I've been noticing as of late that there's a lot more legitimate femnons coming out of the shadows.
What's going on here?
Is there a reason?
Has the climate of Sup Forums changed that much?
I've been noticing as of late that there's a lot more legitimate femnons coming out of the shadows.
What's going on here?
Is there a reason?
Has the climate of Sup Forums changed that much?
well Sup Forums is mainstream as fuck now
it used to a be a bunch of pedos
>implying it isn't still a bunch of pedos
So its because Sup Forums is "popular" or "trendy" right now?
that's basically the gist of it.
newfags come in believing they're welcome and they welcome any other newcomer. this leads to femanons thinking it's acceptable to come out, since the newfags are encouraging them.
>impling femanons aren't pedos
I'll agree with this guy, when I first got here I was scared shirtless about posting anything cuz I thought I'd get doxed.
I don't really know if this is a bad thing though.
>lonely virgin girl comes to place full of lonely virgin guys
I like to believe Sup Forums does its own filtering of where people go based off what they can handle naturally.
I think that the ones that do make it past the trial by fire should be welcomed.
What do you think?