>working with the Russians for 5 years.
>4 Intelligence Agencies come out against him (they don't deal in speculation).
Are you fucking retards really going to let this traitor be your President.
>working with the Russians for 5 years.
>4 Intelligence Agencies come out against him (they don't deal in speculation).
Are you fucking retards really going to let this traitor be your President.
Stocks are dropping after trump's "press conference".
It turns out being a spy affects the markets.
the closer it gets the more they cry.
>believing Russia over US intelligence agencies
gee I wonder who has America's best interests in mind
ITT: Clinton cucks who are still unable to face their massive failure to unlock the magical Obama "third term." In shorthand, LOSERS.
Give up, faggot. Kek's card got pulled.
Did anyone really think a guy this corrupt and slimy wasn't going to have dirt?
And pee-pee.
Live by the Kek, die by the Kek.
I never knew a president that praise Russia constantly. Regan must be proud about his achievements and republican party now.
>believes agencies that lie to the American public all the time
Lol faggot. Learn some u.s. History in your spare time instead of shilling
Not agencies that repeatedly lie to us lol
>Trace IP address to Russia
Keep swallowing that propaganda jizz
You're right, the guy who regularly assassinates political rivals and invades neighboring countries is much more trustworthy.
You know, the FBI actually did an investigation to see if Trump had any ties to Russia, and had to report that he did not, nor has he ever. And that's a hostile FBI.
BTW, "4 intelligence agencies" have not come out "against him" whatever that means.
But sure, Trump says we need diplomatic relationships with Russia to work for common goals against ISIS instead of provoking a war with them in the name of Qatar, but HES the traitor, not the woman who was took us to one war for Qatar and was provoking a second. Trump, who has no ties to Russia, is a russian sympathizer, not the woman who gave Uranium rights to Russia for personal contributions.
Conspiracy theories are ones which cannot be falsified or verified. This bullshit has been disproven a thousand times and doesnt even pass common sense. Its just an "are you a moron" test.
>muh Russia haxxed our election
Retard level sentiments only shared by people who don't pay attention to anything but their 40 work week, msm, and facebook.
Russia didn't do anything, but if they had why are fsggots mad? Hypothetically Russia helped expose corruption in our election process, but nooo lets just get mad and point fingers the same as when you faggots ignored the contents of those emails
>Russia didn't do anything
Even Trump's team admits they did.
>people who don't pay attention to anything but their 40 work
Get a job, faggot.
>why are fsggots mad?
Because it helped get a colossal buffoon elected to office and made us (more of) a laughing stock to the rest of the world. Forget about the real damage having someone like Trump in charge could do to the country.
>no ties to Russia
Keeeep shilling, Klaus.
>Conspiracy theories are ones which cannot be falsified
What? Yeah, they can. Do you know what "falsify" means or are your just kopiping this from something you read on Sup Forums?
amazes me how trump supporters only think you can be against trump for president if you're a liberal, or perhaps secretly a liberal, ect. Not realizing any conservative in their right mind at least severely dislikes that motherfucker.
Much more trust worthy than our rogue govt that's currently bombing 7 nations and arming terrorists to fight against an already established government in Syria meanwhile blaming Russia for the refugee crisis even though if the u.s. Wasn't arming "moderate rebels" (which is the same thing that propped up Osama bin laden) there wouldn't even be refugees. Are you saying I shouldn't trust the united states government who wars with 3rd world countries over false pretenses to devastate the local populace, and clear land of citizens for them to then let their rich friends with large businesses move in and take the natural resources over Putin who may be corrupt but is doing none of that?
Fuck dude you're fucking stupid for even asking me that
This. Everyone is Washington knows when his shit gets aired out, ANYONE close to him is going to take blowback like bitch what.
Trust me, komrade.
I hev your best interest at heart.
Yes, the Russian government which indiscriminately bombed civilians and rebels alike while propping up the government of a brutal dictator definitely has the moral high ground there.
Keep sucking that Putin cock, faggot.
I'd like to thank you and everyone like you, OP.
It's due to your unwavering efforts that trust in the media, which sells its services shamelessly, is at an all time low.
With your help, absolutely nobody but Californians or New Yorkers will trust anything they have to say, and we can finally break through into something great
Keep eating the shit media is selling faggot. They don't have your best interests in mind, they have corporate interests in mind, that's why they were shilling for Hillary. I'm not a trump supporter but media lied to make trump look bad and take things out of context to do so. Like this recent thing about his impersonation of the disabled journalist. There's a video that ebunks that and it's very short user. He just impersonates everything that way, even himself.
So you rather have a known corrupt liar who is known to cheat millions (in Haiti, and Libya) for the benefit of herself and her friends? You'd want the epitome of govt corruption over trump? If so, you are dumb.
Whatever faggot. You don't even know what the u.s. is up to and you wanna try to say that Putin is this big bad wolf. Go fuck yourself you half brained retard and start paying attention to what your country is doing if your egonna act butthurt about who is president
post more putin & trump pics.
i really hope russia becomes a close ally to the west.
>I'm not a trump supporter
That's what the u.s. Did faggot and it's what the u.s. Has BEEN doing since fucking Vietnam. Indiscriminate bombings and drone strikes are a u.s. mainstay. You're a fucking chump for believing Assad is a dictator. That's the same thing the media says about every country that the u.s. fucks up and idiots like you buy it everytime
>You don't even know what the u.s. is up to
Maybe if you could tell me which direction to position my tin foil hat, I could pick up the radio signals like you.
I wish I was in the know like you.
Back to Sup Forums now~
Not everyone's a tribalist faggot, user
Intelligence Agencies come out against him (they don't deal in speculation).
then you better go ask them politely to turn over sadams nukes to the military
Yeah, sure. We all vehemently defend anti-American slime for shits and giggles.
