Honestly if the purge was real it would be pretty f*cking awesome. Just 12 hours of doing what I want to who I want. Call me sick and twisted if you want but everyone secretly wants it.
Honestly if the purge was real it would be pretty f*cking awesome. Just 12 hours of doing what I want to who I want...
Can you imagine the shitposting?
>troves of child pornography
also if all crime is legal does that mean that pedophiles get to run wild?
It's a retarded premise. Just because laws aren't being enforced by the state doesn't mean you can start doing whatever you feel like. The vast, vast majority of what keeps people from robbing and killing each other isn't police enforcing laws, it's people having consciences and other normal people fucking your shit up when you try to encroach on their lives and property. Google police strike statistics, crime rates including serious felonies do not increase just because the police stop patrolling. That movie franchise is just a pile of liberal statist propaganda for idiots.
Yeah, I really want innocent people to be at the mercy of criminals who can do whatever they want.
Oh wait.
Even when police are striking, you can be punished for the crimes later. Not the case in the Purge world
You know what deters robbers more than the prospect of getting arrested? The prospect of the homeowner owning a gun. The whole idea behind the purge doesn't stand up to more than two minutes of critical thinking.
>Even when police are striking, you can be punished for the crimes later.
The threat of later prosecution even though you didn't get arrested initially matters even less. If the threat of getting arrested going away isn't enough of an incentive to make people commit robbery and murder at higher rates during a police strike then the threat of prosecution later on despite lack of arrest definitely isn't an incentive since it's an even less immediate deterrent than arrest.
>everyone secretly wants it
No. No they don't.
Because people don't want to get robbed and killed.
That's literally all there is to it.
>12 hours of doing what I want to who I want
You would probably be one of those who die in the first half hour because someone did what they wanted to you more effectively.
i would finally have a reason to hire roof koreans
If by run wild you mean swinging from trees and being burned at the stake by mask wearing parents then yes.
>roof Koreans
>punji traps all over your property
>an excuse to dress like /k/ for reasons besides posing for pictures in milsurp threads
Sounds pretty fun 2bh
Sounds pretty fun desu
There would pretty much be no black people if the purge was a thing.
>12 hours that will subsequently strengthen strong communities in high dense areas to protect each other and weed out the crazies and lead to the elimination of those so blood thirsty and savage that if left alive will get hunted unto the ends of the earth the next day.
Hate to sound like an edgy fuck but it would probably do some good.
The police don't work during the purge user
People don't even do fun stuff during the purge. Killing people is all they can think of? Riots look more fun than the purge. In riots people will light entire buildings on fire. I know some weapons are restricted during the purge (don't get me started on how fucking ridiculous that is) but fire isn't one of them. Where's the one guy with the gas can burning down the city? Where are the looters? Where are the rapists and people just wildly fucking out in the middle of the streets? People do that during Mardi Gras and it's illegal as fuck. In the movie ALL CRIME IS LEGAL but all everyone wants to do is kill people? Get fucking realistic. The streets would turn into a giant jamboree not a fucking massacre. Whoever came up with the idea of The Purge either has a deep desire to kill people or probably thinks that's all most other people think about and that's pretty narrow minded.
this 2bh. most people would go on the defensive and work together.
Rape (including of children, infants)
You'd probably get killed like a faggot by going out to hunt people and catch a bullet in your face from 200 meters from a top grade Sniper or just get shotgunned while stepping on some hicks proprety. Problem is everyone thinks theire the big shark when in fact your nothing but b8
They would be people with families. Their numbers would be 70% noncombatants. A well armed militia would demolish them.
Especially with a fucking 12 hour long timeline. Hell even 24 to a week it would go that way.
The only way you'd have insanity is prolonged, apocalyptic catastrophe where the human psyche really gets turned on itself and how fucked up someone can get really comes out.
The Purge is a stupid idea.
>organizing a militia for a raid that will last at best a day
Good luck getting that rag-tag group together.
>people with families
thats literally most definitely 99% of the population
>organizing a militia for a raid that will last at best a day
My dad goes on skiiing trips with his buddies every year. It's not hard to form militias.
>Purge happens
>Unrealistically assuming no terrorist or foreign country with a bone to pick would not take advantage of Purge night.
>Again, unrealistically assuming everything goes according to keikaku
>About 50% of the working class is killed off.
>Literally all of downtown is on fire because no firefighters
>Property damage is literally through the roof(fuck off with this Purge insurance bullshit. They'd go bankrupt about half an hour after the Purge ends)
>No one to work jobs because they're all dead
>No places to spend money to keep the economy going
>Every job that still exists can't be done because property damage
>All the rich people suddenly stop getting money
>Firefighters busy trying to contain city-wide infernos
>America is basically a third-world shithole
>Canada and Mexico laugh and invade
>12-hour "murder every man, woman, and child. Rape them too" gang big enough to be a legitimate threat to any given community
>comparable to 2-3 chucklefucks going skiing
If you're too much of a prude to say fuck, then don't fucking say it in the first place.
>sick and twisted
Nah, you're just a teenager thinking he's a big deal.
Glad to know your dad and his friends are psycopaths who want to kill, rape, and generally break the law.
why are all these threads along the lines of "imagine all the shit i could do".. and not about "imagine all the shit OTHER PEOPLE could do to me"?
and what happens the next day? do people simply forget about it? "oh, hey, George, caught you raping my daughter up the ass with a carving knife last Purge, you old devil you! she still can't walk, ha ha ha!"
