Is Mr. Robot some really edgy meme shit or actually good TV show? I want to watch some new shows with my gf and wanted to try it but it seems really tryhard
Is it as le nerdy hacker man as it seems or is it a good show for normies?
Is Mr. Robot some really edgy meme shit or actually good TV show? I want to watch some new shows with my gf and wanted to try it but it seems really tryhard
Is it as le nerdy hacker man as it seems or is it a good show for normies?
How about you watch it and decide for your self
it's a good show, don't believe the Sup Forums shitposters.
I wouldn't describe it as "edgy meme shit", but it's definitely not a good show.
>Is Mr. Robot some really edgy meme shit
No, but you are. Read your post back.
The first and last ep of the season have some cringe worthy social commentary stuff but the rest is fine.
really bad first episode
it's a good show but it got popular so we have to pretend to dislike it
im talking about season 2 episode 1
It's my favourite show atm, haven't seen the second season eps yet though.
Don't go by the trailers or you'll think it's reddit kino, just jump in and watch the first season, the first few episodes are really good then it slows a bit.
oh my bad, my man.
I haven't seen that yet.
Blame Ray William Johnson for making it mainstream.
Fuck off OP you retarded sheep, make your own opinion
It's Mr.Reddit, so you'll probably like it.
It's probably the best portrayal of hacking in the mediumalthough a bit fast and they skip the "boring" stuff
its edgy tryhard trash
i liked the pilot and the first couple of episodes then it all goes straight down the shitter
It's not that mainstream, most of my friends have no idea it exists and they're GoTfags and people who loved Breaking Bad.
They actually use this word once to describe it in the decoded documentary.
Hacking is how they advertise it, but it's more character drama.
Especially Elliot's mental state
Watch_Dogs: The Show
cuck drama
and im not saying that to be cool.
he was getting cucked by two women at once
You'll like it only if you enjoyed Fight Club
Good Season 1
Unlikely to be good for the long term, hopefully we get one more decent season
Go enjoy Season 1 though, it's a fun ride
It's pretty good if you're not an autist.