You guys weren't memeing
Radiohead is fucking great
Street Spirit is my favorite song so far. What's considered their best album Ok Computer?
You guys weren't memeing
Anthony Hughes
Robert Baker
Either Kid A or OK Computer. I personally prefer Kid A.
Daniel Morgan
Most people's favourites are Ok Computer or Kid A, just depends on your preference.
Some say they like The Bends, In Rainbows, Amnesiac more though
Adam Thompson
They're a worse version of Swans.
Nolan Thompson
In Rainbows > A Moon Shaped Pool > Kid A > The Bends > OK Computer > Amnesiac
That's everything they've made worth listening to objectively ordered.
Jack Robinson
They sound nothing alike.
I like both bands, but come on man.
Charles Ortiz
Take the U2-pill and become enlightened
Colton Perry
How to spot a pleb.
Jacob Collins
I actually agree with this. In Rainbows is absolutely my favorite album af all time
Henry Hernandez
>AMSP in 2nd
>Amnesiac that fucking low
Damn...So this is what shit taste is like...