What's the best way to take speed without snorting it...

What's the best way to take speed without snorting it? Because my friend is a pussy and is afraid of getting a nosebleed.

>Also general drug thread.

Make it a rock and smoke it. But don't actually do that just snort it and don't be a pussy. It's the only form of administration that works for soft coke.

main line it meign

>what's the best way to ingest food without eating it?
Just snort it fagets.

lick your finger, dip it into the powder, then rub it into your gums.

repeat until you feel a slight buzz

>is doing hard drugs
>concerned about a noseblee

Your friend is the dumbest motherfucker alive

eat it

Wrap it up in a cigarette paper. In England its called a whiz bomb... or a bomb or whiz

And after that, jam the cigarette paper as far up your nose as you can.


Just eat it and rinse it with water

That is a picture of cocaine but speed is generally considered meth. Begs the question, what the duck are you even trying to do, OP?


Make a bomb by loosely wrapping it in a skin and gubbing it with a drink

Me and my mates used to dissolve a gram of bass in a shot glass with some hot water and down it...cunted 20 minutes later. Tasted like cat piss though lol


not op but speed is coke here. Meth has so many different names.

You fucking boys tute that shit up.
Don't hang out with pussy who is afraid of drugs.

>willing to take drugs
>afraid of getting a nosebleed
..this is b8. Narc thread.

Shove it up your ass.. Seriously. It's called "plugging".

OP said speed, speed is not coke. speed is meth.

Mix it into lube and jerk off with it

put it in a capsule and swallow it, or mix it in coffee tastes like shit but it will hit you almost as fast as snorting it,

i agree though, snoring it is really bad for your sinuses, injecting it is even worse, you can get hepatitis that way, or worse AIDS or pneumonia

OP could have meant amphetamines when they said speed rather than meth

Make fine lines with a razer or knife, take a piece of toiletpaper, if its double layer take it apart, take one part about half a centimeter, put approx 200mg speed in it, wrap it up, swallow it with water, wait

OP if your friend and you are doing speed, as in the slang term for meth. then smoke it or tell your friend to stop being a massive faggot and just crush that shit up fine as fuck and rail it like an adult.

now if you're sitting here calling coke speed, then fuck you, stop using incorrect terminology for shit you blithering idiot.
and past that tell your friend hes an absolute retard for not wanting to snort it because "aaahhh nose bleeds"

cocaine is a vasoconstrictor which means it makes you blood vessels smaller, which means reduces bleeding and blood flow.
the only time youre gonna have a nose bleed from doing coke is if you are doing crappy overly cut and re-rocked bullshit and not crushing it up into a fine enough powder resulting in you getting some fat fuckin rocks up in your shit.
and even then you'll only bleed when you come down off the shit. and it aint that bad.

other than that, gum it. or you can boof/boot/plug it but that shit is dumb as fuck and a waste of coke.(dont put coke in your ass to get high)

or you can shoot it up which is also stupid in my opinion because dont fucking shoot shit up you fucking junkie faggot.

this has been your residential coke head. theres yalls info for the day. eat shit. dont do H

The same as the best way to take any drug, with a needle.

Speed is water soluble so doesn't even need anything besides water.

Quality post.

>does enough coke to be that familiar with coke related nosebleeds
>condemns needles


iv coke feels 1000x better than snorting coke, and at least 5x better than smoking crack because of that nasty taste

meth is an amphetamine, its methamphetamine.
and yeah OP may have meant some general amphetamine like adderall or some shit. but OP is somewhat missleading with the picture of cocaine he posted. either way.

if OP's talking about meth he should smoke it. coke, snort it and dont be a bitch

coke, shoot it and dont be a bitch

needles are dumb in my opinion and far more die from heroin than most any other drug in my experience.

yeah I've done enough to know about them, its a once or twice a month habit for me now, kinda boring tbh.
and thats not why I know about coke nosebleeds, I studied the drugs I've done and the ones people around me have done. harm reduction shit ya know.

>mix coke with eyedrops
>place drops into eyes

why do you do hard drugs like coke? because they feel fucking awesome, outweighing the bad parts.
so what's dumb about feeling *even better* for no more risk that's not eliminated by not fucking it up? (not doing tester shots, not using clean needles, not caring for veins, etc)
that it's slightly more addictive? so what.

opiates are my thing (though i certainly love a good speedball binge a few times a year), and the absolute biggest pieces of shit, that steal and fuck over their own family because of how bad their addiction were, all looked down on me for using needles despite the fact i *never* stole from anyone or fucked anyone over.

coke in your eye sucks.

there's actually a tiny passage leading from your nasal cavity to your eye, and if you snort hard enough trying to snort through a blocked nose, some gets in your eye
sux ballz

Administer it sublingually?

>And after that, jam the cigarette paper as far up your nose as you can.

U call him a pussy and keep it all for ur self