Is Undoomed Sup Forums or what? Jesus, he rekt that feminist bitch.
Is Undoomed Sup Forums or what? Jesus, he rekt that feminist bitch
I frankly don't give that much of a shit...
What the fuck are you talking about you reddit refugee
>it's another anti-feminist youtuber making videos about him reacting to stupid feminists
>Dude girls are icky lmao
Get laid and you'll completely change your worldview.
>How could I show people that feminists are stupid?
>I'll make a video exactly as annoying and meme-riddled as their videos!
I've always found it funny that these alt-right anti-feminist youtube personalities present themselves as custodians of reasoning and logic against these feminists, but then act as though 18 year old college losers with dyed hair are secretly running the world.
They pretend that they have this unique ability to perceive through the veil of fanatical ideologies, many of them unironically support Trump and think Brexit was a good idea.
>Got laid
>Still think women are useless at most things and sheltered
What now?
try and get laid by a hot girl
Like I said.
He's redpilled bro! You should be thankful he's protecting us from the jewgay conspiracy.
feminst SJWs are icky. Women are awesome.
It isn't over, its barely begun.
I can't take seriously anyone who uses the term "redpilled".
>think Brexit was a good idea
It literally was
>it's a buttburned Remain fag
>you now realise the reason all these feminist landwhale legbeards hate men is because nobody will fuck them
That's the bluepill talking
They are running the world though. The UN for example has a women's issues department, but not men's.
>getting pussywhipped into being a SJW
That's the adult talking.
> but then act as though 18 year old college losers with dyed hair are secretly running the world.
>Not realizing these 18 year old college losers with dyed hair are the symptom of a larger problem.
I agree that arguing with these losers is pointless although sometimes it's entertaining.
The scary thing is that a lot of them are adults.
Actually, the older you get the less of a SJW cuck you become
>complaining about people complaining about people complaining
Where does it end?
U a bitch and u gay
this will be deleted by next week
Just because he interrupts the video every 2 seconds to comment on her looks, shows clips of her in slow-mo and shits on her every opinion and word-choice, doesn't mean he's right.
The thing I hate about these anti-feminist youtubers, is that as much as they like to say how much they rely on facts and reason, they almost always, and yes intentionally, come off as huge assholes by being totally out of the line.
Look, the extreme feminists and extreme SJW's need to be called out IF they're wrong, but acting like the large and diverse group they belong in automacally makes them wrong about everything, is just nuts.
I don't know how people can watch these videos every day. The first couple of videos I watched from these guys were pretty funny, because I think they were super on-point, but soon I realized that these guys will tear absolutely anyone in pieces. Sometimes I do some checking and the people in the videos aren't even necessarily feminists or at least it isn't common knowledge, but these guys go ahead anyway and make a smear video about a ''CRAZY FEMINIST'' or ''HYPOCRITE SJW'' just because they're women and they happen to say something slightly annoying or even genuinely dare to mention equality.
I know it's their gimmick and that's fine, I guess, but people still should realize that these extreme anti-feminists play just as dirty as the extreme feminists.
I guess thats why the people who started it jumped ship the moment it happened.
They got what they and the majority of the country wanted, what more is there?
I give Sargon credit for addressing some other political issues occasionally or for looking at some different feminist books/articles but this "market" is getting way too saturated.
I hate SJW bs but its just a cottage industry at this point that so many people are hoping on. There has to be something else to making these videos to be worth watching.
>Liking girls.
I think both the author of the video and the girl he's replying to are both childish and insufferable cunts.
I can't wait until this movie comes out so we can just get it over with and let it fade quietly into obscurity.
It's bad enough that we get this shitty reboot served to us NOW, after years of getting jerked around by Murray and Akroyd over the possibility of a third film, and the death of Ramis... I mean the disappointment is thick but at least we're used to it from how common it is for shitty remakes to come out of hollywood this days... but then they had to go and marry it to a feminist political cause because of some pet interests of one of the creators (Amy Pascal...) like what in the blue fuck does the franchise "Ghostbusters" have to do with feminism, of all things? Why should those two things, in a logical universe, ever be associated?
It's just beyond embarrassing at this point and I'm already sick and tired of seeing people with their panties in a wad over it, as though anything about this unremarkable and ill-advised remake is even remotely important.
Are you serious