So guys I've been thinking

So guys I've been thinking.
What happens when the outside lava on the sun solidifies like it has on earth?
Isn't it going to be dark all day and we'll only have a bit of moonlight at night?

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It's not lava idiot. It's burning gasses.

This faggot never heard of plasma.


>burning gasses
Retard! It's plasma.

Are you retarded?

If it was plasma it would be green stupid. The sun is red.

moonlight is reflected sunlight

Don't play your self faggot.

an ionized gas consisting of positive ions and free electrons in proportions resulting in more or less no overall electric charge, typically at low pressures (as in the upper atmosphere and in fluorescent lamps) or at very high temperatures (as in stars and nuclear fusion reactors)

yes it will be dark but humanity can just leave the lights on all the time and it will be fine

The sun is white.

You have played too much Fallout

I've heard of dog plasma

>moonlight is reflected sunlight
I've been waiting for someone else to have a problem with that

What would win:
1 magma
1 million jews

Lava is melted rock. The corona of the sun is super heated gas which reaches the 4th state of matter known as plasma. Therfore that could never happen. Now let's get back to talking about tits and racism.

Our sun is a hydrogen/helium burning nuclear fusion star. When our sun runs out of hydrogen and nuclear fusion stops its going to get really really big and engulf earth!


Then why does it glow at night when the sun isn't up?

That's what libs want you to believe, so ivory tower elites can get more funding for their supernova "science".

the 1 gorillion

>implying we don't fund the libs because they are the only ones who know anything about the universe and science

The sun is white numb nuts

Have you ever looked at the sun? It's clearly yellow.

Are you actually retarded? Do you think the moon produces it's own light?


It's pink you uneducated pleb

isn't scary when you just can't tell anymore?

It reflects light from all the big cities on earth back to earth

You're looking at it through Earth atmosphere. Try learning science before you speak

Dubbz of truth

He got dubs. It must be true

the sun is really hot so it will take like a thousand years for that to happen

The Suns fake, dipshit. Haven't you ever seen Truman Show?


>Outside lava


Question is irrelevant there is no lava on the sun only magma, specifically laser magma. We realized that when laser magma solidifies it can be collected through the hubble laser mining satellite and we can use it to make 4k tvs.
Basically now that we can harvest laser magma we can watch tv

Wrong, it's used to make ecto tokens so you can enter port phasmatys you fag

Won't happen. The sun is mostly Magnets and the flux they create prevents this from happening.

there wont be moonlight cause moonlight is the suns light bouncing off the moon

>this whole thread

Haha I didnt open it lol.

Fuck this. After reading all the posts I now know less than I did earlier. I'm confused now.

Are you autistic? The sun isnt made of lava. The sun produces light because of nuclear fusion which combines hydrogen atoms to make helium atoms. Also, the moon gets its light from the sun. No sun = no moon light.

You're an idiot.

because of the solar winds?

Dude. The sun is like 6000 degrees.

That's so hot it would melt gold.


While it is true, that the much much cooler surface of the sun is 6000 degrees, inside the sun temps reach in the tens of millions of degrees... and while it is true that 6000deg is plenty hot to melt gold... it's like...

you haven't actually said anything technically wrong, but, somehow, i can't bring myself to say you're right either. Ugh.

Don't worry, Carl Sagan says that will only happen billions and billions of years from now.

>32 posters
goddamn, good job OP.

Lol, looks like everyone took the bait

what the fuck are you talking about

Burning gases are a plasma you doofus

There is no way to make this thread any more or any less retarded. It just is.

Burning is a chemical reaction dumbass. It's just very hot gas on the outside and nuclear reaction at the center.

No one knows what is at the centre. It could be lava