Help Sup Forums ... Just came of the closet out to a fwb.. should I wife her or run a mile?

Help Sup Forums ... Just came of the closet out to a fwb.. should I wife her or run a mile?

Here's part 2. I'm going to be dumping her reaction and the ensuing conversation.

wife 100%

I thought she would take it as a cue to end things..because you know I'm a raging faggot and all that that couldn't possibly be a good match? Nope.

Part 3

also take better screencaps

You sure? She's super sweet at times..but a bit kooky

Part 4

I'm on some shitty tablet with mspaint and there's too many to upload single screens so i bunched them all up.

Part 5

Part 6

Is anyone even reading this bread.. Is it right to be a homo and still date/wife a chick to keep up appearances?


Do it op. Date her. She's a real keeper