Reddit here. What's wrong with the IMDB top 250?
Reddit here. What's wrong with the IMDB top 250?
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movies come out after 1980
Big Trouble in Little China isn't No. 1
It's a list made up by the votes of normies and redditors, instead of people who actually have an understanding of movies.
they care only about the story
>tfw every post is true
keep in mind that the biggest critics of "le reddit IMDb drones XD" made up this list as an alternative
they're exactly what they denounce
Imdb> RT
Not a single Godard film
sensible people
a lot of those movies aren't necessarily bad but it has no personality
>not posting the full list
>but it has no personality
you sound like a tremendous faggot
shills ruin everything, that's all you need to know
>movie released a few weeks ago
>already in the imdb top 250
Sup Forums lists have all been fairly similar
this board's favourite tv shows are Game of Thrones and The Walking Dead
It's favourite movies to discuss are Star wars and Superhero movies
Stop pretending you have "good" taste, you're not fooling anyone
whats the point of watching a movie then?
this is the same criticism Sup Forums posters make against movies in general here.
>implying imdb would get a list this good based on more than 10 users
That list is shit mate. Or maybe my expectations were too high.
>Lawrence of Arabia
>The Thing
based Sup Forums
it's boring to see the same movies on top movie lists
None of those are great films, though.
there were like 320 different movies, the popular ones were obviously going to have more votes, the only movie that feels off for me there is Blade Runner and maybe Citizen Kane because everyone shits on it
1.Art is subjective
2. Any imbecile with an internet connection can vote
Fucking Dark Knight is in the Top 10. Think about it, a movie about millionaire furry with psychological trauma and a toddler-level understanding of the socioeconomic factors that cause criminal activity goes play avenger in a multimillion dollar suit against an edgelord clown cosplayer who thinks hes nietzche and has a clown army beats everything Kubrick, Chaplin, Malick, Kurosawa, Linklater, Herzog, Lynch, Kobayashi, etc have done in their careers
but then tv gets mad if a movie is "style over substance."
it depends on the movie and anyone who's been here for more than 2 days (not you apparently) should know that style IS (or at worst, can be) substance
but this is from the subsection of Sup Forums that thinks highest of themselves. IMDb has a board like that and they've made better lists than that, far better. look up the collection titled "expanding the canon" or something to that effect on PTP.
Invite me and I will.
The Dark Knight is #4
Let me repeat, a movie about a man who dresses up as a bat, who gets in a fight with a clown, is considered the fourth greatest movie of all time.
Don't worry, have this:
Story is what actually matters you autist.
/lbg/ could do a list like that honestly, the poll was just 10 favorite movies
too many black and white movies and chink shit