The Wire Thread

When Proposition Joe is telling Stringer Bell to keep a low profile thunder rolls and STringer Bell pulls out an umbrella. Prop Joe does not. This is because Prop Joe understands that putting up an umbrella attracts lightening, and he does not attract attention. Stringer doesn't think twice about opening his. Is this because he prefers comfort over a low profile, is it foreshadowing that he will make himself and/or the Barksdale organization more visible, or am I reading too much into it?

Also, general The Wire thread.

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shameful self-bump
no one wants to talk about the wire?
I'm just starting season 3 again.
Anyone else rewatching?
Or considering watching for the first time?

on 2nd rewatch

>where's Wallace, String?

urgh i hate The Wire. most overrated show ever


what? Sup Forums has always loved the wire

I just finished for the first time.

Marlo looks like he'd suck your cock for 50 cents.
I can't believe he won the game. All the gangsters I loved got killed and all the ones I hated made out like kings.


I sincerely believe Marlo was autistic.
Favorite season?
I was disappointed by how Omar dies, but I think I was supposed to be

i've seen it about four times now...
official objective season rankings:

Almost finished first season. I am enjoying the show but its not reached that Sopranos level of entertainment yet. Does it get better?

>muh chess
>muh kids

yeah he's a bit fucked up in the head

I respect your season 2 placement, but the true rankings are as follows


it doesn't get better
it's perfect from the start

>that season four placement


Only little dick white bois think that it's the best season

>wahhh why are there white people on my tv
this thread is getting too dark for me


Sup Forumsirgin detected

>season 1 that low

Honestly, I think I need to watch it all again before I can decide.

It seemed like the viewer was supposed to be dissatisfied with a lot of where characters ended up. So many who I assume were fan favorites got fucked, and so many who you can't wait to see get their comeuppance get off Scot free. Sheeeeeeeit.

Fuck off whitey, this is a real nigga show

It showed how a community in decline puts it youngest members at risk for illegal activity. The older generation fighting to keep what they had and the new one getting left behind. Up until then we just saw neighborhoods already in crisis, in season 2 we saw that and a neighborhood approaching one.
And season two had some of the best Omar moments. His cross with Levy.

Nah I just thought boss Polack was a retarded fetal alcohol syndrome guy and that one stupid kid that kept fucking everything up was annoying. They just weren't as interesting for the cops to fight.

Is it just me or is there a tendency for the right hand man to be more compelling and competent?


Stay dead and/or jobless nigger

Marlo didn't get off scotfree. Nobody knew who he was. He was a punk.

>not feeling bad for Ray
what's it like not having a heart?
No, but seriously, he makes it hard to watch. So cringe worthy.

i present to you the man with the only satisfying ending in the show

>shit got old

what did he mean by this?


the older gang leaders died because they tried to avoid attention from themselves. they went out of there way to not kill innocent people to not bring any attention or go to war with other crews

Marlo gave no fucks. He wanted his name to be the biggest and most feared by anyone and everyone. He had the muscle and was willing to use it to go to war with anyone. He lasted longer because he just didn't give a fuck as long as he was known.

Little dick white boi

I get that. And the irony that he got what Bell always wanted and couldn't appreciate.
Still though, motherfucker got all those millions instead of a bullet to the temple or a nice long stay in prison. Fucking templeton got his Pulitzer. Clay Davis is still a hero to his public and probably scams niggers till his dying day.
It's frustrating and it's meant to be frustrating. I don't think these are bad decisions at all, though.
I just wish the bad guys I liked could've been the bad guys who survived.

This show really made me consider a career as a cocaine sales person

>Clay Davis is still a hero to his public
Clay Davis is a hero nigger

>probably scams niggers till his dying day
you say that likes it's a bad thing


Ziggy was our guy

Mcnutty got to be a bit annoying by the end.
But i liked the way Freeman became annoying. It showed why he got put where he did.

Nigga that's not Prez

He was also just lucky.
The barksdale crew would've annihilated him if it weren't for Stringer's tip.
The wire would've taken him down long before he ever became top dog if the unit didn't get gutted because Lester was following the money.

