Do cutfags get dick cheese?

Do cutfags get dick cheese?

No, you stupid faggot

This guy has it.

What the hell is dick cheese, uncut here

cut fag here, I get this all the time

just wash your fucking dicks, cut or not, how hard is this shit to Americans?

dem hanging balls

No, that's one of the reasons to do it.

smegma, build up of dead skin cells, that some guys get if they leave their dicks unwashed for days.


No, because I wash my dick

I'm cut but i wish i would get it so i can smell it if you know what i mean

.. or, you could opt for actually showering.

like civilized people.

What kind of gross cunt let's it get to that stage in the first place

you're the ones with dick chees, not us.

no, just like uncutfags
you know what water and soap are?

mostly euro fags


Take a fucking shower, you fat fuck.

Sup Forums users

Americans, that's why they cut their foreskin off, they're filthy and don't know how to shower.
no, we're the ones who shower, that's why we don't have to cut a part of your genitals off.

Trips confirm


Only when I'm on no-fap month 2

I never make it past month 2, fuck that fresh hell

Face it, Europeans are known for tons of cool stuff. Hygiene was never one of them however