>it is closer to 2017 than it is to 2015
>it is closer to 2030 than it is 1990
what are some films about existential crisis, Sup Forums?
>it is closer to 2017 than it is to 2015
>it is closer to 2030 than it is 1990
what are some films about existential crisis, Sup Forums?
thanks, y-you too
this movie deals with loss of his fiance when something tragic happens and whenever he tries to stop it, the same tragic event keeps occurring - showing that what we wish to change is not possible even with a time machine.
Powerful movie which should suit you well.
American Beauty
About Time
It's a beautiful day
>>it is closer to 2030 than it is 1990
oh fuck
yfw its real
Just you wait OP, before you know it, it'll be like snaping your fingers, you'll be 50 and it'll be the year 2045 and robots will begin their war on the human race.
this movie will make you want to blow your brains out
Only because it's so terrible. Kaufman is a hack.
>its closer to 2030 then it is to 2000
Soon we'll all be dead
Don't forget it's closer to 2030 than 2000
oops, someone already pointed that out.
Delete this
we can only hope
what if we never perceive death and are doomed to think and feel forever
what if consciousness never ceases and we're trapped in pure misery
no because your brain stops working when you die and your brain is what causes consciousness
my pastor disagrees
But what if you're wrong, and we really do have souls user?
Why do retards like you pretend we don't understand death? Do you understand inference?
>Sup Forums in a thread that has Click, American Beauty, About Time, The Time Machine, NVE decides to shit on the only good film that fulfills OP's request
stay plebian
what if there is more to it then that
I mean, can you even imagine pure nothingness? I don't know if such a thing is even possible
what if our physical bodies cease to exist in reality but our so called "consciousness" or "perception" somehow continues on as if nothing changed?
everyone and everything knows you are dead except for you
its terrifying
>le we understand everything
>gravity waves literally just discovered months ago
the shit you don't know can fill a book kiddo
What are you talking about? You were "dead" before you were born, it's the same thing. Good way to think of it if you're somehow too dumb to understand what the brain is.
Like a spirit? a soul?
Yea, humans have been thinking about that for a while now.
You sound absolutely fucking euphoric.
I swear I've thought more than once this... Mostly because I've had near death experiences , but the latest one (driving black out drunk to my home) made me actually believe that I died but my brain , consciousness, or soul call it whatever is just lingering
The whole of academia and humanity in general is "somehow too dumb to understand what the brain is." Your bio undergrad doesn't even begin to scratch the surface of the mind.
We don't fully understand the brain, but consciousness coming from the brain is obviously true. You're extremely unintelligent if you think there's a "soul."
Do you have any memory from when you were a 6 months baby? Or even 1 year old? The answer is no , that doesn't mean you didn't do shit back then...and you were pretty much alive
I don't think I ever used the word soul. Nice try though
>misses the point
>doesn't understand spacing or punctuation
>believes in souls
Religious people are really fucking dumb. Why do such a high percentage of Sup Forums inbreds fail to understand where spaces go in language? It's hilarious.
There was a point where I was seriously considering suicide because I can convinced myself I had actually died in Iraq and everything since then was a hallucination as my brain shut down from bleeding out.
I wanted to be sure I was dead, but then I ended up not pulling the trigger.
That's how I know you're an idiot.
>argument consists of greentext and repeating "ur fuckin dumb" over and over
I miss being 16
I don't give a shit what word you use. If you think consciousness is anything other than an emergent property of the material world, you're a fucking moron. It makes even less sense if you take evolution into account, since then you have to explain how this magical consciousness evolved biologically.
Whenever obese inbred Sup Forums shitposters spew their retardation over this site, they put spaces before commas. Were the priests too busy molesting you to teach you basic grammar? Why are religious people so hilariously stupid?
>t. Reddit
You are correct, sir.
Religiousfags are cancer. Religion is cancer. Islam, christianity, it's all bullshit.
When you die it's ogre.
>fuckin moron
>fuckin dumb
>im fuckin mad as hell
I recommend the 1960 version or the original book over the remake. I also recommend the official sequel by Steven Baxter called "The Time Ships."
The remake has some awesome visual effects, but is kind of weak compared to the others.
Or watch/read them all, because they're all pretty good.
>you were "dead" before you were born
Your whole premise is just wrong. Are you talking before conception ? During the pregnancy ? Which one ? It seems you don't understand about basic science
>hi mrs Robinson oh look through the ultrasound machine, the baby is kicking too bad it's dead because it hasn't been born huurrr
Maybe science can't explain everything
>I have almost no fond memories of my life after graduating high school five years ago
wew lads
Science is literally just the method for uncovering facts, you retard. It's the only way to explain anything at all.
>the baby is kicking too bad it's dead because it hasn't been born huurrr
i cant breathe
>I have almost no fond memories of my life after graduating high school fifteen years ago
>ywn be born in 1900 and die on Sept 10 2001
>Getting this mad over a comma
Boy, I'm not even religious. There's so much shit science doesn't know about right now, which leads me to avoiding assumptions like the ones you're making. It could go either way with what happens after death.
