Killing off the best character in season two

>killing off the best character in season two

Bravo Showtime

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Jesse was originally meant to die in Breaking Bad season 1.

Now you know

Was really a surprise motherfucker

Jesse was never good. Nor was Breaking Bad beyond Season 01 Episode 01.

Sugar Bates was originally meant to die in episode 1 of Banshee season 1

> Top 5 characters that were supposed to be killed off but weren't

Shame he didn't.

Useless as fuck along with the daughter.

What were they gonna do, have him be suspicious for eight seasons?

no offence but I do believe Jesse dragged the series down in later seasons. His drug friends weren't adding anything good to the show.

I wanted to see more of Walt having to do risky cooking but then Walt's wife got in the way with her 30 minutes of yelling in some episodes.

In the end: the real hero was Hank.

>ywn watch a prequel show with Hank beating down drug users

dexter was literally operating on easy mode once doakes died
What went wrong?

fucking this, he was dexter's true nemesis, his toughest decision in the series.

>logical end point for any series
>let's have 5 more seasons

Bravo Showtime

the daughter was Lucas' reason for staying in Banshee he said.

Better to kill him off when he was awesome tehn wait for teh new writers to chump him up.

>shilling for niggers
>not thinking he deserved to die the minute he appeared on screen

bravo fucking faggot

The way he died was such bullshit too, fuck that stupid cunt.

At least don't blow the load of him finding out about Dexter and then dying so fucking early. Stir the pot for a while.

Come, meme me a meme.

>have a show starring the sexy eva green
>cancel it before she shows her pusy lips

In the novel it's explicitly stated that he doesn't act like a regular human but more like an animal. ALL of his actions are primarily to make it easier for him to do what he does. The series gets a little lost on this.

That's why him and the female cop were gonna run off together

Breaking bad is weird in the sense that most good early characters turn to shit and the mediocre characters from early on really gain more intensity.

Hank being the most interesting in S05 while Walt and Jesse being annoying comes to mind as prime illustration.

They should've killed off the show.

>polite working man with an important job a nigger

dont sully the word and make it lose meaning you fucking retard.

>hank in any season
fuck you

>It's a Doakes thinks Dexter is a motherfucking creep episode