This is going to make a ton of money because you neckbeards turned it into such an issue. Controversy sells...

This is going to make a ton of money because you neckbeards turned it into such an issue. Controversy sells. It's why Passion of the Christ, Brokeback Mountain, and Fahrenheit 9/11 made so much $$$$

Other urls found in this thread:

Hi nigger you have to be 18 to post here

He's citing movies from a while back, what makes him seem 18. It's what I think too. It's all teh 25 and under that are rolling so hard about this movie to make it make cash.

You see the same publicity and post spamming for Bryan's new movie?

The Sony marketing department made it into an issue and they did their job well

2nd weekend box office drops are the indicators to shit. Opening weekend means nothing especially when there's a review embargo because people are going to go see it, especially with all the controversy. The 2nd weekend though if it has a huge drop then the movie is confirmed shit, no repeat viewings and no word of mouth marketing.

Those movies were all inherently controversial.

A light jhjhearted comedy about ghosts and the women who bust them isn't.

There is a hubub, sure, but we'll see how word of mouth treats the film. Its out today in the UK.

And remember, no China to prop it up.

Nah. They wouldn't have done shit if swamp chins like you didn't throw a fit, it wouldn't have even been made if you tards didn't exist.

oh right, this can't come out in China, can it? What with their fucking weird as shit censorship about no living dead, or ghosts.

In a previous thread we were looking at pre booked tickets in the UK for opening day, Friday and Saturday in Leicester square. Is London's biggest.

The highest we counted was 30.
30 fucking people.

In a cinema that easily holds a couple hundred.


Do tickets usually sell out at this time? There is still time.

Pre sales are a massive factor Hollywood banks on. This had screw all for opening night. Sure, it was a Monday, but it had screw all on any other day too. Even the weekend had the figure of 30.

Its really not promising.

One user posted that this blockbuster on opening day was literally being shown in a screen that held 12 people. It wasn't full.

I see. Thanks for the info, user.

It will not turn a profit.
Movies like this and Fant4stic will teach studios that letting your crew insult prospective watchers is bad for business.

Keep living in your fantasy world, neck beard.

I do not want to see heaps of female reboots. I do however want to see a sequel to this movie because well I am a big Ghostbusters fan and when I heard that Zuul is mentioned at the end credits it got me intrigued to see what they could do for the sequel.

I haven't seen this movie so I cannot judge it as a full feature but this female team has grown on me and people such as Wiig, Kate look really great judging by some clips of the trailers. I also like the idea of the origin story and showing how they all met so I am looking forward to seeing how they handle this.

Whether you want to believe the critics are being forced to write good stuff: majority who have seen it believe that the actors did a good job at being comedic and in their roles so I do still want to give this movie a chance (as well as being excited for Hemsworth's role and seeing how they handle his full on possessive transformation).

Anyway still; I do kind of hope for a Zuul sequel because this may be the last chance we ever get of seeing a Ghostbusters themed movie on screen (even though it doesn't have the original cast) but just imagine the different type of designs they could do for the ghosts (that's if Sony is able to get rid of the blue CGI effects).

The creation and idea for Rowan is something that I admire btw. I have no idea why people are hating it. The original had a giant Marshmellow man and just because this one has the Ghost logo come to life - I really respect the toy figure designs of it (too bad the CGI needs lots of fixing to make him more realistic though judging by trailers). I do wish they didn't incorporate stuff such as shooting him in the dick. Things like this is what they should have left out of the movie.

Is this even getting a Chinese release given that it has ghosts?

Its really beat to wait two weeks. From now. It will have opened in many international am markets but far from all, plentgy more reviews will come in and we'll be able to see the week to week drop or raise from word of mouth.

I think if of really is bad, news of that will spread from Europe and affect US openings and subsequent reviews.

Most likely though, its just average.

the second week for this will be interesting, that new animated film is going to absorb all the family money and star trek will eat the scraps left over

Isn't this usual for a comedy? I can't remember the last time I saw people lining up on opening night for a comedy.

It's released in Taiwan - an island near China

When is the last time you saw a $150m comedy?

Nah, it'll at least do that. Brand recognition will keep it out of the red.


