You guys weren't memeing

You guys weren't memeing
Radiohead is fucking great
Street Spirit is my favorite song so far. What's considered their best album Ok Computer?

Either Kid A or OK Computer. I personally prefer Kid A.

Most people's favourites are Ok Computer or Kid A, just depends on your preference.

Some say they like The Bends, In Rainbows, Amnesiac more though

They're a worse version of Swans.

In Rainbows > A Moon Shaped Pool > Kid A > The Bends > OK Computer > Amnesiac

That's everything they've made worth listening to objectively ordered.

They sound nothing alike.
I like both bands, but come on man.

Take the U2-pill and become enlightened

How to spot a pleb.

I actually agree with this. In Rainbows is absolutely my favorite album af all time

>AMSP in 2nd
>Amnesiac that fucking low
Damn...So this is what shit taste is like...