How come Americans can only relate to a character if they do the exact same things they do?

>He drinks tea, he's just like me a proud English cuck. He even lets muslim mike and nigger nick sleep with his wife, just like me.

Is this a stuff non-Americans will never get thread?

>how do people relate to people like them?

Because Americans are fucking stupid

Most people in America drink tea, beer, or soda.

How come yurops spend hours of their lives every day shitposting about America on an American imageboard

>not understanding the meaning behind enjoying a good cup of coffee
>hating on Twin Peaks

Boy, you sure are miserable.


How come Euros can only relate to a character if they do the exact same things they do?

I don't think anyone "relates" to Agent Cooper. He's an idealized impossibility of a man.

He's the man I want to be, not the man that I am.
Especially when he had such hot jailbait after him.

>tfw no cutie horny Audrey Horne after your horn.

He's a weakling that got trapped in the Black Lodge. Major Briggs is the man.

but Major Briggs is an alien working undercover.

Please. Major Briggs is the single greatest and most upright man in television history. When he completely obliterates Bobby when he's talking about his dream is G O A T


>Character's skin is a different shade than mine

That's what I was thinking. Anybody who thinks they can relate to Agent Cooper is wrong.

The only thing I could think about was wanting to try that damn good cup of coffee.

Don't mind me, just correcting the record.

>James Bond is known for drinking coffee and hating tea

Well he's Scottish, so he doesn't fall for your average British numale faggotry.

This doesn't work lately. Never turns into a proper thread, all the newfrogs post angry replies and the thread dies down. We need a new pasta. Something less aggressive, perhaps.

but Scotland is the most numalish faggoty part of Britain



in all seriousness i saw the pilot but that it should i only watch the first season or everything?

>it's a europoor is too stupid to understand amerikino thread

i love these threads, reminds me of how subhuman that continent is

Oh europoors.

The coffee scenes have little to do with Americans or coffee itself.

It's more of a way for Cooper to ground himself back into reality after being subjected to crime, murders, and other supernatural happenings.

I know it's hard to believe but simple things like this are used as devices for character development and portrayal. In this case, coffee acts acts as a medium between Cooper and the real world.

We don't call you europlebs for nothing.

>the Log Lady was married to the guy that played the main character in Eraserhead

It still feels wierd

Was it just me, or was EVERYONE in that town having an affair?

Don't feel weird, they got divorced.

I generally don't like it when creators play as characters in their show as basically a glorified cameo, but I loved Gordon Cole.

>mfw i'm italian and i marathoned this in winter , baked a cake and made coffee just for 110% comfiness

>punches you both in the face for even talking badly to me

Try again. See how well you do against me.

I'm assuming you enjoyed the pilot? Definitely watch the whole thing. Pic related is all you need. Don't believe those who say Season 2 is shit. It falls very low at times, but its highs are much higher than Season 1.
Also, get the fuck out of the thread because you're going to get spoiled sooner or later.

>ywn watching Twin Peaks during cold winter nights for the first time ever again

S3 can't come soon enough, lads

Why don't you retards stop posting and lurk more? We're trying to get a TP thread going here.

ok thanks senpai. yea i liked the pilot

Every time I try to watch Twin Peaks in its entirety my interest dies right after Season 1. Even that was hard to get through, because the silly and the ominous just don't mix that well for me.

> because the silly and the ominous just don't mix that well for me
In all likelihood, Twin Peaks is just not your thing. That's okay. I think Lynch manages to mix those two perfectly well.

I first watched it over a few weeks of summer- I was unable to sleep most nights so would watch one or two and drink cold beer until I passed out

shut the fuck up faggot

Yeah, the more I try, the more I realize Lynch just makes me drift off. Still, I really like some of the concepts in Twin Peaks, and when it gets dark, I really like it.

Everyone drinks coffee in the west.
Especially Scandinavians.
Tea is just something Bongs picked up from the east.

Oh user, you've forgotten to take your pills again.

I enjoy the darker parts the most as well. The show actually gets considerably darker in S2, in the good episodes anyway. Not to mention FWWM, which gets dark as fuck. I think the soapiness is necessary to balance it out though. Twin Peaks is all about the contrast.

Stop stuffing us in with those cucks, user.
I've had enough of your shitty geography knowledge.

>Brits don't even know they're a part of the European continent

It's getting embarrassing.

I think he was trying to say not all of Europe is Britain.

Every time someone from the US mentions 'UK', I'm half-wondering if they mean Europe.
Same thing with confusing EU with the entirety of Europe as a single nation.

Blame American heavily self-centered education.


nice yurocuck containment thread

look at these queers lol




Reminder: Twin Peaks incorporates the very same red curtain from the red room before Fred murders his wife

Sorry I meant to say "Lost Highway" incorporates the very same curtain from red room