What's up Sup Forumsros, alright listen up faggots, the radio guy says russia helped win trumps election...

What's up Sup Forumsros, alright listen up faggots, the radio guy says russia helped win trumps election, now i'm here to say fuck that shit nigga. Im like 90 million percent positive that Sup Forums is the reason for trump, please someone explain.

It's your theory son, you explain that shit to yourself.

50 million americans are on Sup Forums right now according to you

I know your generation or snowflakes are prone to exaggeration but if you're 90 million percent sure of something you generally would be able to formulate some level of supporting discussion of that point.

But also like your generation if you cant find someone to do your thinking for you there's a good chance you'll get distracted by a trap thread and abandon your own.

Easiest and cheapest to explain just pay for time so it's all about the money he owes a lot of people money so it's going to take deals behind for the u.s. people to make corporations that paid for his advertising on TV ads and radio ads and any other and that was available on the internet and the trolls didn't help

Spell fail exploit

meme magic son
...and nanomachines

Bad failed type too fast hands

Sup Forums is responsible of the electing of Trump

Once upon a time Sup Forums would of been able to do the same thing, but you lot are too degenerate and into anime, trap porn, sissy shit that we just walk all over you.

Don't forget hacking groups that kind of mess with people on purpose for no apparent reason or purpose just to troll