Previous: >>The rules are very simple: >post pics of an anime girl >keep ERP and RP to a minimum >insult other anime girls >mention names of people who aren't here like they're e-celebs and talk shit about them(Or you could always say nice things) >try to find dirt on each other online >complain because i'm calling it what it is >Discuss art in general because piano holo likes it. >most important: respect piano holo.
That does look pretty damn nice! Where did you get it?
He'll probably know me already. Apparently I have some kind of reputation among their kind.
Nathan Torres
Truly Good to see you here again Yeah it was wierd that they did it at all for release but otherwise they'd be game breaking
>Stealth build NC I almost have a T15 captain on my Colorado so I'll be transferring the captain to NC when I get it, so I should take the stealth skill?
Ryder Sanders
Lucas Parker
I'm pretty sure I'm in the green. I'm not visiting porn sites like my predecessor, and I'm most definitely getting more work done than him.
My guess is that you're getting a cut, then. Keeping the clients flowing
I just made some chicken wok^^ hey! god to see you. go give the dog the attention it deserves
Nolan Bell
>Do game with friend >Keep getting Cits on a cruiser that was hidden by smoke, all because they decided to sit still in it, and shoot >Just keep shooting where the shots were coming from >Smoke cleared, and they had 1.6k HP left That was so fucking satisfying, holy shit.
Christopher Campbell
Quite slow at the moment though
Juan White
James Harris
Lucas Cooper
I don't, but I could use a new one somewhere else, I'd also like to hook a certain someone with a new code but lately I don't even bother mining anymore due to some complications.
That's not exactly a bargain, but certainly worth! Are you a fan of the show or just in love with Shiro as any reasonable person would be?
Join me in my quest and be a nice person to everyone, so that one day we will live in a peaceful utopia!
Not being gay. You?
Ian Howard
Aiden Carter
i dont know what that is
Colton Martinez
Okay, look, when the BB is LITERALLY shooting at you, AND firing torps STRAIGHT at you for the WHOLE GAME, you're eventually going to fire back so you don't die. I hit him with exactly 1 torp, and he died from the flooding.
Xavier Cooper
Must have been a German cruiser. These seriously suck.
Yea, sometimes it's nice to have something to switch to, but the waifu-gods hate switching.
Your own ship is always pink, dumbass.
Jack Scott
eating food and being gay. food from home country
Xavier Butler
>Must have been a German cruiser. With the smoke and easy to hit citadel, probably a british, you can get fucking citadel hits with HE.
Haha I know I know, done it a couple of times before too, getting Kraken while pink is just more satisfying
Kayden Morris
ah fun fun
Brayden Long
>Sitting still and shooting What kind of idiot...
Blake Campbell
85$ includes the custom made picture frame though. the artwork on it's own was 25$ made from quality paper with obviously good ink(not poster quality)
I liked the show a lot and read about half of the first novel until I gave up. And if I'm doing being obsessed over Holo, I'm usually a bit of a lolicon, mind you.
Jackson Thomas
Good food or gay food?
I got HE cits with my dd on these. It's ridiculous.
Austin Peterson
People who confuse invisfiring with being actually invisible.
Dylan Smith
doing > not
William Turner
yes yes realy good food.
Ian Howard
No one can quite match the same level as Taiga.
Carter Gray
Oh god, that would be satisfying.
The special kind.
Owen Robinson
I guess it IS a really good deal then. Did you get me one as well? >read about half of the first novel until I gave up Don't tell the others, but I haven't even read that much. >lolicon Wew lad. I like you.
Yea, doing sure is better than not. You're a doer, keep at it!
I gave up because I couldn't read without having a dictionary next to me because I'm retarded so I've been reading ToraDora latel.. another loli
Kayden Martinez
I like the size of her chest in this one
Grayson Evans
I would rather be a cinnamon bun
Isaac Ward
What are you talking about? Taiga biomes are great to lay... in.
Bentley Miller
You weaklings cannot fathom her greatness
Ayden Mitchell
Oh, I fucked her more than enough to know, thanks
Thomas Mitchell
But Taiga is a way to tsun for her amount of dere. I don't like her too much. Hibiki is best loli, discuss.
Because they get white, opaque, sticky stuff sprayed on them?
Brody Thomas
Don't you insult Taiga, she's perfect just the way she is.
Lincoln Ortiz
wel fack you got me there man. (thats a maybe) "wink wink"
Kevin Wright
wrong trip...
She's a brat just the way she is.
Also I like licking off the icing.
Isaiah Stewart
It depends at what point in the story you are. Taiga can churn out a lot of dere. Also, tsun is + for me. As long as it's not excessive.
Michael White
Yeah... But that's what I love about her.
Liam Martinez
I like flat chests, and that's right around my comfort zone
Brandon Rivera
Alexander Gutierrez
maby you would like to [spoiler]lick of my glacing[/spoiler];)
Jordan Gray
Jackson Morales
that face when you remember you are on b just a tidy bit to late.
Jordan Miller
I'm sure that won't happen, but thanks for your concern.
>kys >be nice to people I'm getting mixed messages here, gotta be honest
Andrew Kelly
I can't help but wonder why so many people in waifu like flat chests
Ryder Richardson
Ian Sanders
It is excessive in this case though.
You have taste poorer than Somalia.
Damn, I bet that would be delicious. I'd lick it real good until it's all gone, and then I'd just keep licking. <
Sorry for confusing you. You can of course kill yourself AFTER you're done being nice to people. Only in that order it makes sense.
Because it's superior, obviously.
Dominic Anderson
>It depends at what point in the story you are
David Mitchell
Does she like it doggy style?
William Young
All stereotypical cutout tsundere characters are shit, to be honest. Besides distsunyun, of course.
Anthony Brown
Yeah, that makes a bit more sense. That way I can always find people to be nice to so that I don't have to kill myself.
Ryder Reed
sounds like I need to can you over for a "chat" sometime.
Hunter Cox
It is not for you to find out.
Eli Jones
Damn, I didn't think of that. Maybe a time limit then?
I wouldn't mind some "pastry baking lessons", senpai.
Austin Reyes
naah.. by shitty tsundere you mean the likes of Louise Françoise. The thing about Taiga is that of Tsundere is mostly superficial. While shitty ones like Louise Françoise are rotten to the core
Luke King
Julian Reyes
David Fisher
Now now, I can't have you starting to add conditions. May as well throw this whole idea out the window if we start with that
Liam Barnes
Logan Howard
Robert Adams
Austin Reyes
sounds like a plan ;)
Isaac Ortiz
Nathaniel Davis
I don't see how. So I'm into bratty girls, there are worse things out there.
Carter Robinson
Luke Rivera
I don't even know the one, but I assume it's the Louise that claims here. In that case I agree, that race traitor deserve your loathing!
Okay, just the classics then: You kill yourself, if you ever stop being nice to people.
Do you have some other sweet and gooey treats for me to put in my mouth?
Oh? Name 8 then.
Adrian Anderson
That's going to be pretty hard. Mind if I go for a trial period before committing for the long run?