Does Sup Forums play dota? Whats your preferred character and mmr

Does Sup Forums play dota? Whats your preferred character and mmr

3.3k MMR shitter reporting in. Meepo n1 hero

4.2k mmr fag reporting in. Templar Assassin rapes meepo

Garen the Might of Demacia.

4k. Arc warden, if im brain dead like today bloodseeker is the only pick. Love ya Sup Forums :*

dota sux lol ftw

I was spamming treant in party mmr but ive been mixing it up in solos. I just went 19-1 as enchantress and 21-9 as bristle carrying both games

We should party

5 k with main account. Heroes : earthspriti and general support / roamIng. Funktioniert fact: i have an account with 1 mmr soli and 4.2 k Party mmr

mobas are fucking shit

lel you wouldnt want to. im still grinding up my 1kmmr solo

im not a faggot

Not since 7.00, as the new patch gives me literal brain cancer.. just cant do it

I feel you man. I was just under 4k and 7.0 ruined my will to play.

jajajaja ctmr!!! ¿eres peruano? FKER

Ta gets boiled by meepo you anus. 5 meepos = useless refraction. Any shitter with decent micro can net a ta whilst moving out low health mappos

>before 7.00
>nyx pudge lion 3 most played

fuck 7.0 it's so fucking trash.. less jungle creeps, new jungle is shit, harder to fucking fight because of shrines, level 25 memes promotes drawing games out because people "wanna feel strong," dumb fucking talent trees that make it nearly impossible to know what kind of a hero you're fighting unless you click on them and check their talents.... for making the game "more casual" they sure added a lot of shit that makes the game needlessly harder.. 7.0 legit made me quit the game lol, it's not even dota anymore imo

feel ya man, been playing this game for 12 years, stoped for some time and recently went back on d2, after a couple of months new patch made its way and fucked up my will of playing entirely

Just copied Heroes of the Storm too...

Pudge, Warlock and Witch Doc for me fam.

4,8k ember

i found an old dota 2 install from june 2016 i had laying on my old HDD, booted it up.

Felt like a pair of comfy old jeans. Least i can play offline when i feel nostalgic.

Damn. Shame too, last few patches were pretty good. Interesting meta, good comp games. Usually shitty Chinese players in Australia though, but just don't play after midnight and it's fine.

I just play it to piss off the guys that think theyre hot shit and theyre gonna win the game. Went from 3,8k calibrated as support down to 2k willingly. The rage, hate and other things make it so much more fun. If i ever go mid ill win the game with any hero; did shit like carry shen and still won. Also im always spouting that even if they won the game; they will still be stuck forever in low mmr

only time i play it now is to troll with sniper

Also; invoker rubick and pudgr most played and personally invoker is my all time favourite; because of flexiblity.

I used to play only Pudge with my bed shitter mates from Uni, we won every game. Got tired of mid meta after ember came out though, moved to OL and support.

fuck dota

Go back to Fucking Reddit or some horseshit like that.

Pinoy Mid or Feed fucking 3rd world cancer shit faggot playing naked in shitty cheap cyber cafe with ancient setups and network

3k fag reporting, Disruptor top Kek circle pick offs fuck you and your blinks

3.6k. I play strictly support for my stack. CM, Lich, Omni, Oracle, Lion. Ordered by most played.

>skeleton king

clearly you haven't played this game

4.5kmmr quit after 6 years when 7.0 ruined life as I knew it to be.

5th pos player loved practically playing anyone. Earth shaker was 85% w/rate.

Sold all my items oon lootmarket made 800USD in 5mins

He's right Meepo trashes T.A. Better off Ember Spirit

>playing an inferior game
you plebs just stay out of my hon

(Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker)

Jonas, det är mat nu.
Avisst,jag kommer.
Jag ska bara spela klart matchen.
Det är det enda ni gör på dagarna,
ni sitter vid det där Ventrilo och spelar DotA2

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å pushar på å smeker,
med motståndet vi leker
Vi sitter här i venten och spelar lite DotA2
å springer runt å creepar,
och motståndet vi sleepar

I used to rock a 60-70% winrate as Warlock. Just solo queuing. They were good times.

never played a ranked game roast me

Can't decide between Medic and Pyro, I really like to heal people and be helpful, and at the same time I like burning people with Degreaser + Detonator combo. Backburner is also very good in casual, but the main tactic with it it's ambush then w+m1 while they run away. I also recently started playing more demo and it's fun, I usually play demoknight loadout, but when I need to def something I go with the regular loadout.

what a gay

>not playing a stack of snipers

Ironically despite my only ever supporting. I've got an 85% wr as Spirit Breaker with like 50 something games. Don't play him much now.