Your ruse is kaput, comrade.
I don't believe that changing presidents will do anything for regular citizens like me, and it's just a big show to keep people divided(like in this thread). Politics is just a big show user. I'm not a trump supporter but these accusations against Russia are dangerous and they could be used to fuel some idiotic war the same way the lie about WMD's in Iraq was
Whatever shill. You're using the standard methods and I've seen them before. Pretty sure you're samefag^2 too.
The true conspiracy is believing Russia did something with no evidence, so go fuck yourself
>believing anythimg the US govt. says.
You must be confused.
I don't work for CTR.
This. Fucking this.
You fucking libs never stop.
>I don't believe that changing presidents will do anything for regular citizens like me
"You're a white male!"
No, but seriously. If you're a woman or other minority, it will.
is anyone else just kinda waiting for mass internet censorship to start?
I mean Dump DID say "we need to talk to bill gates about getting it (the internet) shut down"
polfags gonna have to eat some shit when it goes down
Sadam was posturing to his neighbors that he had weapon stockpiles and the CIA told Bush's administration that it could be a bluff. Well when you WANT to kill your dad's old enemy, you take the story that let's you invade.
Who's shilling now?
This is what you guys do, though, right? Deflect and project?
Hates nigs, diminutive penis, afraid of getting cucked so prophylactically calls everyone a cuck
Does nothing but shill for Trump online so calls everyone a shill
Bruh, your tactics were transparent from the start. Maybe you can get away with it when you're "red-pilling normies" on Facebook but that shit originated on Sup Forums. We all know what you're doing.
The US attempted to create a no-fly zone in an area of Syria that would provide civilians with an escape route. Russia threatened nuclear war if the US created that no-fly zone. Russia then created their own no-fly zone preventing the US from attacking ISIS targets and supplying aid to civilians.
As for a Assad being a brutal dictator, you're a fucking chump if you believe he ISN'T.
Learn history before running your mouth about it, faggot.
No it wont user and i am a minority. The people running the government only help us whn they have to and the other 99% of the time they are doing shit that furthers corporate interests or their own interests. So many places like flint for example need federal govt intervention but do they? Nope. The govt doesn't care about us user.
"no evidence"
meanwhile libtards are perfectly fine with saudi arabia donating millions to the clinton foundation
President Trump?
yawn ITT we act like children.
sure kid
Lol dude I'm not shilling for trump, the only reason I say anything is because it involves dangerous "they have WMDs" like accusations and no one has brain enough to look in deeper than what the corporate media is telling them. Way to frame me as a conspiracy theorist and then a shill tho. It's like you have a formula to run by "If they say x, do Y"
sure kid
Cite the evidence then, or at least put a source.
>"we have found that russia works with Trump"
is not evidence (can't believe I have to explain that to an full-grown adult)
sure kid
keep reading fake news you fucking shill
>(they don't deal in speculation).
They ONLY deal in speculation. It's like you don't even understand how counter intelligence works.
indeed, son
They did far more than a simple traceroute.
January 11th, crying intensifies.
>cite the evidence
ask your cheeto dust encrusted savior to release his tax returns. He's got nothing to hide, right?
yawn. nothing new here
Why don't you go ahead and source what you're claiming if you're gonna source a website that can be edited to serve an agenda
>they don't deal in speculation
Good to hear... I guess the Iraqi weapons of mass destruction will show up any day now.
Intelligence assessment is educated guesswork... at best
5/10 since I replied
Trump will make America Great again
indeed, son
I'm getting my gear ready for the 20th to go salt mining.
All this talk and I still dont get it.
The cold war is long over, and Russia seems pretty bro-tier to me. They are mostly white, they are fairly educated and technologically adept, they gladly stomp on Muslims, fags, and other browns... I dont see a problem here?
Can someone explain what the hell is the big deal?
sure kid. a hostile democrat government.
what could go wrong?
Yeah remember when "intelligence" agencies lied about wmd's so they could have an excuse to invade. You ignore the past because you don't like Trump
back to this again. the crying will never end.
Release his tax returns if he really hasn't done business in Russia then. Oh wait, he'll take it to the fucking grave.
White people are gay
>Hostile fbi
You mean comeys the emails did nothing wrong fbi?
What an absolutely flawless dodge
you're doing it wrong. how come muh education can't understand the context of two simple words?
Thats because you know it's the single piece of proof we all need for you faggots to be wrong
>Funny how the source ended up being fiction from Sup Forums.
They've always operated differently from the u.s. and knw they don't have to act like that govts bitch, so they get painted as the enemy because they don't wanna play ball the same way u.s. plays ball. Same with every country they u.s. has invaded.
Trump fags are so patriot that they even question the cia. I thought only liberal do this shit.
>to quoque-fallacy
Thanks for finally admitting.
I didn't claim he didn't do any business in Russia, how retarded do you have to be to connect his economical career with his political career?
Even if he did sell some estates there, that wouldn't prove jackshit.
Why is this happening after he won the election? Why not before?
salty hillary supporters
This is not a bad thing? I am struggling for actual reasons to dislike/fear Russia.
An alliance would be excellent.
>how duz Wikipedia werkz
The source links are right there on the page, faggot.
sure kid.
Tell me what putin cock taste like when you suck on it. Do you spit or swallow?
sure kid
The head of the DNI is a known liar and he lied to congress about NSA spying on citizens
Just google "Caught lying about the NSA, James Clapper Tries to Clarify"
'cause its bullshit and the left is hive minded.
Except it wasn't. Behold Sup Forums's "proof." Nothing about golden showers or sex tapes at all.
typical hillary supporters
she lost get over it.