What went wrong?
What went wrong?
It's not the biggest problem in the universe?
>tv thread
okay I'll bite.
Madoff took his "I'm always right, everyone else is inferior to me" persona way too seriously and got his panties in a bunch, then acted like a child on a playground and pulled the plug on the show
This is pure speculation, but I think Maddox was legitimately bothered/shocked by the reaction his cuck video got and was worried about having a Trump supporter on his podcast bringing in the alt-right audience.
What happened?
Honestly we really don't know what either of them are like away from their internet personas. I completely don't want to rule out that it's partially Dick's fault too, think people are jumping to a lot of conclusions to support the person they like more.
Shame, because this was the best comedy series I've listened to/watched, and both of the new shows are far far worse bit still.
"There is literally nothing wrong with being a cuck"
His "I'm always right, everyone else is inferior to me" persona worked before he started appearing in person / on video and it was revealed he was actually a skinny balding Armenian manlet
dick has been doing a segment on every episode talking about how much of a cuck maddoff is
Internet and it's culture changed.
Yea I agree he should have never shown himself
>tfw gneuinely believed Maddox's rage over the cuck stuff was an act to create conflict with dick on the show
Was convinced even the show ending was a prank for the first week, never have I been so disappointed in someone when I found out it was all legit.
He has another podcast coming.
The Dick Show is a 6/10 podcast at best and Maddox's new pile of shit isn't even worth talking about.
Fuck all of them for not being able to work it out, they had something special.
Dick Masterson should be ruling the Internet in light of all the red pill shit that's popular now.
He let a piece of shit like Stefan Molyneux steal all his material.
It was Dick that made women bashing on the Internet acceptable.
I'm trying to find audio of some drama but all I'm finding are shitty podcasts.
he updated too slow, and we forgot about him
the start ep104 of the biggest problem is when the cuckening happens
It's already out.
It sucks.
No he has another one on top of that coming out.
Tim Changzzzz
>Pew pew pew pew
with two massive egos like Maddox and Dick you can't have a crowd pleaser like Tim stealing all the limelight.
Liberals can't stand being around non liberals so they naturally push people away. They don't even realize they do it.
No one even listens to this one. I loved BPITU but have never bothered listening to maddox sinced dick got his show
"people call you a cuck because they just want to call you a faggot"
he's not wrong.
No, this is Sup Forums you faggot
he posted the video on youtube, not Sup Forums, you cunt.
I'm gonna miss the synergy between maddof and dick, but you could really tell in the last few podcast that both were getting fed up with each other.
Cuck is an insult from Sup Forums
That's a bit childish tßh, no point in throwing the baby out with the bath water.
Maddox is still a decent comedian and has a decent podcast in him if he can gain some self awareness about needing a decent foil. His new show is pretty awful but there's still hope imo.
I've always had such a hard time telling how much of their animosity toward each other is an in-character bit, and how much is for real.
I listened to both first shows.
And I know you're suppose to wait a few episodes, let them find thier feet.
But it's obvious that Maddox without a troll and Dick without someone to call out his shit with logic their respective new formats suck.
I think what was great was they both knocked the other off their perch.
>dynamic observed in pic related
yeah i know. it's now the dank new buzzword to mock people.
before cuck it was beta male and before that it was hipster and before that it was emo and so on until you hit faggot.
dick talks all this shit about how they were never friends but maddox is the one that hasn't said a word. makes me think dick is the one who was most hurt by their breakup, he sounds like a women at this point bringing it up everyday.
It's because faggot is what proud gay men call themselves
>dick is the one who was most hurt by their breakup
The problem is Maddox is a fucking baby and a passive aggressive prick.
You noticed how many bits during the latter half of "Biggest Problem" were those crappy claims that Dick was an asshole. How many times he cherry picked for "Dick vs Dick" segments, the worst one being in episode 100 where Maddox just came off looking like a moron. How Maddox actually got butthurt if he didn't win the last week's biggest problem.
Maddox having the nerve to block Dick on Twitter is just so douchey and as Dick noted on the last show saying "It's best for me not to talk about it for Dick's sake" is far worse than telling the truth.
>makes me think dick is the one who was most hurt by their breakup
You're gonna get shouted down for this, but it's a distinct possibility.
Or it could be that Dick genuinely has done something and rather than slinging shit and stoking controversy for Patreon money he's taking the high road.
We have no idea what's happened, stop pretending you know.
