I'm all of these things

I'm all of these things.


sf a qt

ur not a goat tho



There is no such thing as a pure christian salazzle.

Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow,
Creeps in this petty pace from day to day,
To the last syllable of recorded time;
And all our yesterdays have lighted fools
The way to dusty death. Out, out, brief candle!
Life's but a walking shadow, a poor player,
That struts and frets his hour upon the stage,
And then is heard no more. It is a tale
Told by an idiot, full of sound and fury,
Signifying nothing.


Maybe you'd find one if you let Jesus into your heart


is this man a new meme?


He's invited by way of my butthole.

a goat

That's Michael Keaton and no.

I am a goat.

does that make me a muslim?

Yes. Takbir.

I guess that's alright, nasheeds are cool.

Which is why you are not in a position to judge poor Christian Salazzle.




I know a slut when I see one.



I could believe that if Salazzle's were male

alright I'm done singing raghead songs

any salazzle that hasn't been catching the lizard dick of her entire salandit harem is just cucking them with a massive marowak bone or something. They're all whores.

a lock who opens to many keys is a shit lock.



They're not her harem, they're her flock. She gives them sermons obviously.

I guess SF's ass is really terrible then

While catching dick behind the pulpit.

i'm doing a course on law and I've gotten to the subject of family law and marriage and this was published in early 2005 before gays could marry in June of that year, it's kind of funny reading the note someone literally left in the book in pen saying that it's outdated


not really by that measure.

sf a loose butthole

I may be a slut but I'm still pretty tight.

Not before marriage

You should have thought before you made mockery of a good christian lizard.


Nobody would marry a salazzle. They're homewreckers.

Considering their pheromones can mind control, I don't think the Salandit in question is gonna have much of a choice

One moment he's sun basking on a rock, the next he's got a wedding band on one claw and is having heterosexual intercourse in the missionary position for the purpose of procreation.

And 10 minutes later, his buddy is in the same place. Because salazzles are all sluts. ALL.

Wow, so abusive. Are you just mad because you don't have mind control pheromones?

he is probably

There's no anger here. I'm calling a spade a spade.



You're harassing poor Good Christian Salazzle because some other Salazzle's just happen to have harems.

You can take the salazzle out of the harem, but you can't take the slut out of the salazzle.

She has overcome her nature, like a black man with a job

>black man
>with a job
I'm sorry I don't follow.

Rarer than a female Salandit, but it happens.

There's a lot of blacks around here. I will have to observe them, jane goodall style, until I find one working for a living.

my friend on fb only finds female salandits

Maybe not THAT close observation

Clearly he's a pussy magnet when it comes to poisonous lizards

I do not engage in CLOSE RESEARCH with negros any longer.



You know, the people in charge of the Jane Goodall Institute wrote a very angry letter to Gary Larson over that cartoon. Jane Goodall herself didn't see it because she was in the field doing research, but later came back, praised it, and wrote a thank you letter to Gary Larsen. She even asked permission to sell a shirt to raise money for the institute with that cartoon on it to which Gary Larson agreed.

Yeah, she wrote the foreword for one of Larson's books explaining that. Pretty good.



Pretty funny that her staff at her institute got so pissed, and then she turns right around says she loves it, and thanks the guy who created it. Shows you how stupid people take themselves seriously and talk for others.

Well, you know how some people are when it comes to taking a joke. I guess the people at the institute thought it would harm the reputation

We've got forests, we've got cities, we've got beasts, and we've got men
We've got weapons and some mountains
We've got plenty to defend
We are thinkers, we are dreamers, we are killers when it's right
We have sex on top of prisons in the flick-flick-flickering light
Build a wall around us all let's build a wall
I'm not kidding, hey for real let's build a wall

It's more about taking offense for others. People are so ready and willing to take offense for another person.

good morniiiiiiiiiiiiing

This was ages back, I'm not sure if offence culture had gotten to that point yet.

AM the metal skeleton on a motorbike who was actually a giant wheel turned out to actually be a qt grill. What even is my life any more



am post ass

Offense culture started back in the 60s with the fucking hippies.

sorry got distracted. I live at the beach we have rum everywhere

shut up nef

what even are you talking about
I just got up I cant handle this SHIT!!!!!!!

go to bed then faggot

me irl

im not nef tho

no it's a song I slept at night like a normal person

can confirm that is am also

make me a cuba libre

just what nef would say

It ain't me
It ain't me
I ain't no ass-requesting soooon no


that isnt what you asked me on multiple occasions recently.

fam, i dont even like that dirty fucking ant thing he posts as, ant arc worst arc

oh well that is okay then
how are you doing this fine morning


Yeah but I'm pretty sure I say butt, not ass.

I'm hungry

for ASS

It really is a beautiful soliloquy. People love to ham it up or make it super Shakespearean and theatrical, and I think it makes it hard to appreciate the prettiness of a verse about nihilism.

virgin or not?


This is 6 Juggernaut Star Scours the Universe
He is a metal skeleton on a motorcycle
He likes tea, and those Sinner Skeletons are just a bunch of rambunctious, rowdy fight-boys looking for a good time

thats lewd dude
just go visit katia again
or cait

only good people call it ass

shut up am

This is 6 Juggs turning out to be a wheel, which turns out to be a qt grill

Why would I want a virgin cuba libre? Pop that cherry.

katia is far away

cait is less far away but also not interested

kiss my ass

it doesnt work that way

just.... what
what is this even from

yes massa

get destroyed you ass loving LOSER

fight me irl

Source please. What is this from?

It's a waifu simulator

Your face doesn't work that way


Knights of the Old Republic comic series. Character is Jarael.

you have enough waifus, stop simulating more of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
