release date for season 3 of rick and morty?
Release date for season 3 of rick and morty?
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reddit will know
reddit will know
July 26th
Reddit and memey
Only tumblr users hate red and shorty
He's come to the right place then.
why are you looking forward to it?
harmon is just going to poison the writers room with some kind of grand gesture of vain self-destruction so he can continue to be lauded as a misunderstood genius after delivering a creatively bankrupt third season.
The second season finale is all the proof you need that he's gone entirely up his own ass with the premise and will come up short and go way too "high concept" next season. He actually used Hurt as a thematic element in a finale episode, there's no way he walks back from that clean.
I love this fucking show
same best cartoon since simpson
I agree with you brother
good taste
This. He's a one season wonder at best.
Y-you too
Thanks, reddit.
>edgy the character who drinks and is also a genius
>topped with emotional pretentiousness of Dan Harmon
I guess it's no wonder the demo for this is like that fat DnD autist harmon likes to squire.
I hate that man, I hope he ods soon.
Never watched this show but I've heard it is super reddit. Then again, Ive been memed before.
Should I give it a butcher's?
>Reddick & Memety
t. Reddit
I really like Harmon except for his politics. But I absolutely hate his stereotypical fan and I hate the fat DnD autist. He's good when he is dungeon mastering because he knows his place. However, any time he actually tries to be funny or talk about anything other than DnD it is painfully unfunny or just wrong.
When did you last watch The Simpsons?
Because Season 2 is fucking amazing, and so much more than just "funny".
All of the background things going on in The Simpsons is great. Its this weirdly dark anti-authority satire for kids. It sounds pretentious but if you rewatch the early stuff it seems pretty clear.
>All adults are idiots
>All cops and politicians or stars are corrupt and selfish.
>Homer is a dumb average jo but not a retard.
>Marge is doting but not a nagger.
>Lisa is clever but not an SJW / activist ideologue.
There's little that matches original Simpsons, maybe 2-3 season of Futurama.
Rick and Morty is fun though.
See for yourself. Free shit is online, the pilot isn't great, and a few ep in S2 are meh. But a lot is entertaining.
It was a one season wonder
season two had so many off episodes and failed to recapture what mad the first one good
3rd is going to be zombie mode since harmon already pissed off and makes that instead
just like how community was shit after season 2 you can expect the same thing here, idk he gets bored lol
Just watched the pilot, my main criticism is how obnoxious Rick's dialogue is. Do they tone it down eventually?
not in season 1, but you will get used to it
>reddit and meme
damn did you come up with that one yourself? top bantz
How is this series reddit? Rick is a potential pedo and Morty is literally Pepe, I bet he would gas all normies if given the chance.
I wonder how many people never gave this show a chance just because some autists on an imageboard called it Reddit.
>How is this series reddit?
Science and random swear words is literally räddit.
This is the cringiest post I have ever seen on this site
>the reddit sjw nu-male fedora cuck is this triggered
reddit and memey
You manage to top it with the same post
I can tell just by how you communicate that you're a virgin.
Nice trips though.
And it's reddit because of its incredibly cancerous fan base, regardless of its quality.
Steven universe, homestuck, undertale, these things may be good but any association to them draws imagery of hipsters shouting "epic"
Extreme audience pandering
>dance off bro! You and me
Is a good example
what's wrong? you don't want to get schwifmeme and take your pants off and take a = reddit on the floor?
Get schwifty lol
See, I made a joke
who are you quoting?
Shows that you visit Reddit you newfags
your wife's son
Oh man I know I never get to talk about this with people but season 2 broke my fucking heart, I fucking loved season 1 I thought I had found this fucking gem and was obsessed with it but now I can't stand how much hype there is and love for the second season it was fucking garbage and no one talks about it and it's weird
bright side season 3 of bojack looks sweet, it's not as gritty as season 1 of reddit and meme but I love reddit horseman I think it's fucking great
Based on your absurdly surface level reading of what makes the show appealing I'm forced to assume you've either never watched it or that you're retarded
Unity episode is best episode
First season had plenty of really good episodes, I'd highly recommend.
Second season they already started to become self-aware and quit being that funny, with only a couple good episodes and cranking up the LOL SO RANDUMB XD in a flawed attempt at meme-crafting.
I hold no hopes for the third season.
I like Rick and Morty
Don't let Rebbit ruin it. If it was really Rebbit it wouldn't be as non PC as it is.
he's already poisoned it by hiring a bunch of female writers - not because of their talent but because he's terrified of offending sjws
Man that second improv-galactic TV episode was especially garbage. You just knew they tried too hard to please their quote-spewing audience instead of actually making a good show.
at least wait to see it before you shit on it
I've listened to the second season commentary track and its given some insight to how episodes get made. One of the interesting notes was them losing writers to contracts and not being able to re-hire them due to other shows picking them up. Also season 3 will have a divorced Dan Harmon at the helm for the entire season. They talk about Sup Forums a couple of times too, they sorta imply they use a couple of ideas that come from here.
All of you newfag tumblrina fuckers who invaded Sup Forums and are the reason why that new GB reboot will succeed, have the audacity to call R & M Reedit? Fuck you all hard! You assholes don't deserve Harmon's genius!
I hope they brush it off with the council of ricks saving rick, then getting rid of that intergalactic federation shit and returning rick and morty to their shenanigans and misadventures
But fuck me right because they're gonna go farther up their own ass