past thread: No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway
HoH (Head of Household): Bridgette
Roadkill: Frank
Veto: Bridgette
HoH Nominations: Paul/Tiff
Roadkill Nomination: Bronte
past thread: No links to live feeds, they all get taken down and it's like $6 or some shit anyway
HoH (Head of Household): Bridgette
Roadkill: Frank
Veto: Bridgette
HoH Nominations: Paul/Tiff
Roadkill Nomination: Bronte
She's crazy
crazy cute
michelle is wasted
how much do you think reddit ate at the buffet
So with a week free for live feeds I should wait 4 more days to subscribe?
Is Michelle eating something now?
At what age did you realize "trash tv", game shows, live events and sports fit television as a "medium" the best, and TV dramas and script series in general are garbage?
I hope Moochelle gets a shot at an ice cream chugging competition.
>michelle is going to steal corey away from nicole
i called this like a week ago
corey talks about michelle when shes not around
he never brings up nicole to anyone
poor nicole
first cody now this
We need some girl drama.
>Bronte rubbing Frank's arm
The last time bb house guests had this much to drink it was bb2 and we all remember how that went
>no attention for the best girl
any drama will be fine
they're boring so far for the most part
>fuck friendship
evict frank
yeah why the fuck are they giving them so much alcohol this season?
"You guys are boring. Here, get drunk."
the last two seasons people have been pretty boring as well but they havent had nearly this much alcohol, maybe once a week at most
bridgette is fucking sloshed
any nudity from Bridgette Zackiyah or steph? so far it seems we've only gotten a glimpse at Bronte's tit
They want Frank to start waving his dick around in front of Day
even the last couple of seasons had more drama the first couple of weeks than this season has
theres literally nothing going on
> Steph
James/Paulie alliance is cool
Who the fuck is Steph?
how do yoga pants even find there way that far up a crack it goes against everything we know about physics
like i get that she got that black gurl bum, but goddamn her ass cheeks are literally eating them
godbless the user that posted this last thread, the art of zakiyah posting has just begun
She's good to have around if you want to make bread.
meant Tiff
Oh okay bro. I just wanted to know if there was someone else that I needed to add to the bomb squad.
What would you think if you were Bridgette's boyfriend?
I wonder what it feels like for Paulie to be the ugly brother.
Frank and Bridgette in the hoh alone cuddling in bed and talking shit about the group downstairs while watching them on the tv.
she was talking about how she puts out with guys she meets on tinder all the time
asian mom, white dad. always a bad mix. post the pic of that girl from facial abuse. and elliot rodger
"Thank god someone in the house is checking to making sure her titties are sitting right."
anyone got any porn with girls who look like michelle
in face i mean before you guys send me some bbw shit
why does he make those evil faces?
Is Michelle having a food coma?
Ian do you really want to date a fucking pig?
How can you not be 100% Frank this year? He's the only houseguest that Devin is aligned with this season.
playing the heel bro
1. Tiffany
2. Zakiyah
3. Natalie
4. Bronte
400. Bridgette
401. Nicole
9001. Day
####. Moochelle
Rankings are up for debate. I'm sure there is a gay ITT that can make the dude version.
without dan in this season, is there anyone that can stop the tank?
>tfw Frank came in as a huge fan favorite and has slowly turned into the biggest heel of the season
When everyone starts hopping on the "FRANK'S A DICK REEEEE" bandwagon because these girls can't take some harmless jokes. Why don't they tell them they're offended instead of crying in the diary room?
ian in drag: Michelle
he's not a good guy, he's not a bad guy, he's Sup Forumss guy
anybody else see this shit. Good lawd
>Zakiyah not 1
Dr. Will is the best player in BB history hands down. In his first season he was outcasted right after the first eviction and at that time there was no point of view or special powers or game twists to save him the 20 million times he was on the block. In fact, he was hated by his houseguests and America. And lets forget about his Chilltown alliance with Mike "Boogie" in this season, that was out the window by week four. It was his strategy of "everyone hates me so I could never beat you in the final two" that got him all the way to the end, when in fact after the seeing the season for themselves the houseguests decided to reward his master plan and crowning him the winner.
