>Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
Other urls found in this thread:
Christ. That's just sad.
>*farts loudly*
My fuckin sides, user.
I just found out it's legal in my state to fuck 16 year olds.
fug I thought 2014 was going to be the worst year for Sup Forums but 2015 and 2016 were even worse
quit bumping your own thread, freak
Who the hell expects life to get better? Idiot.
it was so bad in 2014 though
i thought they would crack down at least, but they just let it get even worse
>190 threads
>This particular copypasta is probably not his only one
>He has others and makes threads for those.
like anybody has quality control. get real.
I'm on Sup Forums nearly every waking moment i'm not at work.
How could i not have seen this before?
He has a shitload. He's a legitimate mentally ill degenerate. Thank God Hiro confirmed all these faggots are getting FBI and INTERPOL nuked soon.
jannies do their job, praise the lord
What did he mean by this?
>FBI and INTERPOL nuked soon
Didn't you say that when moot was the boss too?
You pedo faggot go away
>not a pedo
>full on first page and half of second page full from only todays posts.
>2946 results found.
yeah you did lmao wtf
>all these reddit tears
Hiro in the IRC.
Yes, because everyone who talks about INTERPOL is the same person, stupid fucking pederast.
if 4chin and my stay in IRC has taught me anything it's the absolutely absurd lengths people will go to to get back at someone else.
Still, Sup Forums would not be Sup Forums without cunnybro. One day they'll be gone and we'll fucking miss them.
Ne we won't. Kill yourself.
no, fuck off
>Yes, because everyone who talks about INTERPOL is the same person, stupid fucking pederast.
Nah mate i'm 100% sure its simply you saying that.
The fact that they haven't done a single thing about the guy posting full blown child porn on Sup Forums(going on two years now) and yet somehow you know they've contacted "FBI and INTERPOL" and something is going to be done about these guys is very strange
cunny is an eternal force of nature
as long as there is Sup Forums, there will be cunny
Take me back to heaven, pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease.
Is this the best trio in the world?
No it's not.
No it won't.
Kill yourself, cunt.
good quads
good triples
good doubles
You replied pretty quick the first time mate
whats up now? was I right about who you are?
cunnysseur detected
it's missing a member, tho
good double
>Thanks for the burger user it's mmffff on nom nom snarf it's *swallows* really *burps* good *farts loudly*
Trio: Laneya, Jade and ......... ME
good double
>fighting the love
resistance is futile, my dear redditor
Fuck, the meme magic is fuckin real.
Laneya looks so nervous right there.......... Where is Pivenoma's hand?
Why is everything you post covered in a thick layer of retardation? You're secretly the pedo poster trying to shift blame aren't you? Enjoy the drones that will be coming for you soon.
only they know that...
Why won't you admit you're a fake when all the proof is there?
And sorry to break your attempt at getting the heat off yourself, but I'm not them. I do however use their threads for free "Illegal content" reports when cuck and other Sup Forums tier spam isn't being deleted
Serious question:
I've recently came into a LARGE amount of money. If I were to purchase Sup Forums from Hiro would I be able to see who is posting these threads and send people to kidnap them and then have them raped and tortured by animals on cam for the joy of the rest of Sup Forums or is finding them even as the owner of this shithole way too difficult for one person alone?
Oh, so it's you again. Like I said last time you accused me of this shit you stupid fucking faggot I am not your enemy and we're on the same side. So either you are mind numbingly obtuse and need to loosen the tinfoil on your fat head, or you are pulling a ruse on me and are the pedo posting degenerate piece of shit yourself. If it's the latter I just want you to know that I am going to find you and it will not be quick when I do.
You know how much fucking Sup Forums would cost?
And you're willing to spend all that money, not including for the kidnappers, for some pedo?
I fucking hate this board.
Yes. :)
good double
right in the feels ;__;
This is now a digits thread. Fight pedos with MILFs and digits.
>ywn have a qt daughter like these two, and make money for their preciousness. Buy whatever they want and be the best father in the world.
You're not "on my side" especially if you're the guy that spams "el justo" whilst supporting garbage like sheev.
The person you claim has been arrested is also free and still spamming memes according to his twitter. You're a fake
you couldn't user.
cunnybros post through at least one VPN and/or TOR endpoint/proxy that hides their IP.
It's not possible in practice to get their IPs.
I imagine they've got a scripted setup that can provide them a given window of posting (probably automated through a 4chin pass, paid for by bitcoin) before a given IP is permabanned. When that IP is banned they make some adjustments and start the cycle over again. It's very effective.
does anyone else have any theories regarding how cunnybros and BLACKED posters operate?
Post more BateMan
fuck off, you pedo cunt
get help, at the very least stop spamming
>191 results
For real OP kill yourself.
I'm not him, and I can't help if the justice system fails. I'll get him again. I'll get these faggots too, and just because you annoy me maybe I'll pay you a visit too.
>tfw no father-daughter day at the beach with jade
>dat redditor on redditor violence
i wish jade was my daughter/girlfriend ;__;
You really are the pedoposter calling other people pedos to deflect blame aren't you? Here, have a MILF.
>I'm not him
>and I can't help if the justice system fails
>I'll get him again
You said he was locked up and during the time he was freely posting on twitter and Sup Forums. so unless they allow beaner phones in jail you're a fake
>I'll get these faggots to
You won't considering the ones that own the site and can't even get the hardcore degenerate spammer from Sup Forums
>and just because you annoy me maybe I'll pay you a visit too
I hope so. Maybe then I'll believe you're not a fake
she seems a charming, vivacious young girl, user, but what would you talk about?
It's funny how these threads always play out. 0 replies until it falls off the catalog, UNLESS someone shows up and criticizes the thread in any way:
>stale meme bro
Then suddenly:
>I love cunny, guys I'm crying over a picture of a nose or something
>I feel your pain brother cunnyseur as I often contemplate suicide when I think about the realization that will never get the chance to rub her tummy
>thanks brother cunnyseur, I appreciate it. you must be so smart and handsome
>you must also be so smart and handsome and also a rock star billionaire
>funny you say that because I am. Being a pedophile is totally awesome and cool.
>agreed, only uncool people aren't pedophiles
>we are of the same mindset. You are so great, I think I love you
>I love you too brother cunnyseur, want to rub our dicks together?
>I would enjoy that very much.
And so on. so much fucking autism it hurts to contemplate. It would he laughable if it wasn't so pathetically sad.
And all of these years, you are here, posting this shit, with us.
Remember.......... YOU ARE HERE FOREVER.
Well you've certainly helped ignore the thread....
>You said he was locked up and during the time he was freely posting on twitter and Sup Forums. so unless they allow beaner phones in jail you're a fake
This isn't true. Confirmed for pedo poster peddling disinfo bullshit.
Damn it! She is so smug.
WTF I hate Laneya now.
No, I don't
whatever she wants to
at that age they're full of questions
shouldn't you be in /who/ right now?
In fact: He is not the actual father, just an actor.
>It is. Add him to your collage of pestposting shitposting faggots. He won't see it for a few years unless they allow Sup Forums to be browsed in Illinois prisons, but still.