Really fires my neurons

Really fires my neurons.

Other urls found in this thread:

Needs more pixels

im gonna have an aneurysm

Hey pizza is just as good; do get the cereal though they are good to snack on.
I assume you graduate this term?
Also living off of someone's income is good until it stops then you get double rekt.


>Look at penis
>Fires ur neurons

Stream it

Is never good*

go away fake nibi

Nothing wrong with getting sugar daddy'd / carried through life, ofc.
If you can figure out what's right for you in life, you'll be better off. Many just submit to life and accept that if they can make good money, that it's worth it. That they'll use their free time and money to follow their true desires.
I have a habit of eating a whole box of cereal at once. I don't need more cereal.
Nope, I'm a junior. And well yeah, good shit doesn't last forever.

that would require many more 7s

No one pretends to be me because not even I want to be me


Let me claim your virgin asshole

No, there are a lot of things wrong with it. It's despicable and I loathe the fact that I'm relying on it right now. It makes me feel like even more of a piece of shit neet than I already am.

>Want to spite AM and say ill unblock barry but not him
>Already spited barry and said ill unblock AM but not him
Why cant people just work with my plans. God damn I hate gays so much.

I want the real nibi back :(

just unblock us both ;)

>blocking people

unstoppable momentum

Unblock me bb

Yeah, some sarcasm. It definitely doesn't seem like a wholly satisfying existence.
You can make it all worth it by working hard to get to where you want to be.

>I hate you AM you fat piece of shit fucking kill yourself irl unironically I hope you get wrapped up in a bus's wheels
>let me fuck you

it's like...have you ever seen the movie Sybil?

Which is exactly why there is fault in the idea of getting sugar daddy'd.
Well at least you do not have to worry about loans. That is the primary concern of people straight out of college; ᵉˢᵖᵉᶜᶦᵃᶫᶫʸ ᵗʰᵒˢᵉ ʷʰᵒ ᶜʰᵒᵒˢᵉ ᶦᶰᶠᵉʳᶦᵒʳ ᵈᵉᵍʳᵉᵉˢ.
So it seems like you will be fine.

Maybe he wants to bang AM before AM dies to bus related misadventure so that AM has participated in sodomy and can't go to heaven

I imagine AM smells vaguely of soup. I'll ask Kaybe what kind of soup AM smells like.


No, I have to spite.

$20 is $20.
I'm sure I'll be fine.
It just hasn't felt like I've been alive for a while now. [crawling in my skin]

have you tried breathing?
that is a key component in being alive

worst pokemon

best waifu

Breathing isn't a problem for us people who don't have lard-encrusted gas station hot dog lungs and actually participate in intense physical activities.

spite in my mouth~

That's mean, don't be mean.

That is a funny way of saying best pokemon

Thats gross bro

savage :(

you're the best waifu

Power walking to the bathroom when you gotta shit isn't an intense physical activity

>actually participate in intense physical activities
like sex?

Waifu = cancer.

You just lack taste.
can't blame you.


Start exercising and eating healthier.
Carrying my entire team in Overwatch is pretty intense.
More like running.

eat this DICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
and I started to before one of my organs decided to rebel

It's okay user, I don't look down on you for wallowing in your wrongness


It's an organ, right?

I mean it's pretty understandable as to why you can't right now. This would make now an even better time to focus on your eating habits. Don't have to worry about everything at once.


Keaton never played the web slinger. So why are you trolling this thread like the web slinger?

I'll just kms after my 20's, so it's fine. Since I'm not a fatass, I'm not terribly straining them.

eat this DICK!!!!!!!
and yes, I already am

>literally gardevoir for edgy people
>good taste
haha nice joke.

don't mention that slut in here
this is a good christian thread

That's good. What kind of stuff are you doing currently?
I'd say a tip might be to make sure meals aren't too spontaneous. Say hours drag on on your computer and you finally realize you need to eat. Odds are you'll go for something easy and unhealthy. Plan out meals.

Keaton is in the new Spiderman movie. He's playing a fellow named Adrian Toomes.

mhm, and im bringing my own meals to work otherwise ill just eat the disgustingly delicious and greasy gas station pizza
like DICK

>harem femdom pokemon
>calling others sluts

>gardevoir has boobs
>gardevoir doesn't have those wide hips or thicc ass
>gardevoir doesn't have a snout, nor godly pink accents

How could you be so wrong

I imagine like, a chowder that's been sitting out for a couple of hours.

That's a great idea.
What does a meal consist of for you?

Are you seriously trying to deny that Gardevoir is basically the pokemon town bike?

okay now lets be fair user
gard doesn't have boobs
thats pure fanfiction by shitty artists

Hell yeah!

muffin, banana, coffee

But what kind of muff tho


vagina kind

No I'm saying salazzle is a trashy whore, ala gardevoir but for edgy people.

cinnamon sugar some days, banana nut some days, and you?

I eat oatmeal every day and never really have muffins. But you have good taste.

Vaginers probably don't taste good.

god damn that's nice photoshopping


try mine and fine out

also user is correct that is masterful shopping.

Litrally impeccable bruh
I thought you were just another faggot.
Are you a golden cat irl

i should eat oatmeal; i've been told of its healthiness. but i mostly drink chocolate milk and eat bread and nothing else.

did she steal your boyfriend, user?
You seem upset


I mean, I make chocolate oatmeal a good portion of the time. Oatmeal is a wonderful basic food to build on top of with different additions.
Don't tell me you eat white bread.
Do you like Weetbix and milk?

OATMEAL IS GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just hate seeing an entire generation of beautiful pokemon go to hell just because of one poison/fire mistake


>beautiful pokemon go to hell just because of one poison/fire mistake

Did Lucario not even happen for you?

it was bound to happen

It is a pretty good generation, but I didn't realize Salazzle had become a fanwank issue


no, not white bread. apple bread loves, banana nut bread loves, whatever i get at work. i dunno what weetbix are, but they look kinda like granola bars or something? i have a lot of cliff bars, they go on sale for 88c at kroger all the time. i sustain my life force off of chocolate milk; it's probably where i get most of my calories from.

i'd put cinnamon sugar in my oatmeal, if i had it. hot or cold?



brown sugar oatmeal is a thing and its the bestest thing ever

mfw i never watched pokémon and idk what the fuck is goin on over here

Obviously lucario never 9should have) happened.
Just as the entirety of gen 4, but that's a different issue.

And N ruined gen 5.
Mega evolution ruined gen 6.

Ergo the only good gens were 1 and 2.

Weetbix was just a joke.
I don't feel like clif bars are worth it. And I can't say I understand the obsession with chocolate milk. Sounds like you enjoy sugar.
Oatmeal is 100% best hot. I only eat instant oatmeal hot. Neither old-fashioned nor steel-cut oats do it for me.


I mean. He is kind of slutty.





everything I post is QUALITY