>works in a shoe store
>probably gonna end up getting laid off

>who is the GOAT Wire character and why is it Frog?

if you watch the show drunk his character makes a lot more sense

>this kino scene

I agree that they weren't as interesting for the cops to go after, because they weren't all that sinister, it was just Valchek's silly vendetta. God damn, it was so petty.
But boss polack's whole story is pretty fucking tragic. Just trying to hold it all together, and in the end it's for nothing.

Ziggy was annoying, but honestly I couldn't blame him for blowing that Greek away.

the first time i watched this show someone spoiled daniels getting shot in the head so i waited the entire series for that.

whats so good about the sopranos? the characters are almost literal retards and I can't identify with that tbqh senpai

top kek

bruh thats called puppetry.

>bunk trying to get freeman to talk sense into mcnutty about the serial killer thing
>freeman starts talking about how he can do it better

My sides.

Remember that scene when McNulty comes back home from nailing Carcetti's campaign manager, who was watching fox news. He turns on the TV to the same channel as her, watches about 5 seconds of pundits talking, then turns it back to the documentary that was playing about WW2.

Was that suppose to be some metaphor that McNulty was a man of action and can't stand the talking?

Is there any other show that handles gay characters as well as the Wire?

Was Simon's new show on par with the Wire?

Smelly junglebunny

You know what kind of disappointed me?
The first time we meet Bunk he's on a dead body and smoking a cigar. Now, cops often smoke cigars in a room with a dead body they find, it really helps mitigate the smell. However, it turns out it's just his character smokes cigars.
I mean, that's fine and all, and I love Bunk, but what I originally thought was a nice touch of realism was actually character development

it was really good. really dark, really well written and acted. It's a mini-series that's based on a true story which makes it even sadder

Oscar Isaac should win an emmy and a golden globe.

That looks comfy as fuck.

If you two can't help but insult each other, can you at least make it the wire themed? for the sake of the thread

>putting up an umbrella attracts lightening
Why do umbrellas exist if it's dangerous to use them in the rain?

>learns about the cigar trick
>realizes he likes cigars in general
>starts smoking them on the regular as it adds panache to his striped-suit-and-tie-motherfucker image

Ideally your dumbass isn't going outside in thunderstorms.

not every rain shower produces lightening, and it had not started raining again yet when the thunder rolled.

I accept you explanation of Bunk's cigar

Talk about criminally underused character.


>season 4
>4 niglets
>each niglet ends up with an authority figure trying to help them
>3/4 fail
>the real piece of shit kid ends up on the straight and narrow
>the upstanding kid who looks out for his brother and friends ends up going down the wrong path
>at the end of the series, each one ends up in a situation similar to other characters we met throughout the show
>we get to see how a person could end up in those shoes


Nah man, this scene from the next episode is kino:

Also: Those who want more of The Wire, be sure to read Homicide and The Corner by David Simon. A large amount of the show is taken straight from those two great books.

Was the show Homicide based on that book?
I remember seeing the photocopier trick in an episode of that as well.

I haven't ever seen Homicide, actually, but they mention the photocopier trick in the book.

The whole story surrounding that murdered kid, fucking hell. The one passage about how that one apartment building was full of nothing but the dregs of society -- men who had given up completely on life and on becoming a part of a functional society. And then a kid walks up and asks if he could be taken back to get his homework.

Each season is different and has its own arc. For instance, S3 is like a political drama, which my girlfriend didn't like, S5 is more about the media than about the police, which I didn't like. Whatever you don't like about S1 may not even apply to S2. You just have to judge each one for itself.

>tfw no wingman like Bunk or McNulty

>tfw Snoop will never let you gently fuck her from behind because she respects your friendship and leadership

It was great, i didn't know the story behind it while watching it, i really didn't expect that ending. Oscar Isaac is such a great actor. Who ever did supervised the wardrobe for the show did a great job too.

Snoop was cute, cute!

Carcetti's wife was hnnng too

>putting a condom on your foot

For what fucking purpose

I watched most of it when I got hbonordic for the new GoT season but I stopped a few episodes into s5. Great show but the 5th season dropped the ball pretty hard.

No the show always talks about a new king coming up. I'm sure some luck went into the Barksdale's crew getting on top just as there was luck involved in Marlo's rise. He never had to face the Barksdale crew at full strength. Not to mention the police wanted them bad.

The game is the game Marlo really only has two ends to this shit, a young death or jail. These are certainties for him. He gets an easy out and the first thing he does is starts some shit over pride.