What's next for her career?
What's next for her career?
but I already made a saoirse thread tonight :^(
people are bullying her again
This is the fourth thread in half as many days with the same OP and picture. Uppercut yourself and get the fuck out.
muh dick
>sershposting all day
are u ok, OP?
whatever she wants
she's a top-tier actress right now following the success of brooklyn
that pic is mighty suggestive
why does she look so sad?
do you think Sershei and MEW would make good friends?
Is that a current pic? Has she lost weight user? Cause if so, daym
Not really, she'll fade away soon.
Even Jennifer Lawrence will be more relevant than her in the next years.
my cock in her ass
I cant understand. Some pics she looks like a literal goddess, others she is a fat homely potato nigger
I got better recently, the more I shershpost the better I get
Ignore bullies
Sending her home to her mother all covered in cum.
yes she has an odd face like that
cara is the same way
Still ok, she isn't model tier, but it's pretty hard to look hot with this granny swimsuit
that movie was set over 50 years ago so yeah it would make sense to look old-fashioned
it was last year before she lost the weight
Jennifer Lawrence is more relevant than 99% of all working/living actresses. I hope you realize this.
I still can't believe that this is a boy. But anyway, his music real good.
Nothing since she didn't get Star Wars, what a dumb bitch.
Like you don't want her to have Rey's role instead of fucking Daisy Ridley.
You don't seriously think that the xenomorph chick is going to go anywhere outside of the new star wars?
Only patrician roles for Shersha
Star Wars as Darth Talon
and the role in The Hobbit
and the role in The Avengers
>patrician roles
>the host
yeah okay
Saoisre dont have bf
MEW's husband is a boring Nu-male, her life must be a suffer.
Even Beautiful womans has shitty lives, user.
>bred and trained super-soldier
>tea-cupping her pistol
damn look at those aryan eyes
She can win an Oscar if she puts on more for another role. The Academy gives actors major points for stuff like that.
My wife and mother of my kids
although its not a career, it sure is a job
That's some tip top UNJUSTing
Good riddance, Star wars is a career killer. Only Ford ever managed to recover from it.
>was in talks for new tomb raider movie
>already confirmed for 2 other projects
And Saoirse can actually act unlike Ridley. She was a fool to let that role go, and even she regrets it.
A bright future indeed!
And she survived the host debacle, getting even stronger with a new Oscar nom.
I'll be leaving this here.
She's getting an oscar soon
Don't pretend she wasn't still qt as a chub.
This is the first thing I saw her in. I still want a sequel.
She gets more and more respected everyday, that's what it matters user.
delete this
>ywn drink tea with sersh
Why is she so smug?
Fat, untalented plain jane? I bet she'll have a "great" career.
because she's a big girl for us
it was before she realize her utter failings in the field
Do Irish people really call dancing "throwing a shape?"
>ywn have a wild saoirse being mischievious on your back
why do I care anymore?
Post the webm of her exposing her ass in a car for us to fap
don't post it
Oh Yeah lad, sure
dat moment she said blowjob at a huge interview and made the entire audience uncomfortable
link pls
She's irish, she gets a pass.
Why not? That ass is being railed on a nightly basis by Tyrone or some nu male jewish Hollywood faggot, so you can rest assure your waifu isn't in any way pure.
actually she probably only takes the V these days
>slimmed back down to generic waif
dropped like a fucking stone
7 mins in
So goddamn smug!
noice trips
Why is it OK in America to make fun of Irish, English, French etc. based on ethnicity but they'd all be fired if they did that to a nigger or spic?
Who's the top Sup Forums?
has the irish ever been oppressed? no didnt think so fuking idiot
you know it's all about skin color user.
>I am a total idiot
oh god she's so cute.
A CUTE.......... A CUTE.
Depends on which day of the week we're talking about
>ywn be on NYC so you can wait for her after she finishes her work
Eternal /sao/ general when
If that happens here, you will know for sure you're actually dead or imprisoned inside a matrix
Still think that weight is perfect on her
No, I need to work, study, sleep and interact with real people.
>You will never have a polygamous relationship with Saorsie and Elle
Just die in my sleep already
Looks great in this one, any more like it?
What can I do? (so she treat me like this)
Saoirse is all you need, my friend
The rest is an illusion
Cute, she'd look even better if she gained some weight.
If only she knew
>ywn be sexually harassed by sersha