Absolutely nothing

It's a prequel and all prequels are shit.

Season 2 didn't have anything as memorable at 1; also didn't end as strong
Still pretty good though
kim is a qt

Filler: The Show

>Pleb Filter: The show


It's better than Breaking Bad.

Thinking that the sprinkles of humor from a drama could make an entire sundae.

He's an awful actor and the dialogue and his little monologues cringeworthingly bad. Plus, all the mike fanservice is really fuckin annoying, unnecessary, and very contrived.

I really like it n' everything but let's not get carried away.


fanservice: the show

They didnt give fans what they wanted, which was watching saul win cases with interesting clients and wacky hi-jinks.
Also no Bill Burr or Huell,

Seriously where the fuck are bill burr and huell??

Mikes character isnt fanservice. Its literally mikes storyline leading up to breaking bad, just like what theyre doing with saul.

Saul and Mike were the two most popular side characters from the show, and they knew each other. Why not focus on mike?

Let me fix what he said. Its better than seasons 2-5 of breaking bad

It's too good for its own good.

AMC needs to shoehorn in more unnecessary action scenes if they want the BrBa audience to stay.

Yeah, pretty much.
Better Call Saul is far more consistent than Breaking Bad was, so far at least.

>mfw S2E8's cold open

Well I'd say otherwise but it's no big deal, because I really like the Saul character.
BCS is definitely showing how he became the dodgy lawyer we see in BB.

Mike would be fan service if they had him in operator mode every week.

Better Filter Plebs

nothing. its pure kino

odenkirk over acts occasionally but he's the lead, he kind of has to every now and then

this show is so slow

especially if you compare it to breaking bad

you can clearly see the writers have lost their touch


Gave up around episode 6 of s1, such a oddly paced show

It's paced perfectly to maintain the Southwestern aesthetic.

Not much tbqh. Go cry over the ratings for the new Ghostbusters, manchild.

Better Change Channel

First season was good and better than BB (since you have to compare them two).
The second season was completely worthless since literally nothing actually happened.

this doesn't work

>this is what amc cucks actually believe

It doesn't feel like the Southwest at all

nothing went wrong, it's better than BB and is télékino along with The Knick, The Americans, Rectify, etc.
seriously I feel bad for "film buff" retards who still haven't jumped ship to TV, I mean you know your medium has issues when you get to a point that you have to pretend Neon Demon was a good movie...the quality of feature films are pretty much on par with fucking video games and anime at this point


nothing happened

>literally every piece of criticism is "it's boring and nothing happens"

is this the Mad Men of our generation?

Season 2 has lots of great moments. Them using the old woman's stair-chair thing as a dolly for the camera was amazingly clever, if I could choose my favorite.

And Kim is a cutie.

its an accurate description of the show
the conflicts presented in s1 are neither advanced or reach a satisfactory conclusion.

bravince decided to pad out saul's backstory and completely ignored all the character development that happened in season 1. season 1 had some problems but it wasn't terrible, season 2 was a joke. not only did vince throw away everything that happened in season 1, but he threw it away in the first 10 minutes of the season 2 premier. he had everything setup for saul to go full saul, but no, instead we need more bullshit related to chuck, kim and her boring office drama, and boring saul offce crap. who the fuck is entertained by this garbage?

i originally expected this show to be a kind of like a dark comedy with saul being a dirty bag lawyer and watching him squirm around. instead we get some shit drama with all the humor sucked out of it. that was the entire point of saul as a character in breaking bad, comedy. that's all gone now.

thanks vince, you ruined it.

>thank creator you did what you wanted with your creation, that wasn't shameful or suddenly political

>bcs is as good as the knick

look at all this shit taste


The finales arent huge bangs which freaks out the reddit generation.

ill happily be tuning into season 3.

>pretending not to like The Knick

a genuine plebeian.

Imagine if that show happened without breaking bad first. Nobody would fucking watch it.

And that comes from somebody that likes the show.

Nothing. It's a great show.

Chuck survived the fall