I'd agree, but this is a comedy with supposed pedigree and massive buzz. And noboduynoboduy even interested in it at the weekend...?
That's alarm bells to me.

chinese censors don't have anything to do with taiwan

Fair enough

Has there been a comedy of any budget that didn't either flop or come in disappointing regardless of the reviews this year?

Is it possible to get simmilar numbers for previous films?

On lord, the shill is back.


Budget was only 58 mil.

Dont go see the new ghostbusters

I just want these threads to stop. I am hoping in two weeks they will be almost or all gone.

Probably, but my google fu isn't up to the task of finding pre booked cinema figures from the 80's. Assuming its even online.

I can't believe I forgot all about deadpool, remembering how much zoolander 2 bombed and how the nice guys/cia/keanu underperformed

The Interview too.

Honestly, I probably would have completely ignored this movie if not for all the autism, but now I'm legitimately curious to see how good/bad it is for myself.


>of any budget
No, this is going to be here for a long while. Think BvS. Except now its not just capeshit fanboys. Its capeshit fanboys, poltards and antisjws all together.

Yeah you're probably right.

Well shit.

>feig movie
>no rose byrne


And considering their reaction to TFA's trailer, having a whooping sheboon looming in front of the camera wouldn't exactly endear itself to Chinese audiences anyway.

Yeah, it sucks.
I can't deny it looks bad, I can't deny its another shitty remake, but it never justified the reaction it got. It will at best be average. But the frenzy surrounding it, I would expect hit to do well. But with the booked tickets looking so bad...

Its interesting to see how it unfolds I suppose, but we don't get that. We get children screaming at each other on both sides, never realising its not about the geek market or the social justice market, it's Normie's who have no stake in the online drama who will decide the fate of this.

>final battle is in times square for maximum advertising potential
Why does Sony keep fucking doing this? It's so goddamn blatant.

Its not just Sony.

You are the worst shitposter this board has to offer.

It wont because it won't make it to China as they don't allow ghost movies.

I am sorry for wanting to see a sequel

Nice bait. 8/8

Fuck off shill.

>paid reviews
Its more like oppressed reviews.
You read points like bland action, too much fx, chemestry not good, but than give it a 4 of 5. It feels like these critics would give Pixel a 4 of 5 if hemsworth would star in it.
Giving a better rating because a certain actor is in it is not really honest.
Critisizing the movie but giving it a better rating is more like sugar coating.
And the most here said it will be happen with the ratings.

>This is going to make a ton of money because you neckbeards turned it into such an issue. Controversy sells

Just like how this movie was a huge success, right?

>Isn't this usual for a comedy?

Problem is that it's not just a comedy, and the budget tells the tale.

The reason Feig had success earlier is that comedies have a strong bankable investment ratio; that is, they cost fuck all to make, and they generally earn decently.

The problem is that if you earn 100 mil on a 30 mil movie, you're golden, if you earn 100 mil on a 150 mil movie you won't get much work ever again.

Ghostbusters is an effect laden genre crossover at its heart, it's sci-fi/horror/comedy.
Ghostbusters 2016 cost 150 million to make, and that's not counting advertising and branding which is usually about the same.

It needs to make in the region of 300 mil to just be adequate. If it makes 400-500 mil it's a success.

The chances of that happening are slim to none.

There's like a 60%+ gap in scores.

Except this got good reviews you fucking child.

Why do you manbabies hate little girls so much?




You're not wrong, but then so did BvS early on. Critics aren't objective, and if bad word of mouth, we can expect to see a massive drop in sales.

This fellaMakes a good point. It needs to make a lot of money back, and if its just average, I can't see it doing so.

I'm not saying it should have pandered to nerds, but maybe deliberately attacking them for cheap publicity wasn't a smart move when your film needs all the help it can get.

>You're not wrong, but then so did BvS early on
No it didn't it started at 30%

>Generally like Paul Feigg's work
>Liked the Heat
>Loved the Spy
>Ghostbusters is 76% on RT
>I'm not sure if its actually a good movie, or just the anti-hate brigade keeps upvoting.

Anyway, probably the only time I considered the "Top Critics" % too be more understandable than all the critics. 50% seems fine

That's the only point you can argue?
Fair enough, I can't provide a screen shot, but I can assure you there were higher points in the score early on.



well done

It's gonna make even more money now that it turns out to be a perfectly fine movie and the haters go see it out of curiosity.

