Why haven't you started filtering out what content you want and don't want to see anons?

Why haven't you started filtering out what content you want and don't want to see anons?

b is for random

Because getting mad on Sup Forums gets me hard.

That would filter out everything on Sup Forums

I was just about to type this

Random /=/ seeing the same topics posted day by day.


>hidding trap

That's the point

>filtering loli
OP is a faggot as per usual

#op & (
#words(trap) |
#words(sissy) |
#words(furry) |
#words(fur) |
#words(pony) |

No one wants to see that pedo shit.

bc that's how you stupid, stupid

because cookies.


Mimi doesn't support filtering. Also seeing this shit made me immune agianst it. c:

It typically alternates between around 50 and 75 depending on the time of day. When school gets out in the U.S. it goes up to 70+...

Filtered mostly YLYL, trap, loli, cucked, snapchat, kik, andy sixxx, and other shitposts that you see every day.

Still can't get rid of the fucking atheist threads because they're cancer.

for some reason i cant get "pics you shouldnt share" to filter

i tried various spellings, still slips past wat do


"shouldn't share"

"should not share"

It's not perfect but I'm sure the few that aren't related and I miss because they're filtered weren't really worth looking at anyway.

yet you have 0 filtered for those queries

Yet there isn't a single thread of it on my catalog.... strange.