When he came back for All-Stars he was the only previous winner voted back into the house with the best of the best competitors and social gamers of the first six seasons, not a bunch of clueless newbies who watched one season before entering the game. The target on his back was so huge in season 7, he dared people to put him up on the block. He told the house he hated everyone (jokingly) in week 3 and still had no one vote against him, evicting Jase. With Chilltown back in action these two formed "Operation Double Date" that took them to the final four as planned, were responsible for all the members of the jury's evictions, and lied to everyone right as they were walking out the door. He was evicted in the final four, but led his buddy Boogie to win the game.
His combination of lies, charm, and true puppet master form that got him so far in both season. And let's not forget he never ever won a single competition in both of his seasons. Dr. Will is the best. Prove me wrong
So Bridgette has no idea Frank won road kill?
That's obv gonna backfire on Frank
Post more user I know there was a pic of her boob
>What are you staring at ay-non?
not sure if hes ugly or not but his personality is shit compared to cody thats for sure
I've seen that behavior play out in real life and it aint harmless. shit's creepy. He makes excuses to touch girls by playing it off as "just a joke" then he is mean to bring them down so they put up with his crap. Dude's an A#1 perv
Paul with a come from behind
she and natalie were trying to figure it out and she mentioned it mighta been frank. she didn't seem to be bothered by the idea.
Is Frank the most based houseguest this season?
seriously. Frank flexed his muscles too much and it's gonna hurt him. Egos kill man
Can't tell if this is supposed to prove that I'm wrong or agree that I'm right
>not dan
>dans placings
>wills placings
Half the house knows and it's amazing that they haven't told Bridgette. They all know she is mad at whoever put up Bronte. They could end Frank for good if they told Bridgette
Are you kidding? No question.
Alright, but even then, these girls have the complete ability to confront the dude and say it makes them uncomfortable, yet all they do is bitch about it in the diary room and complain about him being a "dominant male get him out now", blah. He seemed genuinely upset when he found Day crying.
Then, he could just be trying to save his game.
agree that youre right senpai
He was also wasted
frank should pork the fuck out of bridgette while shouting our her boyfriend
He told her. Smart move.
>just as planned
>Frank admits to Bridgette that he used RK to put her up week 1. She giggles, hugs him and says thank you, then adds "you're the best"
Didn't Frank cuck Ian by hooking up with that dumb blonde while Ian was in the room?
im guessing he was worried about his game. girls don't say shit because they don't wanna seem like prudes or bitches. add the fact that they are in a highly sensitive situation where you don't want anyone to think you don't like them
So Bridgette knows about both of Frank's roadkills. She's riding his dick about it now.
Her bf is getting cucked by the tank
not every time he harassed or said something shitty. being drunk is no excuse either
At first I didn't like Briddgette because I thought she would be a Meg archetype but she has won me over for now.
Julie Chen, the first thing you need to do is to tell these people to shut up if you wanna' hear what I've got to say… The first thing you gotta' realize, brother, is this right here is the future of big brother. You can call this the New World Order of big brother. Let me tell you something. I made big brother a monster. I made people rich up here. I made the people that ran that organization rich up there. And when it all came to pass, the name Frank Eudy, the man Frank Eudy, got bigger than the whole organization. Billionaire Grodner wanted to talk turkey with Frank Eudy. Well Billionaire Grodner promised me road kills, brother. Billionaire Grodner promised me millions of dollars. Billionaire Grodner promised me vetos. And as far as Billionaire Grodner goes, Julie Chen, and the whole CBC goes, I'm bored brother. Not only am I going to take over the whole reality tv business with Frank Eudy and the new blood, the monsters with me, we will destroy everything in our path, Julie Chen.
>you will never fuck Bridgette
>you will never fill her small half asian pussy with your fat white cock
>you will never shoot your load all over her stomach and chest because she's not on birth control
>she'll never clean your cock off with her mouth afterwords to get you hard enough to go for round two
It'd be cool if cbs would cast a massive asshole like dick again
>Dan's second season he had 4 weeks safety to build relationships and pub stomped some of the dumbest people to play the game
>Will's second season was against vets and everyone who was knowledgable with the game
bridgettes ranking is going to drop so hard
What game are they playing/
Bridgette's bf prob mad af right now
I wanna smack her jiggly ass
I guess so. But they can't keep crying about "personal attacks" and do nothing about it.
Has tiffany or zak shown their titties yet?
they are, their gonna vote his ass out for being a creep, and the other guys are gonna support it because he's winning too much