It wasn't funny and the guests, hosts and audience were all awkward as fuck.
Maddox has gone down fucking hill these past few years. He doesn't even respond to hatemail anymore.
looks like you made a bit of a typo. don't fret though, i've got you.
>faggot is what proud heterosexual sleeper agents attempting to co-opt all the new public goodwill for genuine faggots call themselves*
probably cause he doesn't get hatemail anymore, who under 40 is sending personal emails?
get a load of this faggot
All I know is it was Madoff who fucking deleted the site and would be nothing but bare audio had it not been for Dick archiving everything.
Also I humbly believe it couldn't have been THAT bad if Sean still does both shows and remains a mutual friend. Only person Dick has seemingly lost is Asterios who is a horrible unfunny faggot.
He still gets dumbass youtube comments and messages. And he probably gets shit tons of hatemail still too.
He's stopped being funny, pithy and relevant and now is just "angry guy is angry, grrrr".
It's genuinely sad to see how out of touch Maddox has become, who was a decade ago a very influential humorist. Case in point the cuck video, or how he was aghast by how more Trump supporters were mad at a dumb image he made than Hillary supporters. Not realizing that Trump has a massive ironic fanbase on the internet.
It's really fitting that his site still looks like a damn Geocities page.
>mfw its an Asterios episode
Asterios had some terrorist bit on episode 5 of Dick's show
>It's really fitting that his site still looks like a damn Geocities page.
I never minded that, I always that went with his don't give a fuck attitude.
He's just stopped being insightful anymore. He's doing E3 round up videos now for fuck's sakes. The next thing will be let's plays.
Nah, you just stopped being 14.
Maybe that's it. It's still bad that he hasn't managed to mature with his audience, though.
No I tell a lie it was episode 4, from around an hour in.
Dick fell for the Trump meme and Maddox didn't, leading to an irreconcilable difference. This is why you don't talk politics with your co-workers.
I truly feel they only associate with Asterios because he's a substantially bigger failure as a comedic personality.
Outside of Podcasting/Internet both Dick and Maddox have only been used by TV Shows as the asshole villain. Maddox was so mad that he made a rebuttal to Penn and Teller years after that one episode was shown and the series had been cancelled.
But damn at least they aren't Asterios, that guy is fucking terrible.
But Dick has always been an admirer of Donald Trump. If he became Anti-Trump he couldn't be the Dick Masterson persona anymore.
>This is why you don't talk politics with your co-workers.
No this is why you don't talk politics with leftists.
Plenty of right wingers are as closed minded to any other opinions outside their hugbox as left wingers, it's human nature to want your views confirmed. Lets not be silly.
Somebody from the alt-right will call you a cuck for disagreeing with the, a conservative will call you a sinner, a libertarian will call you a bootlicker, but a leftist will always try to get you fired.
They are the most intolerant people I have ever known.
Vote up job lynch mobs!
Don't really want to argue about this but you're making the mistake of assuming that internet leftists are the same as all the ones in real life who actually go out and vote democrat, they aren't. Most dems aren't the crazed bernie voters you're thinking of. And there are plenty of times being left-wing in any sense will get you totally ostracised from your family and community in the American south.
As I said, it's human nature to want to confirm your world view, whatever side of the spectrum you're on, am sure there was a problem on the show about this actually
I can't remember what it's called but there is an actual psychological condition that explains how liberals in positions of power will only hire other liberals whereas conservatives will hire anyone. It explains how places like universities became so dominated by liberals because they naturally want to be surrounded by people that think like them.
When that book was written, Trump was little more than a reality television star in the public eye. Only a very select group of incredibly deluded people took him as seriously as they do now, and you would have been considered akin to a Scientologist if you were, genuinely, one of them. No doubt there's a grain of truth in that praise (at least as far as the persona is concerned), but it would be misguided to believe that it carries the same degree of gravitas as Dick's praise does today.
>leftists have a monopoly on political retardism
How's your first election cycle going so far, buddy?
Anyone have a link or torrent to the Dick bonus episode?
I have no idea how you can believe this. I grew up in a mid-sized town in Mississippi going to church and all of the stereotypes and I can tell you without a shadow of a doubt that if I had expressed any opinions not along the party line not only my family but everyone else in my town would have treated me like dirt. All of the jobs that I could get by someone knowing someone would have closed and so on.
To get more extreme look at ISIS, just about the most right wing organisation on earth and tell me they have tolerant hiring practises.
