulative distortions, misrepresent the architecture and design of the camps, etc to propagandistic effect

I'm personally undecided, but these are some good points the holocaust deniers make.

Answer my question stormweenie

Nah, I don't really feel like it

Germany was better when it wasn't a country.

I like how saying the Holocaust existed has become a controversial topic on Sup Forums. I mean Sup Forums.

Slavery was real?

Only Sup Forumsweenies and ADLshills cry over the number. Holocaust scholarship is much subtler than a keyboard warrior could ever grasp.

The OP just asked for an unbiased film. Are you really going to deny that Nazis in most movies, even 'serious' movies about the war\holocaust tend to be depicted in a ridiculous light? How many films depict the actual historical context?

For example, how many films even mention the widespread perception among Germans that the 'intelligentsia' within Germany promoting communism\socialism were Jewish? There are plenty of non-revisionist historians who acknowledge this reality and agree that the German perception was at least based on some truth - why aren't there any movies dealing with or at least touching on this in a serious way?

There is no "unbiased light" lmao there is no way to accurately present nazis and nazism to a modern or even contemporary audience that shows them to be anything other than wicked and morally corrupt

>For example, how many films even mention the widespread perception among Germans that the 'intelligentsia' within Germany promoting communism\socialism were Jewish? There are plenty of non-revisionist historians who acknowledge this reality and agree that the German perception was at least based on some truth - why aren't there any movies dealing with or at least touching on this in a serious way?

why haven't they made films about any number of things???? Mexican-American War? Anti-Hispanic sentiment in world war 2 America? Spartacist revolt? Domestic life in 16th-century Swabia? People who hoard anvils?

So I will proceed with the assumption that there is nothing in the stormweenie's repetoire of copypastas and infographics that can adequately explain the disappearance of million of Jews from the Pale of Settlement that doesn't include mass-murder?


Schindler's list