At least I thought it was pretty good. Obviously not perfect, but still very entertaining. I'm so glad I stayed far away from the ''''controversy'''' and I don't have to waste my time acting like I'm outraged about my childhood and life being ruined by this movie.

Only if the girl is balding like a 40 year old man.
Just kidding.
We just like to have a good film rather than giving her a mediocre movie she thinks is super.
And feminist-wash a film while the film or the company in itself doesnt live up to more women in the biz.
Its like Disney would make a film about shop labour empowerment and fair paying.

I agree, it's neither good nor bad enough to deserve the amount of attention it got.

it's just another industrially manufactured movie with mediocre actors and an indifferent director

I just don't understand why little girls and boys can't have heroes from movies and TV that are of the opposite gender. So many feminists complain about gender roles, yet this shit happens constantly about females not getting represented by just swapping the genders and having them do girl stuff. As a kid, I really liked the Powerpuff Girls, but I never once thought they needed a Rowdyruff Boys spinoff where they do the same shit but are boys. Can't kids just have heroes of whoever they want, regardless of fucking gender?

Because little boys don't admire women.

>As a kid, I really liked the Powerpuff Girls
PPG are cartoon characters and look nothing like human beings.
Or you're just gay.

>because you neckbeards turned it into such an issue. Controversy sells.
>you turned it into such an issue.

The "misogynistic manchild" bogeyman doesn't exist. The controversy around Ghostbusters (2016) was artificial. It's a proven formula by this point, it's the new normal.

Nice try, shill.
It's going to bomb.

This. Keep in mind, the most vile, woman hating misognyst the media could find to support their narrative was James fucking Rofle.

astroturf marketing =/= "you neckbeards"

Keep living in your fantasy world, legbeard

>the haters go see it out of curiosity

And they'll pull the switcheroo so some other movie gets the money.

Theaters don't care.

Talked my family (5 people +4 or so friends) out of seeing it.

What have you guys done to make sure it flops?

No idiot its meant to be action

Like Die Hard

Weren't the original two movies released in China?



If it wasn't for reactionaries raising a fuss, no one would give a shit about a Ghostbusters movie with women in it.

Look at these pathetic losers trying to votebomb it/

Sony have outright stated they intended to bait people for easy publicity. Don't pretend this stupidity is all a result of the masses and the multibillion dollar marketing agencies dindu nothin.


mao pls leave

>this is the studio that thought one of their upcoming Spiderman spin-offs was going to make 2 billion

>doubting the viability of secret agent aunt may

keep your sexism to yourself

how is that any different from the numales giving it 10s? Don't get mad just because your side is in the minority when you are doing the exact same thing.

I had no intention of watching this movie until reactionaries made a controversy of it. Now I'm too curious not to see it. Thanks for bringing it to my attention.

>Studios do their marketing in house

Thanks for buying into the sony marketing.



The Sony marketing campaign made a controversy out of it. I don't think you should feel too proud and validated for falling for it like the sucker you are.

I'm sure it'll get historically good ratings, on the level of Citizen Kane. Can't have angry feminists demanding your blood for criticizing it.

Dark humor

>Comparing FemBusters to Passion of the Christ.

>2.2 billion Christians in the world. Hollywood does very little that interests them.

>Less than 15% of women in the most Western countries in the world identify as feminists, even less outside the West. Almost everything Hollywood does already gives at least a passing nod to feminism.

Yeah, they're exactly the same situation.

Taiwan is barely a country

Except in this case brand recognition is actually hurting it.

People that love the franchise are some of the most vocal detractors to this abortion of a reboot.

Basically, the only people even remotely positive about his film are hard-core Feminists and the goofy white-knights that orbit them. Somehow I doubt there's enough of them to equal box-office success.

Those are award winning movies.

It's a good movie. Only sexist neckbeards would hate on it.

Because that's not how women think.

Women don't want things of their own. They want you to change your things to cater to them.


I'm not friends with the kind of people that would be interested in that movie. As soon as my wife heard they were rebooting Ghostbusters with an all-female cast she said, "That's fucking stupid. Why would they do that."

That's what you get when you steer clear of psychotic feminists and their bullshit agendas: a normal wife.