Unpopular opinion: Bohemian Rhapsody is overplayed and annoying now. Am I the only user who thinks this or is this heresy?
Unpopular opinion: Bohemian Rhapsody is overplayed and annoying now...
How fucking new are you shit goddamn.
Unpopular opinion: the black album...
sounds too commercial
Unpopular opinions:
David Bowie is good.
you have to go back
Stop being mean to fellow redditors he's most welcome here
he can make a 5th gorillaz thread anytime, we're waiting with open arms
Overplayed? Where?
Lurk more or fuck off
no you fuck off
redditors rule here
go back to pol you bigot
>confirmation that Sup Forums is the youngest board
What are you some kind of dangerous outlaw? I bet you drink coffee, black.
but Sup Forums is where all the redditors are, user
>all these meta bait threads
Have we transcended from shit into gold?
Why in the fuck would you ever put a comma there
What's wrong with black coffee?
he's saying that he drinks coffee and he's calling him black
Sorry the comma triggers you
Queen is music for white teens (namely girls) who think they have taste in music.
i fucking hate Under Pressure tho
they had much better songs like march of the black queen but gamers who only know the dadrock singles will pretend that bohemian rhapsody and a day in the life are the fucking magnum opus of rock music. Queens first four albums are pretty great for that style of arena/prog rock and brian may definitely carved out his own signature style of playing which influenced lots of people after
It turned out to be close to true though
Either from the news break or the meeting with Merkel, it's like it was being concocted. It was pretty close.
it's bait you fuccing ccuccs