Your whole brain is just wrong. You can't even fucking understand a simple explanation. Enjoy deluding yourself there's an afterlife for the rest of your short and shitty autistic existence.
I'm not mad about a comma, I'm just observing the amusing correlation between being a brain dead fat fucking loser from Sup Forums and not understanding spacing or punctuation. See: Sup Forums has so many people who think spaces go before punctuation. How? Haven't literal 5 year olds mastered that?
and you do realize that the fundamentals of science called the "scientific method" list observation as literally the first step
considering you cant observe death, you can't prove shit about it scientifically
This movie is fucking dangerous.
I'm terrified to see it again.
>thread has literally nothing to do with Sup Forums
>someone starts sperging out about Sup Forums
Do these retards not realize they're acting exactly like Sup Forums when they do this shit?
Synecdoche New York
Fetus becomes conscious at some point toward the middle/end of pregnancy, so before that. The point is to pick any point in the 13.7 billion years before you were born. That's what being dead is. Not hard to grasp.
atheists BTFO
Why are you trying to explain something that the autist couldn't even get in the first place? You already won the argument, there's no point in responding.
Why do you assume they're from Sup Forums when they have an opinion that differs from your own? There are people who use improper punctuation everywhere.
Sup Forums crossposters are really easy to spot. They have an extremely poor understanding of essentially everything, and can be frequently found defending anything they perceive to be "conservative."
>Why do you assume they're from Sup Forums when they have an opinion that differs from your own?
because they are insecure and feel the need to rally their opinion behind "le Sup Forums boogeyman" in a desperate attempt to salvage their argument
Sup Forums:1
atheists: 0
>differs from my own
A stupid, poorly informed opinion, not one that differs from my own. The vast majority of the bad, stupid people who killed this site are Sup Forums shitposters.
Wouldn't that be some /x/-level shit?
this right here
>plz help me user nobody likes me in this board , My autism level can't take more commas and spaces , They must be from Sup Forums this is a nightmare imaginary guy from the sky I hope I died at some point during my mothers pregnancy and this is just my conscience playing out how my life could've been. , , ,
>jews are really easy to spot. They have an extremely poor understanding of essentially everything, and can be frequently found defending anything they perceive to be "conservative."
See, you're literally Sup Forums right now.
I ask myself every time I see Sup Forumstards post that shit.
Death just means the cessation of life. What you're saying is equivalent to saying that we don't truly understand the subjective experience of a rock, since a dead person and a rock are exactly equal in terms of consciousness. You're right in the sense that science can't disprove MUH MAGIC, but that's why religious people are typically ignored rather than argued with. No one cares what sort of bullshit you dream up, go start a blog.
Really enjoying this thread. You'll get there one day. You're all very clever. Great humour and even better arguments. Keep it up, guys. Proud of you. I'm glad you're all enjoying yourselves.
come to /lit/ and /his/ when you're done, plebs
>work a comfy, well-paying 9-to-5 job
>still go home to an empty apartment every day feeling like an empty husk, ask myself "Is this all there is?" and long for when I was 16 and the world seemed so open and full of promise
Can you observe God?
Considering you can't, you can't prove shit.
See we can go with your contrived argument in all sorts of directions.
Is this one worth a watch I love the original 1960 one.
>since a dead person and a rock are exactly equal in terms of consciousness
have you observed both being dead and being a rock?
didn't think so, unless you're implying you had a past life as a rock in which case you're the crazy religious fanatic
Calling out Sup Forums is based in fact and observation. Calling people Jews is just something fat, retarded neckbeards do when they're out of arguments. A Sup Forums shitposter's notion of a "Jew" is just a constructed strawman they made up. In contrast, you can click on Sup Forums right now and witness literally the dumbest people in Earth circle jerking. It's also really easy to bait out neo-nazis into a dump of .jpg propaganda on any board, it happens regularly here.
You think you can equate two things with nothing in common because you're retarded.
considering you can't observe flying unicorns, you can't prove shit about it scientifically
I never said there was a god, nice strawman argument
face it kid, your science has failed you
>the subjective experience of a rock, since a dead person and a rock are exactly equal in terms of consciousness.
herd u talkn shit liek i wouldnt find out
>complains about crossposters
>brags about being a crossposter
>Sup Forums -Politically Incorrect
Why do Redditors take it so seriously? Is there something in the liberal mind that shuts down all reading comprehension?
considering you can't observe the flying spaghetti monster, you can't prove shit about it scientifically
>Calling out jews is based in fact and observation. etc etc etc
You're literally Sup Forums
so far mankind has observed flying unicorns don't exist
we also have observed that perception and death both exist, why is it so frightening to you that they could possibly coincide ?