Anyone here living with diabetes?

anyone here living with diabetes?
how do you add variety to your diet?

my bro got the beetus a few months ago and hes starting to not take care of himself. eating the same stuff over and over is really taking a toll on his quality of life. are diabetic cookbooks worth buying?

mountain jews mostly and packets of raw sugar, raw. some times i drink the water from bottle but not really. sugar tastes good. i like sugar.

Type 1 or type 2?
If hes type 2 tell the fat cunt to get off his arse and get some exercise.
If hes type 1, yes the books are very helpfull in adding variety


diabetes doesnt exist you jew shill

type 2.
the kind lazy depressed people get.

Eat tasteful meats and veg. Know how many carbs are in staples like bread, potatoes and rice. Stop eating sweets instead of as a rare treat and snack on low-carb stuff instead.

Source: I'm a type-1 diabetic since 2011.

is that the sugars talking or are you a dumb dumb?

>how do you add variety

is english your 6th language or what? you stupid fuck, get out of my thread!

>my bro got the beetus
nigger detected

ur the dumb dumb who didnt read the full op.

I mean vibrant tasting shit you retard. If your diet consist only of pizza, fast food, hot pockets and hamburger helper you are fucking up. Look into paleo cookbooks if you are too retarded to have a balanced and varied diet.

Are you autistic?

you idiot, its the same thing as AIDS and zika
its a shill tactic to keep you scared

I have diabetes and I don't give a shit what I eat. I just take insulin for it and check when I need to. If the carbs are fast acting like apples or candy then I take insulin earlier but I can pretty much eat anything I want, I don't see a reason not to as long as you manage. I had 809 carbs yesterday and no big deal. A1c of 6.9 btw so I'm doing fine

Gee that's why my vision started blurring, I had 0 energy and I went to the bathroom every 5 minutes and peeing was hurting. Then I got an insulin prescription and now I'm fine.

>I was merely pretending to be retarded epic troll!

you fell for the placebo effect
haha what an idiot

Replying just in case you actually are retarded and not just trolling:

>not dying of ketoacidosis

Gee, I didn't notice I actually died. Me being alive today is just a placebo effect!

i hope you die

it's called mountain dew withdrawal and it's not a big deal. stop being such a spastic hebrew.

I love you too, no homo.

ironic considering the Lord gave you sugar aids

>drinking the liquid jew, ever

i guess you could do a hand stand and butt chug it, i'm not your stepdad.

so is type 2 worth getting a cook book over?

why did it happen?
cuz u where lazy fuck who didnt take care of your body?
or did it just happen cuz genes or whatever.


Neither though. Diabetes doesn't run in my family. In my case it probably was an infection that caused my immune system to go full retard.

Type 1 here for 16 years,, got the pump, best and easiest thing going,, no injecting everyday,

Have been thinking about getting a pump. How vulnerable is that thing during physical activities like swimming, judo, fitness etc?

Don't have diabetes myself but wife has type 1. I do most of the cooking cause i dont want to eat shitty polish/ german food. Basically you need to make all of your own food amd cut out as much artificial and processed foods as possible. It is much easier to manage that way.

Also get the pods if you can because it makes monitoring easy and no injecting all the time (one pod usually lasts her 3 days most of the time if we dont go out to eat)

You can take it off, Just put the cover over,, depending on the pump, all are different,, mine, I would just take it off, they say a hour max, but you can stay off it longer, it means your blood would start to increase but soon be back down to the standard you should be in

Well I guess I'll just stick to long working insulin and increased glucose uptake during strenuous activities.

I've found it so much better, the waiting list (in the U.K) is long, might be waiting a couple of months to a year to get on it, but ewch to there own

Sorry to hear he has brimley's disease aka the beetus. He needs to exercise. He can all sort of variety there are plenty of good cook books and websites out there. Look into low glycemic index works for a lit of type 2s to point where they become damn near resolved.

I'm a type 1 diabetic with an insulin pump.

As a diabetic you *could* eat like you've always done, you'll just need to take more insulin and do a bit of exercise.

But the consequences will catch up on him. The same goes for Type 2