I used to want to do this but now I'd rather just have a lemonade and watch cartoons.
>all crime is legal
>white collar crime bankrupts 90% of the United States
Lol you think a purge would suddenly make blacks more docile? They are savages with no purge, whites would get btfo at street level during a purge, they can't even handle blacks during normal times.
>A well armed militia would demolish them.
you must live in Texas. there isn't a "well-armed Militia" within five hundred miles of where i live.
and what makes you think a "well-armed Militia" is going to adopt you like their mascot? and not blow your feet off and laugh as you try to crawl away?
fucking self-centered millennials these days.
>implying whites with no laws to stop them wouldn't use their superior intellect to wipe out all blacks
>Call me sick and twisted if you want but everyone secretly wants it.
Fuck no I don't! Why would I ever want psychopaths to have the freedom to kill me on sight?
Not everyone is a white supremacist like you.
>lock myself in my office
>embezzle millions from the corporate accounts.
You don't need everyone, the South would fix it.
>the south
>liberals think that if it weren't against the law, everyone would just start mindlessly slaughtering one another in the streets
Now I see why they want to outlaw guns
>start a few fire while fire services are gone for 12 hours
>everyone's too busy raping and murdering each other to give a shit
>12 hours later when time's up, firefighters walk out to the entire city being on fire
>thread up for two hours
>not one person realizes its a bait pasta
If you obtain something illegal during the purge, are you allowed to keep it afterwards? Could you keep stolen shit or illegal weapons or whatever or do they make you give it back?
pretty sure "f*cking" and it's obvious 12 year old level desire made it obvious. didnt know it was a pasta but everyone (i hope) knew it was b8
I don't even care. It's a shit premise and I'm glad we shat on it together.
>wikipedia The Purge: election year
>control F "rape"
>0 results
Annnnnd it's not worth watching, good to know
How is it that Purge viral marketing doesn't get called out for what it is?
>f*cking awesome
>Call me sick and twisted
Like, and you're all replying, happily. I am deeply disappointed in all of you.
Yes, yes well done user, well done
>bait pasta
more like shills. everyone know this already.
I'm okay with it because no one is actually going to pay money to see this movie
Sure, people will wish they could do what they want, until they come home to find their house looted, their children murdered, and their wife carried off to be some drug lord's concubine.
Because sometimes, my dear user, I'd like to just discuss a fucking movie without 'MUH EPIC BAIT BRAH.
However, fuckstains like OP have created this culture of GOTCHA BRO when I just want to discuss something for once. Like legit and not of facebook or fucking twitter.
Just a fucking discussion but no. It's gotta be "got ya with the joke, yo. You guys are so stupid!"
So sorry to disappoint with wanting a real discussion.
You can look at a lot of big protests or sports riots as just being a small version of the purge. Sure there is some violence but for the most part people just want to light a couch on fire and get drunk.
>rape is legal for one night
>children get raped by their parent(s) once a year
>can't leave parents because what they did was legal
>have to live with your pedophile parent(s) for 18 years
>government won't even pay for your therapy because "lol you were raped legally"
So how do poor people defend themselves in this world? I see all these rich people buying their expensive security systems for this event but they dont show what happens to the poor people who cant afford them.
They showed the homeless hiding in the train tunnels.
So the poor can hide in the sewers for one night.
I'd torrent so many movies brah.
How much do they pay you to make these threads?
>he doesn't get paid to shill on the 4chins
Please don't tell me you actually post here for free...
It's literally propaganda to get you to chimpout so they can roll in with their DHS tanks and bust heads then institute martial law.
It's at Sup Forums-tier now WITH mods and janicucks
well, when I heard of the concept of the purge, the first thing that came to my mind is killing. killing (and dealing with death on an emotional level) is something we've evolved to be really good at.
sure, mass orgies could break out in the streets, but all it would take is one person with a car to wipe them all out.
realistically, I think the vast majority of people would be smart enough to hide and stay alive. only the craziest fucks would leave shelter. but that would make for a boring movie, wouldn't it?
the rick and morty chapter about the planet purge it's really good. Dont know how dan harmon and roiland can turn funny things out of such a terrible movies
Do you really think that the op gets paid for doing this shit? he probably just wanted to make an epic bait thread and get some replies.
I am scared shitless even with laws enforced. I am planning to get stronger locks for my door for seemingly no reason, just because I am paranoid.
That's like the whole tweest of the second movie.
The majority of the population doesn't actually participate in the purge, its just an excuse for the goverment to hire death squads that kill poor people.
>not starting a community militia to cull anti-social elements in your area taking advantage of the purge
come on F A M
>Call me sick and twisted
Wow OP you are so sick and twisted
>mom's mascara
>MSPaint tattoo
>baby's first safety lighter
Every fucking time
Daily reminder that if The Purge were real and any of you decided to purge, you'd be dead in less than an hour.
Jokes on you I'm a Navy Seal that's done numerous secret raids, so I know I'd kill at least over 300 people.
I'd especially make sure to cuck you and make you my bitch if I came across you.
Someone made the point that it would be a night of anyone stepping outside getting shot by everyone posted in their windows while everyone else conducted insider trading, electronics fraud, electronically stealing money, shit like that.
niggers seem to like the idea
I have this sheboon dyke added on FB and she posts purge memes