Someone said I'm spamming? That was relavent lyrics

6.2k mmr struggling to climb to 7k south american servers. I actually hate playing this game but idk I can't stop playing it. Im a midlaner abuser btw,,, SF, storm and ta are my favourite

i actually became a medic main because no one really plays medic because everyone plays sniper or spy so yeah

Yeah, I've got really high winrates with heroes like Meepo, TB, and Ursa, despite hardly ever playing them.
I've got 70% with Silencer too, but I've got like 50 games as him. I always go in thinking "Yeah, I'll support, get mek, wards, rad." By 20 minutes I'm carrying with most kills and mass damage. Used to play a lot of carries in DotA1, guess it's just carrying over.


fag kys

Just downloaded dota

what hero is the best in Sup Forums's opinion?

None. Reddit fag

Are you such an invalid you wrote over the top of another person's reaction? You're just mad this isn't a LoL thread.

Are you fucking braindead

doda3 is a piece of shit game, fuck mobas lmao, play starcraft faggots.

I'm to lazy to do that, stole it off Google.

Lil bit your nigger mom sold me some laced shit

Techies was my favorite hero until they ruined him for a second time. So I guess centaur or Natures Prophet now.

4k hours played, havent touched ranked though so I don't know my mmr. High skill bracket on dotabuff though.

Also fuck Valve. Every time I like a hero they go and ruin him in some way. First bloodseeker, then Lycan, then techies, then Pudge kind of with his aghs change, now techies again.
Just fuck me up fam.

*Too* lazy? Damn, you're just buttmad you're too stupid to play DotA.
Isn't there some nigger cock worship thread requiring your attention, you Jew loving loser?


lycan and pudge by far has considerable been buffed
im not sure if you are too noob or just havent played enough



You clearly joined past their glory days.


I also like the Pudge changes. Moving away from the ags rush with the buffed ulti opens up possibilities for new items.






ive played war3
you have no idea how buffed lycan and pudge are now compared to his past versions


pudge is retarded and pure cancer
everyone is picking him because they think they have 100% hook accuracy

Agg tmre p :^)

Buffed enough to see absolutely no play, clearly.

Lycans useless with his transform time. Pudge just falls off harder than ever.


i'd deepthroat for the warring kingdoms skin




That's because people know how to play against him now.

I think people need to not smoke weed and play Pudge in ranked too.


you are retarded
1st skill buffed
2nd skill better
3rd skill better
ult 50/50
times have changed people know that lycan is shit at team clash and is only good for ratting



I always play high, and I sometimes play Pudge. Honestly, I can have a game where I don't hit any hooks because of the hash. But, other games I fucking can't miss, it's like I'm in super focus mode, hitting you in shadows n shit all the time. Smoking hash and smoking your ass with deceit while carrying wards. I'm everywhere on the map sometimes

I can't stress enough how important blink is on pudge. If he has no blink, then his impact in team fights is solely depending on him hooking the right target at the right time.

2k mmr dazzle or jakiro here ;w;

Here's an advice. Don't limit your self to two heroes, or start a game thinking: I want to play THAT specific hero. See what gets picked on both teams, and pick accordingly.

i wish carries in 2k mmr knows how to right click. it's stressing to watch those carries that just jumps in and not dodging skillshot or using fog advantage

I'm 2.4k been climbing with abbadon. Lost only a couple ranked games with him. Over 200 abbadon games and almost 70% winrate

thats bs
im under 200 games and at 68 winrate and im at 4.4k

about 4.5k. I mostly play support or offlane since I'm the only one in my group that can handle being poor