It seems that liberals are more close-minded than conservatives
>leftists have a monopoly on political retardism
That's not what I'm saying at all. People are retard all around but only leftists are incapable of just disagreeing with somebody and letting it be. They get vindictive about it and it will influence other aspects of your relationship with them. They'll start getting passive aggressive with you and blow up your successful joint podcast because they can't handle the fact you support the wrong candidate.
>Most conservatives, most of the time, choose the latter. That is, they stay in the closet to avoid being accused of hating the poor, gays, or polar bears.
Guess I'm just thinking about things from a British perspective, literally none of these things are suggested about conservative voters in the UK.
I'm speaking in generalities are you're trying to disprove it with specific examples, that's how it works. Of course there's going to be exceptions but it still holds true. This is how liberals infiltrate and take over so many organizations, they don't do it on purpose. It's all subconscious. They get into positions of power slowly push out conservatives and replace them with liberals.
If you've ever been near a US college campus or anywhere in a leftist echo chamber online and express dissent regarding LGBT stuff, economics or global warming you'll be treated as an evil hateful bigot
You can be a conservative that's pro gay rights
But do the libcucks in this thread even think it's possible for a liberal to be anti gay rights?
Oh that's probably the same here, but university students aren't who I'd call leftists here (and voter turnout among people of that age being so low makes their opinions almost irrelevant)
Our left wing party is a largely working class union funded socialist party essentially, quite different to the average SJW type, though it's having a bit of an identity crisis at the minute. The party more in line with those views here is probably the Green Party or Liberal Democrats.
You can only complain about every single thing around you for so long before it catches up with you.
Look at Maddox. I mean, really look at him. Does this look like the face of a satisfied man?
Only when he's prepping his bull
I'll never understand how liberal vs conservative in America is so often about social issues, just look at this thread. All pointless tripe about who is 'open minded' or gay rights shit, even now their news is dominated by the BLM stuff. Why does everyone care about it all so much? Or alternatively, why does everyone here care about it so little?
Again, the very fact you hold this opinion is indicative of your complete political inexperience.
The behaviours you're describing have always been the tactics of political extremists when they disagree with someone. Always. In fact, up until around six years ago, if you were kind of the person who uses this board or the internet in general, your primary political detractors were actually conservatives, namely the Christian right. It wasn't until around the time hating gay people became faux pas that these people were forced into hiding, and the new, somewhat progress alt-right was born. However, even though you probably never interface with these people yourself, they are still as much a part of the right as SJW-cunts are the left.
>But do the libcucks in this thread even think it's possible for a liberal to be anti gay rights?
Sure. All you have to do is prioritize not being perceived as racist no matter what above everything else, then you start cucking for Islam everytime a Muslim commits a hate crime against gays/lesbians/trannies:
You need to subscribe to his patreon, but I can give you a copy if you don't want to pay for it
Do you think I want to pay for it? It's $20 a month
he looks like an older, fatter, shorter, creepier, more disgusting, ethnic version of tom green. with less hair
It's $5 a month to get the bonus episode, that's all I'm paying. Less than a cup of coffee to support a decent comedian is fine by me.
I'd buy the episode for a dollar or two, but I just don't like the whole Patreon system and would rather not support it.
>that episode where Madoff tries to argue that that passage means he thinks Trump practices Feng Shui
>Less than a cup of coffee to support a decent comedian is fine by me.
What the fuck do you buy
You are a god and a gentleman. I concede any point I made in this thread to whatever you want.
What's special about the bonus episode?
Well, an overpriced one from starbucks. You get the point, it's not very expensive, though obviously I understand not wanting to pay for it.
It's a pretty good one actually, better than any of the regular episodes of his new show, he explains all the behind the scenes stuff from his appearance on Dr. Phil, good insight into reality tv.
Nice try, Dick, but none of us are going to expend our precious NEETbucks helping you buy drinks for bar skanks. Maybe try one of our other boards, like /Reddit/.
kek, he's literally already earning like $60k a year from that Patreon if it stays how it is, he doesn't need to come on here and beg for more
Maybe it was Dick, but he just uploaded his PPV show for us.
Nice try, Dick, but we all know you are in fact THAT addicted to LA bimbos.
Also, this isn't twitter. There's enough space to fit two lines of shill logic into the same post.
Im not going to waste time typing tbhwu
Denzel new cohost?